Monday, July 25, 2011

Transformers 3 On Top In Lifetime Revenue

Another weekend has drawn to a close and Transformers: Dark of the Moon continues to hold its own at the box office despite stiff competition from Harry Potter 7.2 and Captain America. DOTM now has an estimated worldwide total of $882.4M, passing the previous two Transformers films in lifetime box office revenue. The film's domestic total breaks down to $325.8 million in the US and $556.6 elsewhere. That total makes DOTM the most successful international release ever for Paramount. The continued overseas success accounts for 63.1% of the total as the film still lags behind Revenge of the Fallen in the US.

This weekend DOTM added another $12 million in the US and $62 million international to the total with a big thanks to China's $40 million contribution as the film finally debuted there this weekend. Next weekend is Japan's turn to finally see the movie. At this point it is pretty much a forgone conclusion that Transformers: Dark of the Moon will join the billionaire club of movies that currently only has 8 members.

The question is will Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows beat the movie there considering in its second weekend the world wide total sits at $834.6 million thanks to even greater international success then Dark of the Moon. Domestically Harry Potter 7.2 suffered a huge 72% drop in sales from last weekend thanks to Captain America so there is still a chance that Dark of the Moon will hit a billion first.



  2. actually 882 million

  3. What these numbers tell me is that the transformers franchise is a powerhouse and will be around for a long time, and in my opinion as a hardcore trans fan that's just awesome, there will be another movie and weather or not bay will be back remains to be seen, i personaly dont hate bay or his movies but i do believe its time for another director, i'm done with bayformers, its time for another direction because theirs just so much out there in the trans universe that hasen't even been mentioned yet, it just goes on and on, that's why i love transformers so much theirs just so many different directions you can take the franchise and its always exciting.

  4. Who is this guy? TFLAMB? Why is he always worring about DOTM's competitors? As long as Transformers 3 does well and hits a billion, then everything is okay. And I am excited for it to hit a billion. But why is this guy worring about whether TF3 or HP7 will make it to a billion first? Give it a rest, really! TF3 will make movie of the year, because the HP movies always start off strong and then fall flat on their face. But TF movies stay strong the whole time through, believe it or not. You'd think all of the Harry Potter films would've made it to a billion by now but the only close was the first film. And looking it's 72% drop, i probably will only make it to a billlion where Transformers will make it a little over a billion.

  5. Who is this guy? TFLAMB? Why is he always worring about DOTM's competitors? As long as Transformers 3 does well and hits a billion, then everything is okay. And I am excited for it to hit a billion. But why is this guy worring about whether TF3 or HP7 will make it to a billion first? Give it a rest, really! TF3 will make movie of the year, because the HP movies always start off strong and then fall flat on their face. But TF movies stay strong the whole time through, believe it or not. You'd think all of the Harry Potter films would've made it to a billion by now but the only film close was the first film. And looking at it's 72% drop, it probably will only make it to a billlion where Transformers will make it a little over a billion.

  6. Potter is mainly ahead because it's literally seen more theaters. It's open screen numbers are very much higher than TF3 and even higher than TDK.

    No surprise it opened big and is now slowing tremendously.

  7. This is great!

  8. This is great, however, I don't understand why the US numbers are half what they are overseas? Higher prices, more theaters, better critics thus leading to more viewers/fans?

  9. Potter couldn't even stay afloat for one weekend. It got beaten by Captain America. ROTFLMAO.

  10. Martinus Prime7/25/2011 2:20 PM

    @anon 12:56 PM
    Yes, I think in Europe tickets are more expensive I believe, there'll probably me more theatres. But the main reason is, believe it or not, the rest of the world(Europe & Asia mostly) is a lot bigger than the U.S.

    Happy to see DOTM does so well. I'm gonna watch it again next week. Also can't wait for a new TF movie, but that's a long wait, minimum of 2 years.

  11. I have never watched a Potter film (no interest in wizards), but find it interesting to see how TF:DOTM stacks up against its competitors. As the race to a billion involves TF:DOTM, it makes sense that it should be covered here.

    TFLAMB really does need to learn how to do something with stupid troll commenters after several years of hosting this blog.

  12. I think its utterly ridiculous TF3 just recently opened in China and hasnt even opened in Japan yet. so stupid. if they opened two weeks ago it would be over a billion right now easy.

  13. I'm just excited to see that dotm is definately holding its own and is going to do very well and thats all i care about right now, because it guarentees a new movie and thats exciting, who's going to man the ship from hear remains to be seen and thats also exciting, so theirs plenty to be excited about for the transfomers franchise, and now theirs plenty to talk about for the future of transfomers, god knows we got plenty of decepticons and autobots that haven't even been mentioned yet, i dont know about you guys but i'm pumped up inflated and in orbit

  14. TF4 will come for sure! ;)

  15. Anonymous said...
    Potter couldn't even stay afloat for one weekend. It got beaten by Captain America. ROTFLMAO.

    7/25/2011 1:34 PM

    I agree. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Screw Harry Potter. I don't mind seeing TLAMB post HP vs DOTM money stats. Watching DOTM topping a billion in the face of HP makes the victory that much sweeter. I'm ecstatic that DOTM will top $1 billion. It deserves to. Hopefully this will bode well for future movies. As a billion dollar franchise, I can't imagine that these guys won't exploit the crap out of it.

