Monday, July 11, 2011

Life Size Transforming Ravage

Compute146 has created a sweet custom Transformer that takes the Generation One Ravage of scales him to the size of a medium size dog. He transforms to a cassette type shape that fits in his custom briefcase. These are few images, with more here. What you should really check out is the thread where he describes the creation process step by step with images as he worked on it over four months. That can be found here.


  1. thats cool i would buy one.

  2. This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen, I want one, how much? can you do LaserBeak too?

  3. Make me a sensible offer and he could be yours as ravage will be going up for sale soon, contact me on

  4. my uncle is compute146. i have been searching through all his stuff. miss you loads
