Monday, October 17, 2011

Hasbro Ready to Move Forward on Transformers 4

Today Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner held the third-quarter earnings conference call revealing that the toy maker is hoping to be able to make an announcement about Transformers 4 sometime next year. They are currently speaking with Steven Spielberg and Michael Bay about the movie. No indication on the extent of Bay's involvement but I would not be surprised if Bay goes for a consultant/executive producer credit and turns the director reigns over to someone else. I guess they could make a money offer so high he would be foolish to refuse it but at this point in his career Bay frankly doesn't need the money anymore.

As far the earnings report goes, the studio made a 10% gain in large part due to the success of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. The toy line itself is pegged to come in between Transformers 1 total of $482 million in 2007 and the $592 million Revenge of the Fallen made in 2009. Over all toy sales have been slower but it seems the studio plans to make up that difference with movie adaptations of Micronauts, Ouija, Candyland, Risk, Stretch Armstrong, Clue and Monopoly. This in turn can boost the corresponding toy line revenues. Next on their movie/toy slates include Battleship, GI Joe 2, The Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man lines. The Hub is still experiencing growing pains with a $1.5 million loss for the quarter but not particularly surprising considering it just celebrated its first year of existence last week. Long story short, the Hasbro remains steady.


  1. Bring back Jolt.

  2. I hope they will focus more myths of transformers.

    BTW, bring back Jazz.

  3. no transformers 4!! i loved the movies and u wont find a bigger fan, but make a reboot. i wanna see transformers done right this time, atleast give the transformers original names not Q and dino

  4. That was Bay and his 'update for the modern audience' moves, I mean, really, who's gonna know who Wheeljack is in todays market! (that was sarcasm btw)
    I'd actually like to see them stay with the universe they created (sans Bay/LeBouf), set it 30 years from now, and do a live adaptation of the Unicron story from the original Movie. Maybe have it that the US blasted Megs dead body into space this time and Unicron found it and created Galvatron.

  5. Are you kidding me 3:55 pm? you don't want another Trans movie.I respect your opinion but I feel like its just beginning, there's just so much mytholigy and stories, 25 years of it. They havent even scratched the scratch and Trans 4 excites the hell out of me because its going to keep us hardcore fans discussing, blogging and talking with eachother about the possibilities about how we want this movie to be. I myself want get rid of most of the toilet humor and focus more on character developmentand have more and longer death matches and maybe take it into space and oceans. I know I'm dreaming right now but thats what us Trans fans are, Dreamers. So what say you Trans fans what do you want to see? Lets discuss.

  6. I just don't see how they can do a worth while sequal when almost all the decent decepticons got Killed in the 3rd one. Bringing back megs again would feel repetative and to much like what comics do. I personally never liked galvatron but I guess if he was done right I could. I'm still not over all the unicron oversaturation during the unicron trilogy. I personally would like to see someone elses take on the franchise. I personally liked this trilogy but I know many hated it primarily because they thought the charicter designs were ugly. So I would be interested to see another take.

  7. I hope it's a reboot, because well. someone killed everyone off. It would be nice to have something more about transformers, less about humans. but I guess that would be to spendy eh?

    But cripes, bring back soundwave and basically everyone who died. pathetic deaths.

  8. There's plenty of decepticons and autobots that we havent seen yet and I actually would like to see completely different villans and heroes. God knows there's plenty of bots like bulkhead, hotrod, galvatron, unicrorn, insecticons, dinobots and thats just a few. I must say I personally had enough with bays world, its time for something new with a new direction. All I want is more character development, a more cohesive story and more death matches and less toilet humor, they do that and people will be hanging from the rafters with excitement.

  9. again (throwing the idea out there) prequel.
    *just an idea*

  10. I would love more movies, wether a continuation on the series (love the designs but they killed every major Decepticon) or as a reboot. But what i would really love would be a big screen adventure of Transformers Prime. That show is awesome. Why not make a prequel to season one, showing the events that led to what we saw on the show? Just a though. :D

  11. I think I agree with whats said, if they are going to make it a 2 part film it has to be epic, I'm sad Bay didn't set it up by ending with Unicron awaken by the activation of the WARP gate and entering our Solar System.

    Part one would be Autobots building a city and bring peace on Earth, think of it as "GOOD TIMES" Decepticons under Starscreams Rule (did he die I cant keep track anymore) would be would hatch some lame brain idea to like searching for the DinoBots under the Icecaps, megatrons body was ejected into space as a Space Burial, Unicron turns him into Galvatron and sends a evil army with him made by Unicron. The cliff hanger would be the return of Galvatron wrecking everything the autobots have created and defeating Optimus, Optimus is either dead or captured and held within Unicron because it is believe only the power of a Prime can bring down Unicron.

    Next movie will be Autobots escaping into space and with Hot Rod seeking a way to become a prime himself in order to defeat Galvatron and Unicron.

    Basically the 1985 Film but altered up a bit to fit the new Bayformer Universe.

  12. regardless of the story for transformers 4 if Bay directs it , it'll be rubbish

  13. I think most of us agree that we don't want Bay back to direct. Give the helm to somebody that actually values a good story and character development over special effects, cgi, ass, and tits. I don't know who could take over as the villains. Sadly the villains are limited to Unicorn and Megatron/Galvatron. But another option is Nemesis Prime.

  14. first off, no Jason Stathom as Sam Witwicky ok. Sam is a a geek that any woman can beat up. as far as villians go, well soundwave did make it and there are more decepticons running around. as far as Bay goes, yeah i think he needs to keep dotm his last film and i think someone like steven spielberg or someone who knows and understands tf should take the helm. rosie huntongton whitely did say she wanted to do another and true the cast would be totally different but hey, change (if done correctly) can be great. we need more combiners if tf4 does happen and i say predicons and technobots because they were made in space. oh yes, please include the Dinobots!!!!!!!!!

  15. i hope that this part will be abaut transformers origins..
