Thursday, February 09, 2012

Bay Comments on 3D Color Quality

Michael Bay took to his forums today (first time in a while) to comment on the concerns of Transformers: Dark of the Moon's 3D color and brightness on the forums. I don't own a 3D TV so really have no idea but my limited experience with HDTV indicates that sadly the bygone days of buy a TV, stick it on and mostly good to go are gone as most now require calibration of some sort to account for different tech implementations and lighting conditions. I remember that the Wall-E set came with such a tool (turned out to be useful). Guess DOTM might have needed it too.
The reason some 3D TV color on some systems might not look perfect? Well because there is no standards in 3D. It sounds stupid doesn't it. When we color transfer we spend weeks on a single format. Six weeks on the feature, then weeks additional on DVD, then weeks more on 3D. Every single shot might have brightness windows color moves high light adds. My colors on almost every one of my films have had almost perfect color space scores. I'm the guy who did the first - film to digital - digital transfer release on a movie - Bad Boys 2. I know color and telecine equipment better then almost any director out there. But when I started doing my 3D transfer with the most talented color telecine expert in the world, my buddy Stephan. He told me 3D is fucked. There is no standard to the equipment it is the wild west right now. So if it looks bad it's your product. We aimed color space for the most the equipment that has the biggest market share. In our room it looked perfect. So I'm sorry but it's your equipment. Tell the business to standardize and it will all look perfect in the future. Sorry.



  1. It's true about what he says. I have seen the differences from playing 3D movies on 3D LEDs HDTVs from Samsung, Sony, and a few others and they all appear slightly off with respect to color. It's just because they all cannot agree on a single industry standard, because well, there is none. 3D technology is still way too new. Each company has their own color calibration standard and obviously because they're looking out for their own best interests, they stick to their own. End of story.

  2. Michael Bay you are a **** not everyone has 3D blu ray and its still new thats one of the reasons why I haven't got one. So why put the special features only on the 3D not everyone has it. Its not fair.

    1. shut up ya dumb punk its better in 3d if they dont have 3d they should see it at the movies look at clips online spoilers and talk to friends about going over there house yo see it or cating about it your like sentinel youre alwasys talkin but never to dish out crap

    2. you ard ugly just to tell im the beast

  3. I agree 2:28 AM, I think that they jumped the gun on this one, maybe not so much with standard blu-ray because they're not that expensive and been around for a while,but the 3D blu-ray is exactly what Bay said, its the wild west, so I dont know why he put more special features on the the 3D because most people dont have a 3D tv and he himself says its not up to speed yet, he should have put all the features on the standard blu-ray because now all they're going to hear is people complaining about color, brightness, too dark and so on. Like I said I think they jumped the gun on this one, they will never hear the end of it, some people will like it but alot of people be disapointed.

    1. people are complaining about the movie period.

    2. fat head

    3. im beast i said ugly fat head and shut up to the other anoymous youre dumb

  4. It's a pity that I don't have 3D TV, I'd like to listen him.

  5. What?, I dont even understand what your trying to say

  6. you are all beasts and are very ugly.

  7. Martinus Prime2/09/2012 7:58 PM

    It's not just the 3D. Like LionBoogy says, every tv is different in color and brightness.
    Bay's buddy knows it all along, like us, 3d is fucked and sucks. Although some scenes looked awesome in 3D, like the wingsuitmen, but 3D has to go.

    Panasonic Full-HD NeoPDP Plasma is and will always be the tv to buy, it is the only tv on the market that has a THX certification!!!

  8. Ya dam right I'm a beast, but that has nothing to do with how we like to watch Transformers. I'm happy with the blu-ray at this point, no need to for 3D tv right now for me, see what the future brings. I still like the big screen with great sound, to me its still the best way to watch a sci-fi flick and I love big crowds its more intense then sitting home in the recliner.

  9. Only Avatar & Dark of the Moon had good 3D but even then 3D is daft and needs to go. Fast.

  10. @AnonymousFeb 12, 2012 12:10 PM: 3D on Avatar was a joke, other than a few plants and some animals no real volumetric 3D effect simulation was visible. Transfomers3 3D was just plain none, even worse than full 2D-to-3D postconverted movies.
    ResidentEvil4 had a good 3D, My Blood Valentine had a good 3D.
    But still stereoscopic 3D gimmick it's all about. Until the industry released true 3D with holographic technology for floating 3D solid and even touchable holograms there is just no 3D.
