Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rosie: Shia Would Do Transformers 4

It seems that Rosie Huntington-Whiteley isn't convinced that Shia LaBeouf is done with Transformers. When asked by the LA Times (video below) about her wiliness to do Transformers 4, she said "I hope so, that is a question for Michael Bay." The interviewer then commented about Shia being done and she said "We'll see about that. We'll see about that."

She isn't really wrong, at least in Hollywood terms since all things come down to money. At this moment in time, Shia is done with Transformers. However, if Paramount decided to pay him say $20 million to do the next film, would that remain the case? Maybe not. As of right now, I think you should take any guesses about the casting, story with a grain of salt. Until Hasbro and Paramount in consultation with Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg decide where they want to take Transformers movies next, speculation like this is pointless.


  1. More Shia with Rosie on screen? The worst couple with zero chemistry ever seen in a movie. Michael Bay ruined Transformers casting Rosie.
    No Megan Fox? Then no Shia. Thanks.
    Change actors, please. And director as well because Michael Bay didn't care about quality overall on Transformers3. Action scenes were all simple and small, he used a lot of green screen like never before, the CGI was not on par with the two previous chapters. Fight sequences were just lame, the worst ones ever seen in a Michael Bay movie to date.

  2. Its time to start over new cast,new story,new director, everything. All three movies sucked big time. They always focus too much on the human charters and not so much on the transformers themselves and bumblebee gets too much attention. which they were not too great and too much of the stupid humor. Anyone can come up with a better story then these. And does the love interest always have to be smoking hot and running in slow motion. I say it is time for a reboot and have a director who can do it right someone who understand transformers.

  3. I pray for a reboot. Ive been a fan for over 24 years and as much as i want to love these movies deep down inside they make me feel nothing but disgust. I think myself and other "hardcore fans" will never truly be happy with hollywood produced transformers. The problem is when they make a bad movie that earns over a billion dollers they are less likley to change the formula.

    In recent years there has been a huge rise in animated movies being released strait to dvd. Films based on everything from classic comic book hereos to modern video games,sometimes having the movie release slightly ahead or coresponding with the game. The point is that I don't see how Hasbro could loose money if they were to produce a strait to dvd animated film, cgi or cell either can look amazing. With almost 30 years of mythology it would be easy to create a stand alone story line or bridge it with a current story line. Ive had this idea in my head for many years now and im probably not the only one that wishes they'd see Transformers in their best format.

  4. Rosie sucked.

  5. Martinus Prime10/27/2011 8:09 PM

    I'm so fed up with you wankers! You call yourself hardcore fans? Wake up, you're not!
    And if you feel nothing but disgust already from the first movie, why the hell did you watch all 3????
    You know nothing about story writing and telling, otherwise you would be working in Hollywood.
    You wankers will never be pleased. I have issues on things as well, but just be happy that there are finally live-action movies of our beloved cartoons and toys!

  6. I beleave the next 3 movies should be about rodamus prime an galvatron.

  7. @Martinus Prime: people working in Hollywood don't get selected for their skills first. Otherwise it wouldn't be the messed up business system it is. But as long as there are tons of fools wasting their precious money on garbage products like Avatar,Transformers3,Paranormal Activity and so on...
    these richer and richer idiots will keep releasing and producing awful products for sheeps to buy.

  8. I would do Rosie.


  9. @Anonymous
    "Anonymous said...
    @Martinus Prime: people working in Hollywood don't get selected for their skills first. Otherwise it wouldn't be the messed up business system it is. But as long as there are tons of fools wasting their precious money on garbage products like Avatar,Transformers3,Paranormal Activity and so on...
    these richer and richer idiots will keep releasing and producing awful products for sheeps to buy."

    Do not compare Avatar with TF3! I'm sorry but Avatar was a blockbuster hit and way surpassed TF3 in quality in everyway.

  10. @Ben: if Avatar was quality to you then you really got some very bad taste and you can't judge properly. Or you are a very little kid.