  16. Harry potter again? wtf, we have more than enough to talk about with transformers, i'm very happy with the success of dotm, if you loved the movie or hated it its all good because ultimately it keeps the franchise alive and strong and thats great for all of us trans fans and you know trans 4 is comming wich is also great for transformer sites and merchandise, so these box office numbers are really awesome for alot of people around the world, transformers are not going anywhere any time soon with or without bay.

  17. Hey TFLamb you might want to post that TFDOTM just broke the IMAX launch sales record in China...3.7 million in IMAX the biggest ever in that country..

  18. Maybe next time you should mind your business if you don't know what is exactly going on!

    Excuse me everyone for that. I'm sorry.

  19. "Anonymous said...
    I have never watched a Potter film (no interest in wizards), but find it interesting to see how TF:DOTM stacks up against its competitors. As the race to a billion involves TF:DOTM, it makes sense that it should be covered here.

    TFLAMB really does need to learn how to do something with stupid troll commenters after several years of hosting this blog.

    7/25/2011 3:39 PM "

    I'm new here and didn't pay any attention to how long he's been hosting this. I wasn't trying to make him stop his post. Because he is doing good and it looks as if he gets a lot of viewers. But you don't even know him or me so you can't call me a troll commenter. I wasn't even offending him. I just said that I really didn't like how he keeps comparing the two constantly. I mean if you go over to a blog like, you won't find the host of that blog, named MV, criticizing Transformers and saying how it should be more like Harry Potter like TFLAMB did in his other post. MV compared HP and TF once and didn't criticize the two at all. And the fact that this is a Transformers blog...who would wanna come here again? Maybe you some other people, but he's losing a lot of viewers because of it. I'm not saying he has to compliment Transformers and criticize Harry Potter (because I like both and wouldn't want either criticized) I'm saying he shouldn't criticize the other and bash on the other like he did in his other post. And he criticized Transformers. But we come here for Transformers news not Harry Potter news. So I'm confused.
    So I wasn't, trying to bring down him or his blog, but I am very disappointed that he compared TF and HP and said HP was the better and trashed TF DOTM. If wants to do that so much, than he can go create a Harry Potter blog and do that over on that blog. It makes no sense. So that's why I was writing that way, because he already got on my nerves enough. And I think this was a great blog in the past and it's hard to move away from it, but that's the truth and if you have a problem with it than just don't say anything to me, alright?
    Sorry for my little rant and troll attitude.

    Excuse me everyone for that. I'm sorry.

  20. "Potter couldn't even stay afloat for one weekend. It got beaten by Captain America. ROTFLMAO"

    and DOTM was beaten by Potter....your point being?

    and as for the troll ....go to whatever site you want to go ..if you have a problem with its content go start another site where you can fabricate whatever it is you want to ...

  21. "and DOTM was beaten by Potter....your point being?

    and as for the troll ....go to whatever site you want to go ..if you have a problem with its content go start another site where you can fabricate whatever it is you want to ..."

    My point was that Potter couldn't last more than one week at the top. It got beaten by a second tier superhero movie. DOTM was number one for two and a half weeks. So was Thor. Go suck HP's dick and play with your magic wand, HP fanboy!

  22. come on guys, we should all be excited about the success of the transformers franchise period, just dont talk about potter, its that simple, clearly it agravates us trans fans, why would i want to talk about potter when i got the whole transformers universe and all the speculation about a new movie, new director, new decepticons, new autobots, and who knows maybe a war on seibertron, i dont know about you guys but thats all i want to talk about, like how about a movie with a huge space war and maybe include the ocean, i've seen some awesome concept art involving battle ships and submarines transforming into some nasty decepticons, and the list goes on and on, god i truly love the transformer universe because it can go in any direction, not to many franchises have that much diversity, transformers universe is truly unique, i would imagine a whole shitload of directors would want jump on this franchise and someone will, i wonder who it will be?

  23. "Anonymous said...
    "Potter couldn't even stay afloat for one weekend. It got beaten by Captain America. ROTFLMAO"

    and DOTM was beaten by Potter....your point being?

    and as for the troll ....go to whatever site you want to go ..if you have a problem with its content go start another site where you can fabricate whatever it is you want to ..."

