Monday, February 13, 2012

Michael Bay Directing Transformers 4; Release Date: June 29th, 2014 (Updated)

That was quick. Michael Bay has confirmed he is returning to direct Transformers 4 for a release date of June 29th 2014. This occured just a few hours after it hit web that Transformers producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura revealed a potential release date. Later, Di Bonaventura unequivocally confirmed Bay's return to MTV (below), saying a reboot of sorts is occuring.
There has been a lot of speculation about what I'm going to do next and when or if I will do another Transformers. So let me set the record straight.

I have just concluded a deal with Paramount to do two movies, but it won't be two Transformers.

I will first do 'Pain & Gain' with Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

Then I will do the next Transformers for release on June 29, 2014.

-Michael Bay
Just to summarize to avoid confusion. Bay signed a two picture deal with Paramount. Picture #1 is Pain & Gain, picture #2 is Transformers 4. He is not yet signed for Transformers 5. This indicates that despite a few rumors of a back to back filming for the franchise (like The Hobbit), that is no longer the case.

"Again, it's a hybrid because it's a funny thing. I'm not involved with 'Spider-Man,' but what I perceive 'Spider-Man' to be is just a redoing of the whole thing. It's not. It's an evolution. There's still continuity that's going on, yet there will be a lot of new cast," [di Bonaventura] said. "Whether there's anybody from the first cast, we don't even know yet. The trust is it's going to be a whole new story. The characters that would certainly come along are Optimus and Bumblebee, I'm sure."
Update: - Deadline is reporting that Lorenzo Di Bonaventura is in the "doghouse" for leaking the Transformers 4 information a day early as Paramount was planning a press release for tomorrow morning. It is also why Bay went to the boards to reveal the news himself. Personally I like the news coming straight from the director and producer themselves then from some sterile studio press release. Having said that, since its Paramount's money, I can also understand why they would want to break the news first.

Update 2: Paramount has issued their press release on Bay's two picture deal.


  1. MB, Please follows the story closely that Ehren Kruger will write it!

  2. Damn, I guess I can't retire the BB and Ironhide costumes after all! :O


  4. I guess there is no God still. Piss off, Michael Bay.

  5. June 29, 2014 is a Sunday.

  6. Crap. Just like cicadas, the haters will all emerge, AGAIN, to let us know how smart they are, that they know exactly what's wrong with Michael Bay, why he's an idiot, why his movies suck and why blah blah blah...

    Time for all the haters to realize, since all 3 movies (yes, even #2) have made TONS of money and he's been signed on for a 4th installment, he must be doing something right... if he wasn't, the movies wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as they are! Making money doesn't make a good movie, true, but when they make as much as these films have, something's right, right?

    Yes, we've heard all the haters' rants before (for the past 3 films, actually) and we get it. Enough already. Some of us wanna enjoy some really cool sci-fi movies that have the best FX out there, and that thousands of people — not just Bay — helped create. From concepts to sound mixing to cinematography, and amazing FX, animation, locations, and huge, massive explosions... these films are amazing on many, many levels. Please notice I intentionally left out acting, story and plot. After 3 movies now, you know what to expect, and what not to. And if you still don't these movies, you never will... so do we really have to hear your crap all over again?

    1. i agree with you completly

  7. Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!

  8. Well, it is a day before... but think of it this way.

    It's Michael Bay's personal Valentine's LOVE LETTER to all you beautiful Transformers fans.

    Now shut up and drink the goddam Kool-Aid.

  9. After how bad Transformers3 was compared to the excellent first two it's clear tha Michael Bay is going to do Transformers4 even worse. He just wants his big fat check, he doesn't care about product quality anymore. That is what happens when a directors takes business advice from James Cameron, which is the master of frauds with Avatar.

  10. @ Pixel RallyFeb 13, 2012 10:22 PM
    I don't understand why the people who claim to hate Bay or his transformer movies would spend so much time posting about it? Especially the people who cut and paste the same comments regardless of the posted topic, it's kind of sad and pathetic actually.

    Still can't understand the June 29, 2014 release date, that's a Sunday.