  11. @Anon 10/27/2011 9:06 AM
    Hey I remember you. You're that same guy from the other post from over the summer. You were trashing talking TF3 and talking how much you wanna have sex with Megan Fox.
    haha i know this is your opinion, but what you said is dumb. im not even going to argue with you, because i could just go on forever about how much all that stuff you said is false! I'm just going to say this:
    Rosie was much better than Megan. It's not called Meganformers! Megan can't act to save her life! And Rosie wasn't bad at all for her first time acting! Go watch porn if you only care about the hotness of a girl!
    Transformers had the best CGI! The best action! You sound like a kid saying the action was lame! This is where I can tell you know you're wrong and you are wrong! Transformers 3 had by far the best action and the BEST CGI! You're crazy to say otherwise! Michael Bay said he wanted the last one back to basics! He never said he wanted this complicated action-filled and action only film! And even after, Transformers 3 still had the best action! FYI, he didn't use green screens! He used blue screens! And the only times I recall he used them for were for the Driller scene, the part on the highway when Bee transformers with Shia, and when Shia and Bee save Carly from Dylan! And how else could he have shot those without dangerously shooting those scenes from a helicopter with Shia dangling in mid air like 20 feet of the ground, with a high chance of falling on the hard road and losing his life! The "Birdmen" scene wasn't filmed using blue screen it was filmed in a real life environment in Chicago if you did not know that! Same for Starscream's death! Shia was actually dangling from a wire with explosions bursting like an inch from him! Michael Bay used blue screens more than ever, because the stunts and action scenes were so big he had to move them to that level! He usually likes to film everything as real as possible, without using blue screen! So blue screen for his style and ways of filming action is above and beyond!
    And yeah and to your last dumb, extremely childish, and immature statement.....I'm not even gonna say anything about that, it's just to funny! What a kid you are!

  12. Bumblebeerox10/28/2011 9:27 PM

    Anonymous 10/27/2011 9:06 AM

    dude if you don't like the way the Transformers movies are anymore than just don't comment on the posts! It makes no sense, but it seems like you have nothing better to do. Come on now! The movies aren't the best, actually the first was the best then the third comes after...but the second was just disgraceful! But dude that's my opinion and what you said is yours! I don't understand why you have to trash talk Transformers 3 on a Transformers 4 post.

    Just leave it a lone, don't watch it, and just watch Transformers 2!

  13. @Anonymous 10/28/2011 9:18 PM: you remember who? You are the one wanting to have sex with Megan Fox. And insulting people is not going to make truth the stupid things you wrote.
    You just look like an ignorant little kid with no respect for others opinions.

  14. "he movies aren't the best, actually the first was the best then the third comes after...but the second was just disgraceful!"

    amen to that, loved the 1st. though i would say dotm was close to being as dumb as rotf

  15. Was I the only person who liked Megan Foxes performance in TF 1 and 2. Rosie was utterly terrible in TF3.

    And Michael Bay was an idiot, yes Megan's comments were out of line but, come on everyone insults their boss at 1 point or another in life.


  16. I love Transformers, and everything Transformers. I thought that the movies were decent, but they were so convoluted by holleywood that they lost touch with Transformers themselves. I enjoyed them, but again, I didn't think that they were as good as they could be. I think they should reboot, and find an all new cast (except for the voice actors. No one can replace Peter Cullen), and a new director.


  17. @Anonymous 10/29/2011 1:00 PM
    but the "stupid things" he wrote are true. and everybody has an opinion, but all opinions dont have to be respected. this isnt
    hes just voicing his opinion about your opinion. how about you respect his opinion. and you're the ignorant kid. your trying to make it seem it like your older. if you're so mature, then ignore what he said and be the bigger person.
    like i said earlier, wth is the point of trolling tf3 on posts about tf3 or tf4 if you dont like it! just go watch tf2 you brat!
