Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tyrese Predicts Bay, LaBeouf Return for Transformers 4

In an interview with MovieWeb to promote the release of Fast Five, Tyrese Gibson provided the prediction that Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf will return for Transformers 4.
"My humble prediction would be that... we're at $1.1 billion. This is the biggest year of my life. I'm on the other side of $1.7 billion in box office receipts, between both films. I think, with the success of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, both Michael Bay and Shia probably want a break from the franchise, but there's no way, I believe, that, at some point, they're not going come back to do Transformers 4. Maybe they need a few years to get a few other creative things out of their system, which is understandable, but for people to love this franchise around the world like they do, its damn-near crazy to not give the fans what they love and enjoy again. So maybe two years, maybe three years will go by, you never know, but I believe, and hope, that we are able to do another Transformers. I'm a real Transformers fan, outside of the fact that I'm in the movie, but I just hope we're able to do it again one day. It's the first film in Paramount's 99-year history that has ever grossed $1 billion. I hope we're able to figure this out."
I hope that Paramount and Hasbro have enough sense to not wait for Bay or Shia to change their mind. That is leaving profits on the table for no reason. Considering Bay clears around $80 to $100 million per movie, I can see why he might be tempted to return but I don't see why he would do it. He could slot himself as executive producer for Transformers 4 and still make nearly as much money for a 10th of the work. As for Shia, I just don't think he is interested. The got what he needed from Transformers which was enough wealth to be picky about future roles and the stats to prove to studios that he can open a movie on his name alone (which translates to higher per movie pay). Unless Paramount is willing to go $20 million+ for him to return, I just don't see it happening.

Nor should it. The franchise is about the Transformers. The human characters are not critical to the series success. Other characters can be introduced. A new director can take the helm. The key, as always, is the story. Once that nut is cracked, other decisions can be made. My hope is a true trilogy. While the first three movies are being referred to as a trilogy, they really are not in the classic use of the term. Of course I have my own ideas but considering the costs of the films, not holding my breath on a true trilogy being planned.


    well i dont think that a 4th movie or waiting 3years would do much good... 1st movie great 2nd movie not so much 3rd movied awesome but got bad raps i think that will transfer on to the upcoming movie i say wait... like maybe 10years and do a reboot as like a tribute to the first 3movies that would be nice

  2. oh man, please let there be a new director :(

  3. Bring back Megan Fox!

  4. Omegasupreme809/20/2011 9:04 PM

    Reboot it. Make the humans less a part of the story and make it more about the 'bots. Bring in more fan-favorite characters. None of this Barricade-Blackout-Skids-Mudflap-Volt nonsense. Give us Omega Supreme. Give us Dinobots. Give us Predacons. Trypticon. More Shockwave. Soundwave's voice with the proper modulation. Listen to the fans (although i know they won't).

  5. Gibson's word means zero in the greater scheme of things. This is just him blowing smoke, nothing more.

  6. Paramount is currently doing everything they can to sign Bay on for a fourth movie to be released in 2014. If he wont return I predict they will hire Brad Bird, Matt Reeves, D.J. Caruso or some other young director they know to helm the next film.
    If they reboot don't expect them to change the formula; 1.1 billion in worldwide earnings nixed any chance of that.

  7. For new characters, I liked Barricade and Blackout. The new Bonecrusher was badass too.

  8. please no more Michael Bay's vision of Transformers he messed up all three movies, reboot, start over, and find a director who will do it right and no more full focus on the humans and all that cheesy humor without all of that it will be more real. Have more robot vs robot battles, that what it should be all about isn't it?

  9. I'm just gonna wait in few years hoping for another trilogy. Don't like the idea of reboot. The movieverse have indeed success, I bet paramount will get the franchise going if they find another director who will do it. Let see what happens.

  10. a movie based off the comics movie prequles or what happend on cybertron b4 they got to earth would be cool

  11. Gotta love the idiots that have yet to find a dictionary to look up the words "screenwriter" and "director" and still mindlessly and retardedly blame bay for what they perceive as "messed up all three movies" and then go anonymous to boot. Bay did not write the movies, and he certainly didnt throw out whole scripts..if you think its messed up, blame the writers. the movies were awesome, there will be a second trilogy, there will be NO REBOOT.....1.1 billion on just one movie, plus god knows how much from the other 2 plus video sales means definitely no reboot...thank god....there is no need to reboot a successful franchise...and again from the same retard, you CANNOT make a movie without humans as the focus and expect it to make money, so it will never happen, the same thing with humor, the biggest action movies need humor to balance out the intensity..the only place u will find less humans and more robot on robot is in a cartoon....so please, get over it...bring on TF4....maybe ill write it, since it seems to be sooo far away....

