Sunday, February 26, 2012

Transformers: Dark of the Moon Loses to Hugo for Oscars (Updated)

Tonight the Academy Awards were held, with Transformers: Dark of the Moon nominated in three categories for Best Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, and Visual Effects. Sadly the film went 0 for three, losing in all three categories to Hugo. The decisions baffle me but its not really a surprise either. The Academy voters are mostly actors and non-technical people who only know if they liked the movie or not. They are unable to separate the technical (and artistic) achievements from the movie itself, for good or bad. Dark of the Moon and the other much superior nominees in these categories are a victims of that ignorance. Which is sadly often the norm for the Academy Awards.

Update: While Michael Bay is unlikely to comment on the utter nonsense of Hugo being voted superior to Dark of the Moon in these Oscar categories,'s Nelson has posted Film School Reject's rage over the Oscar snubbing here as an indirect way to reflect their likely thoughts on the subject. When my Mom, who barely knows computers much less how films are made found, Hugo's wins in these categories to be ridiculous (and she was upset Hugo didn't get Best Film), then you know there is a serious disconnect between the voters and their knowledge of the categories.

Sound Editing
Drive - Lon Bender and Victor Ray Ennis
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Ken Klyce
Hugo - Philip Stockton and Eugene Gearty - WINNER
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl
War Horse - Richard Hymns and Gary Rydstrom

Sound Mixing
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - David Parker, Michael Semanick, Ren Klyce, and Bo Persson
Hugo - Tom Fleischman and John Midgley - WINNER
Moneyball - Deb Adair, Ron Bochar, Dave Giammarco, and Ed Novick
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush, and Peter J. Devlin
War Horse - Gary Rydstrom, Andy Nelson, Tom Johnson, and Stuart Wilson

Visual Effects
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - Tim Burke, David Vickery, Greg Butler, and John Richardson
Hugo - Rob Legato, Joss Williams, Ben Grossman, and Alex Henning - WINNER
Real Steel - Erik Nash, John Rosengrant, Dan Taylor, and Swen Gillberg
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Joe Letteri, Dan Lemmon, R. Christopher White and Daniel Barrett
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Scott Farrar, Scott Benza, Matthew Butler, and John Frazier


  1. Haha. The film with the worst VFX of all the nominees won. Apes and Transformers were both robbed. Oscars are a bigger joke than the Razzies.

  2. Doesn't surprise me. Whilst I'm not saying there's a conspiracy against Transformers, the very nature and style of the franchise is a drawback against it winning awards like these.

    Supposing both Transformers and a family-oriented movie achieved the exact same thing, chances are the latter will get the vote.

    Not because the latter is better, but simply because most people can identify, or relate to it better.

  3. Seriously? Are you really surprised? Each time they would list the nominees I would say, "Well it's definitely not going to be Transformers."

  4. Not surprised. Always disappointed. :(

  5. Watching the Oscar's is like watching shit fall out of someone's ass.

    1. lol! very AVGN of you to say that! haha

    2. Your wierd ! But I like:-)

  6. Rise Of The Planet The Apes is one of the worst WETA works to date.
    Transformers 3 is a bad work by ILM. The CGI is most reused, nothing good.
    Best CGI by ILM so far has been that on Transformers 2.

    1. U r such a person u hates transformers and I say to u good ridents

  7. Should be based on the work of the vfx not the film itself. If a movie is better reviewed even if those effects are not as good most times seem to win.

  8. Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, Transformers DOTM and Real Steel lost against Hugo ?

    Am I the only one who found the visual effects a bit cheap ? you could tell when there was a green sreen...
    They were supposed to judge the quality of the visual effects, regardless the quality of the film itself right ?

  9. Its never ever going to change when these liberals are all in love with Hugo, its basically set in stone and we all know by now they hate Bay so not only will he never ever win anything with the Ebert crowd he will be mocked and smeared and bashed with no end in sight until they destroy his character because thats what these people do day in and day out and in there eyes anyone who likes these movies are a bunch of dumb fucks living in the backwoods of alabama with no teeth doing the two step.

    1. Liberals? You sound like one of them "dumb fucks" you are talking about. Grow up. You sound like a spokesperson for Fox.

    2. Your a bitch for say ing that

  10. Liberals? What does that have to do with anything? Sad state of affairs in America when politics gets injected into every conversation regardless of whether it belongs there. Transformers was deserving of the VFX Oscar - let's leave it at that.

