Saturday, February 18, 2012

Metroplex in Fall of Cybertron & Gameplay Footage

Gametrailers recently aired a new episode GT.TV that features some footage from Transformers: Fall of Cybertron along with comments from Game Director Matt Tieger. The main piece of new information comes from Tieger who said "What's cool about Optimus and what makes his level so fun is his ability is to actually control Metroplex. Who is a city size Transformers who is moving through the battlefield." He also provided a few details on Jazz and the Combaticons. The footage shows them off combining into 80 foot tall Bruticus as he rampages through a level. The report is broken down into two segments. The first segment (Optimus) runs from 1:00 to 2:35, second segment (Jazz, Bruticus) starts at 6:00 to 8:10 time stamps. Click here for the full episode or watch below.

Internet Explorer may show scrollbars, no idea why


  1. Finally someone put this up! Thank you!!!!!

  2. Yeah, this has been out there for a few days now and I think this game will be pretty dam cool.

  3. loved the first game, these really are the best transformer games ever made

  4. Can some of these guys from High Moon give MB a call PLEASE!!

  5. You can hope and prey that High Moon calls him but after a billion $ its highly unlikely that Bay needs to listen to them. Lets hope that Bay doesn't try that 80'S square box G1 look of the game, that would be terrible but I do love the action and the sounds of the game and I dont know what they did to Primes head it looks fucked up.

    1. I'm not talking about the look of the Transfoemers, I'm talking about story lines and actually putting real Transformers (not Bayformers like Skids, Mudflap, The Dreeds, Brains for ex.)in the movies!

  6. Replies
    1. U r wierd for saying that:-) but i like that

  7. There is some more cool gaming news out there TFLAMB and we need it on this site, also a good interview about the game, it looks awesome.