  12. Bay didn't write the script but he did tell them how he wanted the story to be if you remember he had the writers in a hotel room wanting a script by the end of the day. I guess some of you guys over look things from the $$$$$$$ with big knockers who are in slow motion all the time. And you hardly get to know the autobots at all, bumblebee gets too much attention, and we hardly hear the other voices of the autobots. They make it look like the autobots are in the army's way. G1 is alot more real and even Transformers prime seems real. Both of these shows are alot more real than these live action movies which is sad.

  13. anonymous comment= no comment. directors dont tell writers what to write unless theyre funding the movie, or developing it through their own studio. paramount, and more importantly HASBRO signed off on all 3 movies, and gave them their full support. Just because BAYs ego makes him make long winded statements about locking writers in a hotel room doesnt equal fact. of course a low budget cartoon can feature more transformers and less people because they know the core audience will watch no matter what, but a mainstream movie that doesnt feature humans will NOT make any money outside the core audience. also if you want more robots featured, figure out how to animate the bots more cheaply but with the same detail and you can have more bots...if they rendered the bots like G1 as so many of you wanted, it would have been cheap looking, and you coulda had more, but then it wouldnt have made so much money and this forum that we're on may have never existed...if you like G1 and prime, watch those, dont insist that the movies have to be like that...the franchise will continue in TF4...and more of you will cry, and punch your inflatable woman, and then cry again...

  14. I don't hate Bay or hate all three movies but I am definately ready for a change. I just think that it would be exciting to bring some new concepts and a new story to the franchise. Obviously everyone has there own opinion on weather or not these movies were good or not, but one thing is for certain Bay and Speilberg have created one of the most succesful franchises on planet earth and love him or hate him Bay left this franchise is great shape and I beleive the Transformers franchise has a great future. Bay said he's done so I say goodby to Bayformers and hello to something brand new, and I can't see Hasbro waiting to long for Trans 4, certainly not 10 years, thats rediculous I won't make it. All us Trans fans need is a good cohesive story, more character development with the bots, more easy to see transformations, more longer death matches and alot less toilet humor. You do those things wev'e been asking for and people will be hanging from the rafters in excitement.

  15. I'm just saying their is so much you can do with those movies not saying make them like g1 or anything but could use that as a source of ideas. You know people come to see robots fighting each other not seeing a kid running and his $$$$$ of a girlfriend run not to mention the cheesy comdey.

  16. Ultra Magnus for Transformers 4 please make it happen.

    He's always been a badass when ever he appears, G1, RID and Animated.

    Omegasupreme80 I dont understand what's so special about the Dinobots?


  17. Just because they may change directors or writers or actors doesn't mean they will change art direction or the general style of a 2-1/2 billion dollar franchise.

    If anything in the movie industry is prevalent, "if it ain't broke or can make 2 billion dollars, don't fix it."

  18. please... new trilogy... no more michael bay...

    he did a great job on the 1st movie, not very good on the 2nd, and getting worst on the 3rd. the action is fun to watch, but the story is a totally lame...

    more stories aroud the bots. please no more stupid soldier action. they are robots for God sake, why do they need all the soldier.

    they are just too many stories out there about all the good things that the soldier did, but please no more on TF. let the robots do their things..

  19. No more Bay! Last season there was an episode of 30 Rock where they show a mock poster for Transformers 4 or 5 and it says, "written by no one". Thats starting to seem more truth than fiction.

  20. Reboot get rid of Bay. He blew it after the first movie. Even the editing was terrible. The 2nd and 3rd movies didn't flow well at all. The stories were dumb and pointless. I really think it needs a reboot with a new director. I was thinking XMen first class would be garbage but it was really good. Get that guy to direct!!!