  11. Your right I agree 4:23 AM, I shouldn't have gotten so out of hand and politics does not belong here and I can always express what I dont like about the Oscars in different way because ultamately its all about Transformers and thats why I come here, not to ridicule because we all have different opinions and they should be respected by everyone and everyone gets aggravated but your right of all places politics certainly does not belong here, if anything thats why we come here to escape that shit.Its all about Transformers.

  12. Hollywood it's all about politics. And its owned by Left Wing.

  13. They had a good moment with Bay on the screen and the crowd applauded big time, thats good enough for me because ultimately thats what Bay does is put butts in seats and goes on to make over 1 billion, you know that drives the so called critics nuts, the critics can never win over the power of the people and again thats what movies are for, putting butts in seats and let the battle of ideas in the movieverse decide.And it doesn't matter what people think if you like a particular movie then thats all that counts.

  14. I was actually talking about that with my brother. we're both extremely dissappointed that hugo won. we would've understood of apes or real steel won, but hugo? WTF man?!?! this is why i hate these awards shows, its all actors giving each other pats on the back. and guess what, oscar? the american symbol of movie excellence, well he's modelled after a mexican.

  15. Yo Bro I'm a mexican, WTF?

  16. I didn't see Hugo so I guess I can't judge that movie yet, but I did see see the others. I thought they all did a fairly good job. If they all did fairly well then you have to base the award on who used the good special effects to the greatest artistic talent. Oscars are not about big blockbusters or which made the most money. Having said that, Transformers needed its superior special effects to show something beyond what it was story/emotion/character wise. And as a Transformers fan (not a Bayformer story fan) I'd have to say the story was better in almost every other movie up for the awards. And I know I'll be called a troll but that's why you need to keep the vfx team and get rid of the writers and director. Maybe they'll have a better chance at an Oscar and not even get one Razzie nom if they did that. Oooops forgot about the millions they would still get even if he wasn't there.


  17. Your definately not a troll for expressing your opinion, a troll comes on hear to start shit and call people names and agitate everyone.I have no problem with wanting a different writer and director but you have to admit these people hate Michael Bay with passion.I'm serious I never seen so much hatred, you know, you've heard some of the horrible things said about Bay, and I tell ya there were plenty of things I didn't like about DOTM but I've seen much much worse with no where near the ridicule . I don't know it just seems extra nasty towards Bay like they want to totaly destroy him and Bay just dances to the bank.

  18. wtf is hugo?
    never saw it, doesnt even "ring a bell"

  19. The oscars are like AFV.
    You can have 1 or 2 videos that make you die laughing but in the end the winner is a dog licking his plate clean.
    I knew transformers wasn't going to win, but I would rather have seen it go down to other worthy competitors like Planet of the Apes than Hugo (don't get me wrong, I loved Hugo, but it didn't deserve it's awards for special effects.)
    After 3 films of pushing boundries in EVERY technological way, the films get nominated for 16 razzies. (I would understand if ROTF got those razzies, but DOTM? B.S! I can name 10 movies worse in every way!)

  20. @Anonymous Feb 27, 2012 03:56 PM: Transformers3 is a bad movie, worst Michael Bay movie to date. It deserves the razzies. Transformers2 was the best of the franchise action and CGI wise and a bit disappointing plot wise compared to the first but still the execution was overall way better than what Transformers3 delivered. Transformers3 could have had a better plot BUT the execution just plain sucks! Action scenes are small, cheap, CGI is just old models reused and a lot of mistakes can be easily seen also the rendering is low detail compared to the first two, all the 3D marketing hype crap was just that pure hype to fool people into believing there was more technical quality, also when watching in 3D with all the blur and headache added most people can't see movie issues.

  21. Just to let you know, the Razzies themselves are based on popularity.

    The worst of the POPULAR movies get the Razzie award.

    There's a lot of second-rate movies out there that are just completely... well... terrible. But we never say anything because we never saw them.

  22. I dont think your talking about Trans 2 5:35 PM unless you like dogs and bots a humpin and testicles a hangin and Simmons hairy ass a shining and Leo's thumper dumper draws a droppin, you have to be talking about Trans 1 that makes more sense and had the best CGI of all 3 movies. You just cant be serious about Trans 2 now that movie was perverted, I seen whole families get up and walk out, it was kind of strange.

