Friday, July 08, 2011

Five Things About DOTM's Visual Effects

The Hollywood Reporter's has posted an article that provides five facts about the visual effects of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Below is the summary, click here for a few more details.

1) The Driller has 70,051 parts (7x number Prime has).
2) Took 288 hours per frame to render Driller destroying the CGI building.
3) 3D essentially created twice the work with the left eye image and then the right eye being rendered.
4) For final week before deadline, all of ILM's render farm was used for movie or 2000,000 render hours (or 22.8 years) per day.
5) "Secret Sauce" used to make images extra shart and brighter.


  1. Wow it took 288 hours per frame for a scene that did not need to be in the movie. What a waste.

  2. :)..exact same thought....all that work for something useless to the movie

  3. you said shart

  4. Shar-T got dem apple bottom jeans~

    And boots with tha fur~

  5. Transformers for teaser poster reveal !!!
    check it out !!

  6. Transformers 4 teaser poster reveal !!!
    check it out !!

  7. A waste?, absolutely nothing will please some of you guys, sounds like i'm at rotten tomatoes, so dam selfish, i want this , i want that, don't like this, don't like that, cry cry cry cry. Absolutely no respect at all for how hard these people work, but it don't matter, nothing but cry cry cry and critisize critisize critisize, i didn't get everything i wanted in any of these movies but i still respect the amount of hard work that went into these movies. Nope not good enough for some of you, nothing but cry cry cry, ya know all this article is saying how hard they worked on these seens and obviosly it paid off, look at the numbers at the box office expecialy overseas. Nope not good enough, nothing but cry cry cry

  8. ILM guys deserve all the credit. Everyone else did their best to fuck these movies up.

  9. ILM always does their best, but it's only on the bay movies that they get this much notice.

    ..guess bay sucks

  10. ILM guys do work their arses off, no doubt, and it shows. It's just a shame that they're forced to work with people of dubious artistic merit such as Bay.

  11. Enough with the unpleasable haters. Get yourself some vagisil for you itching and burning man-ginas.

  12. ILM did a mess thanks to useless 3D gimmick wanted to raise ticket prices that is allowing Paramount to hide the simple fact that there is a -30% viewers drop on Transformers3 compared to Transformers2, but 3D ticket prices are 30-50% higher so they can claim a huge success regardless.
    On Transformers3 a lot of scenes look quite cartoonish, they look like a videogame, photorealism is gone on too many scenes.. simply because they didn't have time to do a proper rendering and finetune everything properly thanks to 3D gimmick.

  13. how about 15 things we have learned from Transformers 1, 2 and 3 (five things from each movie)

  14. We can debate how good DOTM was but there is no debate about Industrial Light & Magic's VFX work on this was simply amazing and anyone who says otherwise is a clown with an agenda to bash the movie.

  15. @Winton Ray: do you work for ILM,uh? You are the one with an agenda here negating CGI flaws that anyone can see in Transformers3 movie. Thanks to 3D gimmick ILM didn't have time to properly render many scenes.
    Just for example the highway chasing/battle scene.. there CGI is pretty cartoonish looking and it's not the only one with some serious issues. There are too many frames that have bad filtering, bad lighting and bad textures. It seems they just included some far from finished renderings, it's a serious issue that ILM had on StarWars1-3 movies and that thanks to useless 3D to raise ticket prices they now had once again on Transformers3 after the first two top-notch flawless Transformers1 and Transformers2 movies.

  16. No, I don't work for ILM Aredo, do you work for Weta Digital?

  17. Rosie's the best visual effect. Like ever.

    She adds a little spice to my secret sauce. :)

  18. What he said.

  19. now making 214 million in nine days isn't good enough , to some that's a failure, i'm telling ya talking to some of these people is like talking to a solid brick wall, you cant get any where with them, this sucks that sucks, to much cgi not enough cgi, if their is one hair out of place thats it it sucks its a failure, i couldn't imagine crying all the time like some of you do, ya know this movie is doing so well dispite all the crying on rotten tomators, i'll be the first one to say this movie wasnt perfect but what movie is!!, their will never ever be a perfect movie, i talked to alot of people who saw this movie and i'd say 80% said it was a blast, the other 20% nothing but cry cry cry, oh my god!!, it's 30% behind rotf, thats it its a failure, but overseas its 54% ahead of rotf, dont matter its a failure, ya know theirs a good chance it could reach 1 billion in its total run, dont matter its a failure, the 3d is gimmick, the cgi aint no good, the movies too long, my but hurts in the chair, rosie cant act , i hate michael bay, and on and on and on, thank god for all the rest of us

  20. I totally hear ya, man. :) I freakin LOVED this movie and I've already securued two tickets to watch it again this weekend with a buncha TF friends who've been big MB fans throughout the years.

    We're guys. We love explosions. haha

  21. LOL at the dumbass talking about cartoonish effects. Audiences freakin' love this movie. The cinemascore is an A and the super good word of mouth on twitter and facebook according to the article I read is good news for this film. The 3D was amazing and am glad they put the effort in for that as it made this film special. Hell I'll see it at least 3 more times just to see it as intended in 3d for the only time I can.
