Monday, September 05, 2011

Transformers 3 Special Editions in December?

The other day we learned that Transformers: Dark of the Moon home video release is officially scheduled for September 30th, at least in the US. Leaks have indicated that there will be a "Triple Pack" of Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Copy and a seperate 1-disc DVD. Something confirmed by images from which also includes images of the DVD Trilogy Box Set and suggested something called the "3D Super Play" (while reusing the regular Blu-ray cover) but no details past that. We have also learned that a Blu-rayTransforming Trilogy Set is in the works. To make your buying decisions even more complicated, Nelson reveals that it there might actually be two release dates.

On the Shoot for the Edit forums, he commented on the planned release date saying "I thought it was October for the regular set, and December for the different Special Editions." He then further elaborated on this saying, "The first is just the movie. The second is the 2-disc Special Edition set. And the 3rd is the trilogy (6 disc) in a special metal encasement. There might be different versions of this across the globe. That box in the form of the Autobot logo is one of the early concepts for the international trilogy."

The questions become buy the third movie on Sept. 30th? Wait for the box set? What about those that already own the first two movies? A "special metal encasement" might make double-dipping a little easier, depending on the price. What we still don't know is anything about the 3D edition, the extra features or even official confirmation of the various editions and their pricing. For a movie that is now about three weeks from coming out, the silence from Paramount on the details is starting to get very odd.


  1. Martinus Prime9/05/2011 6:09 PM

    Indeed very odd. And where the hell is The Score cd?? Why isn't that out already? They can put out the OST with the movie release but not the Score? Damn!

  2. Just re-packaging then. Some new plastic or steelbook cases and that is the Paramount lame marketing machine at works.
    "Special Edition" what?
    A proper special edition would mean all new Director's Cut of all three movies with at least 15minutes extra minutes on each,surely nothing less.
    But that will never happen. Paramount managers don't want to spend money on the franchise, they want maximum profit with minimum investments. That is the reason all three movies got heavily cut despite a lot of additional footage was filmed but Paramount managers didn't want to pay for finalizing scenes and completing CGI properly.

  3. Will the 2 disc special edition be on DVD or just on Blu-ray?

  4. the score is out

    heres the link

  5. I dont need a DVD. give me a blue ray and digital copy all with IMAX shots of course.

  6. I'll go without fancy special editions just so long as they actually bother to insert Brains into that shot early on in DOTM that currently looks like Sam's carrying nothing. Epic fail there, Paramount/whoever?

  7. Ummm...where the hell is the CD score??? Yea I know it's on itunes but screw that I want the CD!!

  8. 3 things I want...

    1) Want to buy through iTunes (digital copy)
    2) Want to by it as a trilogy
    3) Want it to be in HD

    When will this be available for download?

  9. the g1 fans keep desighs look like twisted metal and and ugly and would rather have the g1 simple g1 transformation intead what would you think of that.

  10. Isn't this the same crap Cameron did with Avatar?

  11. Anonymous said...

    ....into that shot early on in DOTM that currently looks like Sam's carrying nothing. Epic fail there, Paramount/whoever?

    What are you talking about?

  12. Martinus Prime9/07/2011 11:52 AM

    Yeah, screw iTunes!!! I want the Score CD!!!
    Where the hell is it, why is it iTunes??? Bring out the cd already!!!
    A cuouple weeks ago I read that Jablonsky couldn´t release the Score cd, bc Bay was on tour for DOTM premiere/promotional tour, but why could he put on it iTunes then and not bring out a normal cd???

  13. I really like the transforming cases that target had for the last 2 movies anyone here if they are coming out with something like that for this movie

  14. They need to stop wasting everyone's time and release all the special edition versions of films when released instead of making the people who want to learn how they were made wait

  15. I agree...was happy for the 1st movie (Optimus Prime % Megatron cases) to have the transforming dvd case as well as the 2nd movie (Bumble Bee case). Very sad to NOT find the 3rd movie like that and very mad that it wasn't special edition even more mad to find out "special edition is coming out in December". WTF.

  16. I wonder when will the 2-disc dvd of tf3 will be coming out.. T.T

