Saturday, July 09, 2011

Two Dark of the Moon Critics Spots has posted two new TV spots that quote various publications for what postive comments they had for Transformers: Dark of the Moon.


  1. Kinda pathetic Paramount marketing tactic,indeed.
    Over 90% critics reviews for Transformers3 have been all negative and Paramount and Michael Bay keep producing promotional videos showing only 10% positive reviews?

  2. Was that Jon 3.0 In the second ad ?

  3. Yeah... The quote saying the best summer movie in years... Is quoted from the guy that does traffic reports on our local morning news in Minneapolis.

    Take it as you will.

  4. Why can't Bay masturbate in Private?

  5. hahahha...thats the worst bunch of lies i've heard in a long time...and the comments so far have been brilliant

  6. Critics dont like movies anyways. Whats the point in listening to them? Unpleasable douchebags.

  7. Roger Ebert said Knowing was one of the best sci-fi movie ever made.
    He and some other critics believe they are a part of Hollywood because editors and tv producers are still under the incorrect impression that mainstream movie audiences give a shit about what they think.
    Most critics are so out of touch with what mainstream movie audiences want to see. They think all movies should be made to their dated standards, clearly they are wrong.

  8. BTW, Knowing wasn't even Nic Cage's finest film, that would be Honeymoon in Vegas.

  9. No, 90% of the general audience like the film, while critics are speaking BS cause their so STUCK UP!

  10. ^^^only 57% of critics gave Transformers(2007) a favorable review...WTF? And yet 78% gave Fast 5 a favorable review.

  11. That is because movie critics look at movies like books. They are not, and cannot be judged the same way.

  12. "Knowing" was a good movie. But it wasn't a summer blockbuster movie full of insane excitement and manly action.

    Just came back from my fourth time with one of my TF buds and we're sooo freakin' pumped about it again. Screw you haters, we're bustin' out the summer barbecue steaks on the patio deck and talkin' up a storm about how the movie went. Cuz that's how we ROLL.

    You can berate the movie all you want. But that doesn't distract any of us ACTION-HUNGRY dudes from invading the theaters for more of WHAT WE WANT.

    Rosie's ass is hot too. Just sayin'

  13. Paramount marketing machine desperately trying to sell Rosie Huntington-Whiteley ugly face topmodel for Michael Bay's worst movie to date.

  14. Long Live This Blog!7/09/2011 7:56 PM

    When i first saw this movie, i agreed with the review that you(The amazing guy who runs this site that i been reading every day since they started work on Revenge Of The Fallen) But i just saw it for a second time last night, and while not what i was expecting it to be the first go around, found it to be a very great movie. Actually still the best i seen all year as of yet. I say if anyone was a not as happy as they thought they would be the first time, see it again. Even if it's when it comes out on DVD. Watch it for what it was, a great, fun, action movie with a better plot than the last film, even though i did enjoy that one for the most. I find with movies, or CDs or anything, more than one view or listen is better. There was a lot of things i missed about the movie the first time that i saw it, and the second time around i noticed things that made it better. I think critics should have to watch a movie like 2 to 3 times before the review it. lol But hey, not everyone will like it better the second, or even 3rd time, but i think it's still an awesome movie, and worth another watch. :)

  15. Long Live This Blog!7/09/2011 8:02 PM

    Me again. I forgot to say that to the people who hated the last one and are not sure about this one, i have a good friend who HATED Revenge Of The Fallen, and said that Dark Of The Moon kicked ass, and thought it was the best of all 3. Just see it not expecting it to be the greatest movie ever, and you might enjoy it. :)

  16. Going to my 11th showing tonight. A new record for me. Tried to get in for the sneak peak of HP8 tonight on base, but showing up 2 hours earlier didn't cut it. No more tickets. The sneak peak was free, so I was hoping to see it without contributing to knocking Transformers off its pedestal. If that line was any indication (people had been there all day, wtf?), HP will blow Transformers out of the water. :o( I'm hoping one last week before HP and the premier in China and Japan will help boost the bottom line of Transformers. Maybe Transformers should have opened a week earlier? That was probably why Paramount decided to release Transformers earlier. Glad it didn't come out the same weekend as Harry Potter. The mobs between both movies at the same theater would have sucked.

  17. Uhm, guys
    check it out

  18. @Long Live This Blog!: that friend of yours must be a Paramount employee indeed like you.

  19. @Long Live This Blog! 7/09/2011 7:56 PM: Paramount plant at work... indeed.. It's not that a movie gets better by re-watching it and all its flaws,issues and mistakes magically disappear.
    So,please stop pretending to sell the movie.

