Saturday, December 31, 2011

Transformers Linkfest - Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

The years 2012 is looking pretty good on nearly all fronts for Transformers. Transformers: Prime starts season 2 in February, Transformers: The Ride opens in Hollywood in May, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron video game is coming in the fall and the Prime toy line is expected to hit store shelves very soon if recent reports of clearance prices are any indication. Third party makers are coming up with better and better homages to Transformers past with not Devastator, a Dinobot combiner, and more in the pipeline for this year and the comics are getting a soft relaunch that focuses on a post-civil war Cybertron for the first time in TF history. About the only area that is likely to remain slow is the live action movie front as most of the news will be focused on if Michael Bay is directing the 4th film and if not who will. I suspect that if the year ends with just a director and writer in place, consider it good news. Now on to the last link fest of the year which includes a DOTM/Little Mermaid mash-up.

Custom DOTM Masterpiece Optimus Prime
Hit the link for the gallery of a sweet custom job by DubCustomz. The figure uses leader class Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime as a base but then piles on a realistic paint job, custom built weapons and electronics to create a very sweet version of Prime.

Transformers: The Ride Grand Opening Date
Screamscape is reporting that the "Grand Opening" of Transformers: The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood will occur on May 25th, Memorial Day weekend (as predicted). Keep in mind there is a difference between the "grand opening" and the official open date as people have to get trained and problems ironed out so I would not be surprised if the ride becomes available to guests by the second week of May.

iGear not Ironhide/Ratchet Prototype
Hit the link for a look at the prototype for iGear's not Ironhide/Ratchet mold. The main thing is they give you context for size. The figure is next to the new Masterpiece Optimus Prime (awesome but very expensive). It fits in his trailer which is kind of cool. I estimate the size is about equal to the smaller DOTM voyager class.

3rd Party not Jetfire Teaser has posted a prototype image of not Jetfire based on the G1 toy. The last time Jetfire got a G1 like release of for the Classic line about three or so years ago. The scale suggests this figure might be in the leader class size range. Of note is the figure is currently sporting the Autobot faction symbol but I am betting that if this figures reaches production it will be removed to avoid any trademark infringement with Hasbro and Takara.

Hasbro Responds to Sweat Shop Report
In the previous linkfest there were reports of crappy sweatshop conditions for one of the factories that produce Transformers toys. After a nine hour inspection at the factory, Hasbro reports they found the allegations false. The statement is brief, lacks any evidence to support their conclusion (unlike the initial report of malfeasance) and reads like typical corporate boilerplate denial. Probably like most things the truth lies somewhere in between.

Paperwork of G1 Transformers
Another article from TFsource, this one looks at the paperwork that came with those old Transformers. This usually meant an instruction book (in color most of the time), a catalogue of that year's line (something Hasbro should bring back), techspec decoder, sticker sheet and maybe a special offers pamphlet. For long time fans they bring back memories and for new, really you are kind of missing out as today's paperwork just isn't the same. Amazing bit of stupid on my part is I use to have literally dozens of those catalogues and one year I threw all of them out except for a copy of each. They took up no space to speak of so the reasoning behind the decision must have been moronic. I did the same thing when threw out 15 years worth of video game boxes (like original Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc). Their value was small, but their nostalgic value is huge.

Custom Ultimate Optimus Primal
Another custom figure, this one inspired by Beast Wars' Optimus Primal. Created by Frenzy Rumble, this figure is ultra class n size using custom made fists, LED lights for eyes, custom made swords and lots of other details. My guess for the base figure is the Beast Machines version of Optimus Primal as that is the only one I can think of that was released at that size scale. The final product is worth checking out.

More Neck Breaker and Mad Blender Images
At this link is the final two not Constructicons for the Hercules combiner. The release date is currently March and April and each will cost around $100. The final Hercules combiner is shaping up to be one of the best 3rd party toys created so far and blows the Hasbro Devastator (all incarnations) out of the water.

Transformers 3 and The Little Mermaid Mashup
A "trailer" that uses the sounds (music, dialogue, etc.) of Transformers: Dark of the Moon trailer but combines with The Little Mermaid Disney cartoon. I found the matching of dialogue with characters from Mermaid (Prime = Poseidon) along with edits to the music to be amusing.

Transforming Gingerbread House
Yep, what the title says. Click the link above to find out how it was made. Thanks to Scott H. for the links.

Dark of the Moon Deluxe Que and Soundwave Videos
Below is a look at the deluxe class figures of Soundwave and Que from Dark of the Moon. So far these figures are just available in Japan but supposed to hit stateside at some point. While the Human Alliance Soundwave did nothing for me, the deluxe version is pretty darn good, just a shame they didn't fold up the roof better. Deluxe Que (decided using name Wheeljack is a dis-service to Wheeljacks of the past) is not bad either. If happen to find them on sale, probably buy them but don't see me making any special effort (or expense) in trying to get hold of them. (via Seibertron)


  1. I wat to eat that gingerbread transformer! :)

  2. ......I need some more news!!!!! tired of seeing tired same thing. I likes the ginger bread house

  3. looks nothin like que