    Ya see this is probably TFLAMB again! I caught him calling someone else a gay dick in his other post, under Anonymous. That's a horrible impression on new viewers to his own blog, and a horrible impression on the person he really is. Basicly what he is up there is a fake and when he is under Anonymous he is his real self. What you do when no one is watching or what you do online when no one knows is who you really are! He was probably the one who called me a troll commenter.
    If anyone understands what I'm saying please help my case. Because I'm not trying to trash TFLAMB or bring him down, I'm just giving my opinion about what he has been posting recently and how it really bothers me. I'm a huge Transformers movies fan, and I get really worked up when people criticize MB's TF movies. So I'm sorry if I get over the top, please excuse me. But when people call me a troll or a horrible name like that, who don't even know me just because I'm stating my opinion, which they don't like, really hurts me. It's like I can't even say anything without getting insulted. Insulted for nonsense! You guys don't even know me, and you're insulting my opinions, the way I think, and me because I am sticking up for Transformers Dark of the Moon. Anonymous 7/26/11 7:44pm is right. Where are the Transformers fans? It's sad that arugments like this are occuring between Transformers fans. I mean we all love the same thing. But for me to be called a troll from people who don't know shit about me, is just hurtful. And it's because I'm stating my opinion! I get it if I came off nasty in my first comment (7/25/11 8:52 am) but I have a reason for that I already explained in my second comment. So please if you would just stop the stupid name calling. I didn't do anything to you, and I even said I wasn't trying to bring anyone down. I was just stating my opinion.

  24. When is Box Office Mojo gonna update their site??? I have been waiting on the new results since last week and they still can't update the damn site. Im sure DOTM is at 900mil by now. And it will get to 1bil with or without USA. "It's our fight now" - W. Lennox.


  25. transformers just went over 900 million, 1 billion is in sight, dotm will go past 330 million this week in the states, more money = more movies = more popcorn = more butts in seats = franchise powerhouse

  26. yeah i agree with Austin! whoever is calling him a troll commenter is basicly not listening to what he is saying, and just wants to continue to start and arguement. Austin said he wasn't trying to bring anyone down or start something. and I remember seeing the comment in TFLAMB's other post, when anonymous called someone a gay dick, and referred to the posts as "my post" and "in my other post" so I believe that it's TFLAMB who is here commenting under anonymous so no one knows its him. and so he can curse out a bunch of ppl/ in my opinion, that's just plan out sad! and for anyone who is calling Austin a troll commenter who doesn't know him, is being a cyberbully. if you don't know what a cyberbully is look it up. so im with Austin! :)

  27. Somebody get Austin's mummy , he's having a meltdown

  28. I just saw on Box Office Mojo that DOTM is at $926 million. Japan is having their T3 release this weekend, so really we should be hitting the billion dollar mark in about a week, if not sooner.

  29. 3D tickets prices outside US are 30% to 50% higher than 2D ones. If Transformers3 ends up at up to $1.2billion it would mean just the same number of viewers of Transformers2. Anything less would mean less actual viewers.
    But Paramount marketing machine will just keep telling $1billion mark was passed as if the movie got an higher success than the previous two when actually it highly likely won't.

  30. time to get excited trans fans, she's gonna break a billion, trans4mers is comming!!

  31. dotm is holding its own, and had plenty of butts in seats for a third movie, maybe not as much as the first two, but its definately a massive blockbuster, and did pretty dam good over seas with or without 3d ticket prices, look what it did in china, broke records and destroyed avater by 72%, so it lost some and gained some but its a massive blockbuster period, and totaly successful for a third movie and a fourth movie is likely with or without bay.

  32. Why is it taking so long for the US gross? It's soooooooooooooo slow, c'mon America you need to watch more Transformers!


  33. "Anonymous said...
    Somebody get Austin's mummy , he's having a meltdown

    7/28/2011 4:30 PM "

    LOL that's actually funny!

  34. Th e inadequate in Myrtle beach just started showing transformers 3d yesterday and its packed. I believe its the lack of inadequate theaters. My 3rd time seeing it was even better in imax!!!

  35. right now tf3 is at 938 million without forgein sales since july 27th. harry is at 948 million with foregin sales. so if any of you tf3 haters have the nerve to say hp is doing better than tf3, you're just stupid. tf3 has more than hp7, but the forgein tickets sales from thursday, friday, or today, havent been counted yet.
    japan should have boosted tf3 way high, but the foregin sales havent been counted. just thought i should point that out. cough cough TFLAMB cough cough

  36. TF3 IS AT 982 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #9 ON LIST OF HIGHEST GROSSING FILMS OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!! HARRY IS AT 963 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!! TF3 IS DOING BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOST 1 BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  37. man, cant we stop with potter already, good news dotm now stands at 982.8 million worldwide, woo hoo!! trans4mers comming!!

  38. too late. HP 7.2 hit 1 billion first...

    TF3 was just about 20 million short.

    Either way. Im still waiting for the next wave of figures to come out. Theyre taking abitlonger than expected