  20. Would you stop it already, calling people who liked the movie paramount plants, you just sound so silly, its time to get out of your pajamas, crawl out of mummies basement, put the slurpy down and join the rest of the world. If you are really doing research on all these reviews from these so called critics, you will find plenty of positive reviews, you cant just look at rotten tomators, while i agree most of these so called critics didn't like the movie, what else is new, they hate bay with passion, because bay will never ever give them what they want, we all know that by now. Its funny that the troll on here is so worried about what ebert and his crew thinks but he could care less what we the people think, well 90% of the people who seen the movie liked the movie and thats why this movie will make 1 billion worldwide. That pretty much says it all doesn't it, numbers dont lie and bay will leave this franchise strong and stable.

  21. @Anonymous 7/10/2011 8:10 AM: 90% of people liked the movie based on what? RottenTomatoes tampered with public results? Paramount marketing machine at work skewing numbers on rating sites to fool more and more people into watching the worst Michael Bay movie to date.
    Transformers3 is a bad product. The first two were excellent but this own shows only how much lazy Michael Bay, Paramount, Jablonsky, Linkin Park and ILM have been. All their work is really low quality. They stole investors money and they are now ripping off viewers/customers. Too bad there are plenty of fools giving them money. Next movies will be even worse, they won't care about putting proper effort anymore thanks to "the power of the people" that pay regardless of product quality.

  22. Wow, thats a first, you think rotf was excellent but dotm sucks, so now your going to base your decision on rottem tomators, what is their 250 reviews at most by the so called critics, when there are millions of people all over the world who said they liked it, and thats the dumbest question i ever heard, based on what?, what the fuck do you think man, they gave it a cinama score of an A, now what does that mean, that means they were asked a simple question did you like the movie or not, i'll let you figure out the rest. So i guess you will decide for the rest of us on weather bay is lazy or not, weather jablonsky sucks or not or that the next movie will suck or not. And calling people fools because they went to the movie is an insult.I dont give a shit about paramount , what is this paramount obsession, e-mail them, write them a letter or call them, do something, I do agree with you that these commpanies are all about money, but thats no big suprise, shit i want to make millions my dam self, its called the free market not some conspericy theory. And yes we the people will decide for ourselves if this is bays worst movie to date and if its a poor product thank you...POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!

  23. @Anonymous 7/10/2011 10:00 AM: you are just a marketing sheep fool. "power to the people".. what? Do you live in '68 dreamland under drugs perhaps?
    It's only marketeers that have power. Whoever trust review sites scores to pay for a movie must be plain dumb and deserves to lose all his/her money wasted on garbage products, indeed.
    Marketing people love dumb guys and gals believing all the fake numbers they can pay for on so called reviews and critics sites along with fake Nielsen numbers for tv show.
    Keep dreaming to live in a dreamland that doesn't exist if you wish to be a slave.

  24. Great...the douchebag trollsters are out int force. I really dont think even their mother could love them.

  25. It is possible to fall in love with a movie? Hum! And no, I don’t work for Paramount! I do agree that you need to see a movie at least a second time to fully appreciate and it is better the second time. I think that’s because the first time you have too many things to look at and you miss things that get the flow of the story confused. That’s how it is for me anyway. I went to my fifth showing yesterday in IMAX 3D and it is so awesome. The transformations in IMAX 3D are mind blowing! I haven't seen a movie that provides intense excitement and wonderful action at the same level as this one in a long time. I’m very happy that the movie is doing that well at the box office.

  26. @Jedi Five 7/10/2011 12:15 PM: oh please.. a movie doesn't get any better watching it multiple times. And Transformers3 CGI on transformation sequences, the fight scene on the highway and many others look bad rendered, with bad textures that it's not photorealistic at all. ILM didn't have time to complete it properly and it shows. It far worse than what ILM achieved on the first two movies. Thanks to 3D gimmick that Paramount is using to raise ticket prices and now allows them to hide a 30% viewers drop simply because 3D ticket prices cost 30-50% more than 2D ones.

  27. This was a fantastic movie. I just saw it last night in 3D and man, that awesome. It had some great G1 elements thrown in and the story was easier to follow than the second and had some of the elements that made the first one good. This was definitely the best of the 3 movies. Thanks Hasbro for a great trilogy. I hope we get another one very soon. Throw in some animated movies based on G1 until a new movie and you'll keep me happy, that's for sure! Despite some criticisms of not enough TF interactions which I agree with, overall, I still enjoyed the screen time they did get. It is sad that no focus was giving on Ironhide and what happened to him but he didn't get that kind of love either in the animated movie either. I hope we get another movie soon and if with a new director and new actors, thats fine with me. I wouldn't mind a reboot but then again, I think there's enough mythology and back story to move on to a 4th without skipping a beat. I saw the movie in 3D, now I have to go back and see it not in 3D.

