Thursday, February 16, 2012

Josh Duhamel Out of Transformers 4

Despite the fact that Transformers 4 just re-hired its director, no writer has been writer, no script exists and Michael Bay is off prepping Pain & Gain, it has not stopped Josh Duhamel from speculating on the casts' lack of future in the franchise to E! Online.
"I don't think anybody's doing it," Josh Duhamel told us last night at the launch party for Sony PlayStation's new PS Vita portable entertainment system. "I know Shia [LaBoeuf]'s not doing it. I don't think Tyrese or Rosie [Huntington-Whiteley] or anybody else is doing it."

"Whenever these movies make that much money they're going to make as many as they can," he said. "[But] I haven't heard anything about it. They haven't called me."
Of course they have not called him. Casting for the movie is probably more than a year away. I doubt filming of any kind will even start until mid-Summer 2013. I am not saying he is wrong but to me it’s just way too early to give any thought to casting or for previous cast members to have any expectations one way or the other. Until at least a rough draft script exists (so pre-production can begin), my advice to previous cast members hoping to return is to express nothing but interest in returning just in case.


  1. Martinus Prime2/16/2012 5:23 PM

    Indeed just speculation and already hyping the new movie. Just to give the journalists something.
    Casting is idd months away.

    I still hope though, they go on with Lennox and Epps. Tyrese is awesome in TF, "LEFT CHEEK,LEFT CHEEK LEFT CHEEK!"

    1. my oyher pocket my other pocket ,i can't wait. volture

  2. the way I see it is... no one from the original cast wants to do the movie so they might HAVE TO do some kind of reboot...
    My opinion and speculation-
    don't jump me bro!

    1. Martinus Prime2/16/2012 7:40 PM

      Hey Spark, how ya doin'? Long time no see. They all said, they were finished with doing TF and would not reprise. But see here, Bay already has returned, as I suspected a little bit.

      I hope they go with Lennox and Epps story wise, as (former)NEST soldiers that are again caught in the TF war, but now seen through the eyes of the bots. It´s even possible that Shia returns. He just goes along with Bay and his misinfo campaign ;)

      But an all new cast, sounds good to me too. But still hoping Tyrese comes back, bc he´s a real TF fan! He even has a tatto on his right arm!

    2. Marinus Prime I know its been a long time I've been having computer issues anyways... I like the sounds of a movie through the bots eyes that would be interesting and i didnt even know the Tyrese had a tattoo! :) kool

    3. Martinus Prime2/17/2012 5:22 AM

      Yeah, watch these vids from Botcon 2009. I believe Tyrese says it at the end of part one:

      part two:

  3. Thats not what Tyrese said, he said if he's asked he would do it in a minute and he mentioned that a couple of months ago, unless he changed his mind. To me I wouldn't mind a whole new cast, change is good and has to happen.

    1. i heard the samething but that was at least a year ago and for the new cast I kind of like the idea :)

  4. I think your right I think it was last year. God time flies by, I also think that Rosie was interested. I know one thing we definately need something new and fresh and It sounds like Bay realizes that its time to ease up on all the toilet humor and focus more on battles which is what I beleive we all want begause he says its going to be more like the last hour of DOTM and alot less sillyness. I'll beleive it when I see it, let us prey.

  5. What about those rumors of Paramount wanting to bring in Jason Statham to take the lead role? It would seem possible since he is dating Rosie. Plus an action-based actor like Jason Statham is probably what the franchise needs to take it in a more serious and less cheesy direction. If the rumors are true, the only role I could see Jason doing is as a NEST operative.

  6. new idea... what if its told through the eyes of a NEST operative??? that caught my eye

  7. it is most definetly way to early to tell what cast is returning and who isn't. a lot of decisions can be made and changed by the time the script is made

  8. rumours and speculations...

  9. I'm probably not going to be in Transformers 4.

  10. I want to see A live action rodimus prime an galvatron battle it out in A trilogy with the unicron threat playing out over the three films

  11. Nothing personal but I HATE RODIMUS PRIME!!! he totaly sucked ass in G-1 he can never reach the status of Optimus Prime. I say keep the master Optimus, you just can't go rong.

  12. ok if thats true(but i think your wrong) then the films will have plenty of room for inprovement.

  13. I think you are right this last year. God, time flies, I think Rossi is interested in it. we definately need new and fresh things, it sounds like the Gulf realize it's time to relieve the toilet humor, and pay more attention to fighting , I beleive we all hope begause, he said it was more like the last hour of DOTM and how much sillyness. I believe it when I see it, let us prey.