  11. PLEASE!!!! no dogs a humping, no comments on the deepwang or Simmons nasty hairy ass. PLEASE!!! Bay keep your perversions to your self, try to be decent this time so people dont walk out of the theater. We need alot more and longer death matches between bots not just with Optimus, I'd rather see that then seens with the Driller. We need alot more transformations and lets hope for great story this time. I certainly didn't hate Bays movies but I thought they could have been better with alot less goofy toilet humor. The man obviosly has great potential, I just dont think he will change his approach. So we will see great action, stunts and special effects but the movie itself will be goofy. But thats just my take on it.

  12. Well Ray, some people just dont like Bay's style and feel stuck with his version of the Transformers world and I dont like trolls but people have every right to want something different. You know by now that people are mixed on Bays approach and would like to see a different approach. I think its good to want something different because Bay is Bay and his approach is always the same and 7 years of Bay is alot or some people. I like Bays movies and I'll be the first one there but Iknow what to expect now. Who knows maybe I'm rong and Bay will do something totaly different and blow our minds, I'm praying.

  13. Michael Bay surely knows that Transformers3 is a bad movie. Otherwise he wouldn't be now telling that Transformers4 is headed into some sort of reboot thing bringing back some old characters... Maybe he understood that firing Megan Fox and replace her with a top model that can't act and ruined all scenes she was featured wasn't his smartest move,uh? Maybe Michael Bay realized that he did a bad work on Transformers3 pushing the 3D gimmick to raise boxoffice results and nothing else? Maybe Michael Bay knows that on Transformers3 he did his worst action scenes to date,uh? Transformers3 has so many issues, it looked like a cheap tv movie pretending to look bigger. Transformers3 isn't loved by the majority of Transformers movies customers, Transformers2 is the movie that sold more DVD/Blu-Ray copies, despite many on the 'net claiming that it was a bad movie.. the fact is that Transformers2 sold way more than either the 1st or 3rd movie.

  14. The reason why these movies made so much money because Bay and company tricked the people to see them just telling them how great it will be. If you look at behind the scenes and everything they look promising, but when u go see the movie it sucks. Micheal Bay tricked me 3 times hes not going to trick me for the 4th time. I say its really time to start over like what 3:15am said.

  15. I'ts hard for any third movie to put as many butts in seats as the previous movies but DOTM was a major blockbuster. but I still think the first movie was the best, the CGI was awesome and the scraps were good as well but I beleive he has to somthing different because people are getting tired of Bays approach thats all I'm saying, I dont hate the guy, I dont hate anyone but I talk to alot of people about these movies and people are looking for something different, they love the Transformers world but definetely question bays style, and its always the same thing Bay has great action sets and stunts and special effects but lacks a great and powerful story, instead you walk out of the movie feeling like it was kind of goofy.

  16. worst news i've had this week. it's so unfair for Bay to be allowed to make another transformers movie. i'd start writing a criticism of what's fundamentally wrong with bay's transformers movies but i don't have a spare few hours. sad news. **** you Bay & **** you Hasbro

  17. I knew it wouldn't be long before the idiotic "top model" Megan Fox stalker guy came out from his rock to bash Bay.

    You're all idiots because one minute you bash these movies, then the next minute you're lining up to go to see them multiple times, buy the Blu Ray, etc

  18. @AnonymousFeb 14, 2012 06:15 AM: you are the one paying to watch Transformers movies. Or maybe you are a Paramount employee hoping tons of people will love to be fooled for the 4th time and pay for another bad movie.

  19. And so the trolling goes on and on and on and on, and accusations we are all Paramount employees.......jeez guys, don't you have anything better to do??????

    Some people like Bay's look on Transformers, others don't.

    This news did made my year, to hear the confirmation of a new movie!

    1. i know it completely made my day and year

  20. The Troll guy is actually pretty funny. He reminds me of those crazy "Jesus Loves You" Christian fanatics that loudly picket outside malls and fan conventions just to get your attention.

    1. Martinus Prime2/14/2012 4:32 PM

      This news just made my day also! Great to hear the movie is coming and that Bay is o board again! AWESOME!

      LionBoogy, do you have a site or a link where I can see pics/vids of your BB en Ironhide costumes? Are the vids on youtube of BB and IH at Comic-con and Anime Expo '11 your costumes? I recognize your BB.

    2. Sure thing, Martinus: <-- the BEST video of us so far. I'm also friends with Ackson.

    3. Martinus Prime2/15/2012 11:46 AM

      Thanx LionBoogy, dude that's just AWESOME!!! I find your Ironhide even more awesome than your BB!
      Are you perhaps working on a new costume?