  21. Transformers2 was very big ultradetailed movie, despite having being cut by studio execs and writers strike, it should have been longer to fill the flaws but it was still better than what people claim.
    What is crazy is that Transformers3 instead is a tiny bad movie, worst Michael Bay movie to date, his work was really sloppy, it's clear that he just wanted his big fat check and didn't care about the movie at all. And the awful thing is how many dumb people spent so much in theaters to turn a bad movie like Transformers3 that deserved to flop into a huge financial success it just didn't deserve.
    Bring back Megan Fox and Shia but fire Michael Bay, he doesn't care about quality anymore.

  22. Now now now, shame on you, no need to call people names to get your point across. We get it you didn't mind trans 2 but hated trans 3 but again its just your opinion and your speaking for yourself not the entire world so please stop calling people dumb who liked the movie, theres no need for that nonsense. To me there were some parts of all the movies that I liked, mostly the action, stunts, transformations, death matches and special effects but I would like to see more transformations and more death matches between bots. The problem I have with the movies is they just don't have clear cohesive stories, shit is just all over the place and I think putting all that toilet humor in their just makes the whole movie kind of goofy and confusing. I don't mind a little humor but they go way way out of control to the point of obseen and I just don't think Bay will ever change his approach. But thats just my opinion and I hope trans 4 goes in a different direction with a new directer I'm pretty much done with bays approach but he
    will probably be back.

  23. i will actually cry if mb redirects another

  24. Back seat to Bee, bring in Hot Rod! Also bring in Wheeljack, since they made him Que in the movie and Mirage as Dino, they were Bayformed!
    Love Bee but has gotten stale...

  25. danversbluewhite9/24/2011 1:05 AM

    If your name is anonymous, then your opinion will be your name: blank. if u lack the sack to list a name then u deserve no spot on here. hell no to reboot, just make another movie for as long as you dont mention or make references to the past 3 movies. make it like this is the only movie ever made on them. i agree that hasbro should not wait like 10 years. let transformers gow/o a movie for like 3-4 maybe then go look for a director that knows transformers well and understands them. as far as shia goes, well, he did express no interest in pursuing another film because he did say himself that 'i've done all i can/could do for the sam witwicky character and i feel i cannot add any more' and i totally agree. as far as the new robots go, well, i'd love to see new bots of course in it like the dinobots of course, the predacons, aerialbots and maybe even the insecticons. more death fights, a little less human factor and less toilet bowl humor and less adult situations. the only real story line left to use would be to introduce unicron of course but as bay said relentlessly, unicron is too huge, dwarfs emotion and way too many moving parts in it. I think Bay did a great job on the 1st, did a very good job on the 2nd, i mean look what he (and others) had to deal with" writers strike and shia dui accident and the 3rd was easily by far the best because everything was explained and it made total sense.

  26. Bee who has been unable to talk has gotten stale and who gets too much attention

  27. If your anonymous you deserve no spot on hear? Who died and left you king?, and who in gods name is danversbluewhite?, I never heard of that in my entire life but I certainly have no problem with it nore do I have a problem with anonymous and if TFLAMB has a problem with what name you can use he will decide on weather or not you deserve a spot on this site, certainly not you. I could give a rats ass if you want to call yourself danversbluewhite or john jacobs or anonymous, as long as you don't call people names and trash them your ok in my book but anonymous opinions are certainly not blank. I enjoy listening to opinions about the Transformers world i've been doing it for years now and most opinions are constructive and positive. Even your opinion was good until you insulted people . Why?, who cares its just a discussion about Transformers anyway. Maybe you should start your own Transformers site and then you can lay it out any way you want, after all it is a free country, you can do it!!

  28. @danversbluewhite: Transformers3 is ridden with plot holes and nothing makes any damn sense at all. The ending is very bad too and can't be taken seriously as an ending at all.
    So, what are you talking about? It surely is the worst of the trilogy, it seems like a spin-off that didn't get completed.

  29. danversbluewhite said...
    "did a very good job on the 2nd, i mean look what he (and others) had to deal with" writers strike and shia dui accident and the 3rd was easily by far the best because everything was explained and it made total sense."


    dont even get me started on a planet being consumed by a black hole and having absolutely no effect on earth

  30. @Anonymous 9/26/2011 10:37 PM: on Transformers2 everything was clearly explained indeed, if you and others can't follow a movie properly or you just watch low quality pirated copies on a tiny screen then that is your problem.
    Transformers3 instead is a real mess. Nothing made sense.