  28. Now imagine if everything you missed the first time around, aka action sequences, had been paid close attention to so that it was a separate action sequence, so there was not a chance to miss it, given its own time, and useless cameos and dialog were eliminated. There were moments when Dino and Sideswipe had awesome sequences, but so far off to the side or in the back you couldn't see them. Half the people i know who saw it missed the Wreckers taking down a Constructicon just before Ratchet and Bumblebee took out the pillar. And in the Driller fight in the begining Prime's action sequence was OFF CAMERA!

  29. @ Anonymous 7/10/2011 1:46 PM
    A lot of people, including myself really liked DOTM. If you didn’t that’s alright.
    Everyone's entitled to express their own opinion, that's what these comment sections are for. It's the times when people disagree that we can have a healthy debate.
    Rather than having a fun, civil debate you prefer to insult people or accuse them of working for Bay, Paramount or ILM.
    Is it because you feel so insecure about your own opinion?

    You quote anonymously but we know who you are; we've been reading the same comments for 14 months so now we recognize you by them. I remember several people identifying you as “Aredo” from IMDB.

    If DOTM has been so very terrible to follow in its production and now to see as a finished movie, why for the last 14 months have you continued to visit this and other transformers related blogs?

    To imply that anyone who likes DOTM only does so because they've been fooled by Paramount's marketing is especially ridiculous as it's the same thing people like Roger Ebert have constantly said about the people who made Transformers and Revenge of the Fallen so successful. They make the implication that anyone who enjoys these movies is of low intelligence.
    Are you OK with being called stupid or dumb because of your taste in movies? I’m not.

    To think Paramount controls the user reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo Movies, IMDB, Box Office Mojo, Fandango or Movie Tickets.COM is laughable. I'm a member on some of those sights, I have yet to get a check from Paramount.

    It’s sad the way you have referred anyone who likes DOTM in 3D "a sheep or a slave". It shows a complete lack of respect for the people those terms are aimed at and for your self as well.

    I know you'll respond to my post with insults and that's ok. Hopefully it will be something original and funny.

  30. I really enjoyed the whole conspiracy plot and the surprising twists and turns. It was a lot more interesting to me than ROTF (not to say ROTF was bad, I just enjoyed DOTM more).

    The action was a lot easier to follow and the slow-mo sequences were really funny and awesome at the same time. As usual, it's a fast-paced action movie that went at MY SPEED. So I dunno, maybe those who missed a lot of things the first time around aren't very good at paying attention? To anything? They probably got a D or F in English or something. I dunno. haha

    I mean if this movie is bringing in a ton of hungry action-adventure theater-goers then that probably says something about the snail-brains out there who can't keep up with the 21st century.

    Just sayin'

  31. Ya know its kind of hard for a third movie like this to even do this good period, so there are less people seeing these movies and the attendance is down quite a bit in general for all movies this year. I just get a kick out of people who say this movie is a failure because the attendance is down, this movie is an incredible success by anybody's standards, even the media is now saying this movie is doing alot better than they thought it would ever do, they are now saying it will probably earn 360 to 370 million domestically and has an even better chance of earning 1 billion worldwide now, geese! even if you took 30 million off the top to make the trolls happy it would still be a success story, its a big huge blockbuster, with a built in audience not unlike lotr, spiderman,pirates,starwars,h potter, batman and a few others in that catagory, so its always going to be in that 300 to 400 milion range even if the trolls hope otherwise, too many people just love the transformers world, how ever i do believe they should take a good break and leave it alone for at least 4 years and let all the technoligy get caught up because it will be an even greater experience, think about it, we got the hobbit comming and avatar and possibly even voltron, the competition will be awesome

  32. Long Live This Blog!7/10/2011 5:06 PM

    lol Wow that's funny people think cuz i liked this movie the second time around means i work for Paramount. Or that my friend who hated ROTF but loved DOTM after only seeing it once, means he too, works for Paramount. Whatever people wanna think is kool. Truth is, i enjoyed it more once i watched it again. No skin off my back if people don't wanna believe me, or if they hate the film and don't want to watch it again. Just posting my thoughts on it, like all of you. Odd though, that just cuz someone in a comment says they loved the movie means it must be Paramount workers are behind it. Did you ever stop to think there are people who did actually like this movie? I could care less who hated it. I was just posting to anyone who wanted to like this movie and weren't sure about it. Anyway, thanks again to the man running this blog. I enjoy it. :)

  33. Long Live This Blog!7/10/2011 5:10 PM


    To Winton Ray, i just read what you posted and couldn't agree more. Very well said.

  34. As this was mentioned on Seibertron, can we all at least agree that we all hate Twilight? haha

    If anything, Twilight just defies any logical thought or reason why it earns just as much as Transformers, Harry Potter, or Spiderman combined.

    Think about that! :)

  35. Twilight wins against odds because ALL women come out of the woodwork and DRAG their significant other to the movie also

  36. Mandy you are correct.

  37. I'm a woman, and I am not seeing that Twilight crap. Ugh!

  38. greatest movie in the world hahahahhahahahaa