  21. Good news, but I expected that it will release earlier.. Happy Valentines day!!:)

  22. It's called viral marketing. Having websites and blogs like this one pretending to be run by some casual "fans". That is what all production studios do for promoting their movies.
    Paramount is behind this as well as and

    Sony fakes PSP fan site
    Guerrillas in the midst
    By Nick Farrell
    Fri Dec 15 2006, 16:37
    SONY HAS been outed by bloggers who have discovered the maker of exploding batteries has been running a fake PSP fan site. appeared to have been designed by two mates and featured downloadable PSP cards and t-shirt transfers. There was even a Youtube video with one of the mates' cousins rapping about the console.

    However all that disappeared when Sony fessed up that the site was a part of a marketing campaign designed to promote the PSP in the run-up to Christmas.

    The site had been registered by marketing outfit Zipatoni which offers "integrated multimedia marketing initiatives", which is not something you get out of a backstreet in Soho although it is equally viral.


  23. @ Anonymous Feb 14, 10:00 AM
    I bet all the people who bought tickets for the first 3 movies were sponsored by Paramount. Maybe nobody really likes anything, maybe everyone has been bought and paid for by big corporations.

    So because Sony was guilty of faking a fansite all fansites are fake? Do you have any proof of this? No, you don't.

    I bet you'll say the only real transformer fan sites are the ones saying DOTM sucked without Megan Fox, DOTM's action scenes were weak, DOTM's 3D was crap, Bay was forced to make DOTM because he really wanted to make Bad Boys 3. Your stupidity defies logic.

  24. Hate that Bay is doing the forth TF movie. Would reather see someone do the movie with some depth in the story. And I want Ironhide back!

  25. lets not toll. what seems to be going on is that half sequal half reboot type of movie.

  26. I'm so happy that Transformers 4 is in the works, something to look foward to. Time for the lovers and the haters to come out of the wood work, this is great!!

  27. I'M SO EXCITED!!! I'm about to loose control and I think I like it.

    msn posted this review- you can check it out if you want

  29. this is very good news!!!!!!!!!!!! im glad micheal and all of the producing crew are coming back. ok so if they are gonna do something similar to the new spider-man and g.i. joe movies coming out this year it won't be the same exact story from the first 3. they are going to be using plot lines that were set up from the first 3 and bringing some of the characters back. i really hope they bring back these characters and don't kill them off: sam, carly, lennox, epps, and the important autobots and decepticons

  30. That is great news! Can't wait for 2014! I want Autobots: hotrod, Sunstreaker,Ciffjumper Hound,Ultra Magnus,Springer.Thanks Micheal Bay for coming back! Now we gotta wait see if Shia LaBeouf comes back! Hope he dose come back I wonder if Unicron is going to be in in it! Iam sure Galvtron is going to be in it.

  31. This is actually good. I thank god for making it 2014, not 2013. If done for 2013, the movie would be rushed and would fail. Done fore 2014, it would be given more time and would probably be good. More time, better movie.

  32. I'd like to see something about the fall of Seibetron, they have given us tidbits of information throughout all 3 movies but a prequel would seem like a good way to "reboot" the series. Downsides of that would be no human characters which would also mean pretty much the whole movie would be cgi generated. But who knows, no matter which way you look at it, I am extremely excited.

  33. Can I get freaking Laser beams and Dino Bots!

  34. Fall of cybertron gameplay trailer premiers tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

  35. I want to see A trilogy about the era of rodimus an galvatron and the coming of unicron.

  36. I've watched Bays movies, and they're not bad.
    As already mentioned the FX and graphics are kickass, but I don't like everything about it! At times the movements are too detailed and fast for the eyes to capture, and the heavy shading makes it difficult to recognize the characters.

    And I want more backstory, more of the TRANSFORMERS, not the lifestory of the humans getting in their way.

    Still, gonna watch the 4. Hope it is better. (TF1 is the best of 'em so far)

  37. You fukin morons really think Bay tricked you into seeing these movies? Holy shit!!!! These movie are entertainment, he's not trying to win an Oscar here. You cant do what the cartoons do cuz its a cartoon!!!! Go get laid u fuckin nerds and leave the movies alone! Go watch them for the robots and fights like the rest of us, if u dont like them dont go see them assclowns!!!