  23. @AnonymousFeb 27, 2012 06:26 PM: the best CGI is on Transformers2. The jokes on Transformers2 were funny and worked, the ones on Transformers3 were just plain retarded and boring and ruined the scenes, they didn't work. And the CGI on Transformers3 is bad compared to the first two movies.

    1. Aredo's tiny balls2/28/2012 4:42 AM

      @ Anonymous Feb28, 2012 12:59 AM
      Transformers2 was terrible.
      Dogs humping, robot humping a leg, stereotypical racist robots, jetfire farting, devastators balls, yeah that's funny.
      The jokes in Transformers2 were only funny to 10 year olds.
      You started hating on Transformers3 the day M. Fox got fired.
      Did you even see Transformers3? Can you even list any of the bad CGI you claim it contains? No, you can't. You haven't in the past and you wont now.

    2. Dunno who you are referring to or trying to offend there.
      Transformers3 retarded scene in the toilet with Ken Jeong and Shia LaBeouf that John Malkovich character finds out and thinks being gay would be a good funny well written adult scene,uh?
      And still John Malkovich character acting in a dumb pathetic way with Bumblebee is a well written adult scene and not dumb,uh?
      And what about Alan Tudyk character then? Well written and not retarded too? Not for 10 years old,uh?
      The big difference is that what you claim bad disgusting scenes on Transformers2 WORKED AND ARE FUNNY TO WATCH. The ones on Transformers3 ARE PATHETIC BAD WRITTEN AND DO NOT WORK ON SCREEN.
      And the CGI on Transformers3 is bad in so many scenes..

    3. Aredo loves Mikayla2/28/2012 12:20 PM

      Did I say the jokes in Transformers 3 were funny? No I didn't.
      The attempted humor in Transformers3 was just as stupid as the attempted humor in Transformers2. Neither movie was funny. If your gonna reply to me at least reply to what I actually say.

    4. You little kid are obsessed with that Aredo nickname whoever or whatever it is. You should use Facebook less and grow up a little bit.
      It's kinda silly your attempt now at telling the opposite of what you stated previously. First you go around attacking and insulting whoever dares pointing out that Transformers3 is a bad movie claiming that is perfect instead, then when ones points out even better that your complaints against Transformers2 jokes you kept writing on and on were just plain silly given how much pathetic jokes are on Transformers3.. then all of a sudden you reply telling that you didn't say that and you didn't like the jokes on Transformers3 anymore... but before you were telling that Transformers3 didn't have any kinda jokes, it was a perfect movie..uh?
      Really. Grow up kid. You are confused.

    5. Aredo loves me2/28/2012 6:07 PM

      Its my right to select whichever username I want just as its your right to remain anonymous. Is there something about my username that offends you?

      When did I attack or insult anyone? Read my above posts and show me an attack or an insult. You on the otherhand have a history of trying to argue with anyone who likes DOTM or doesn't like ROTF...kinda like you've done repeatedly on this thread.

      My only comments about DOTM were asking you to point out the bad CGI in DOTM (which you haven't done) and saying DOTM's jokes weren't funny.

      I am confused, by the manner in which you post. I realize this blog attracts people from all over the world, perhaps you are just learning english and have trouble understanding what people are writing?

    6. Aredo : The First Avenger2/28/2012 6:11 PM

      Oh, I also pointed out that you started hating on DOTM when M. Fox was fired. I also asked you if you had seen DOTM.

    7. You are the little kid here that needs to learn english. And some proper manners when talking with others. Your family didn't teach you a bit of good breeding or your just don't care when you are on the 'net?

    8. I have to agree transformers2 was kinda terrible but transformers 3 is better

    9. Hahahahahahahahahaha

  24. Transformers 2 was perverted , even one of the kitchen bots had a boner and perversions were not jokes except maybe thumper dumper but even that was perverted. I'm sorry but that movie was fucked up.

  25. @Anonymous Feb 28, 2012 03:54 AM: "perverted" what? Are you a little kid or a dumb adult? Transformers2 was written with passion and heart. Transformers3 was written just to get a fat check fooling people, it was dumb and boring. Surely Transformers3 main plot idea was smart BUT the execution is lame.

    1. The funny thing is I'd say it's the other way around. TF3 was almost like an apology for TF2.

    2. Plus there wasn't really passion and heart going into TF2. It was like homework you don't remember to do until midnight the day of. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed it.

  26. You know you lost the argument when you have to lash out and call people names, thats what Trolls do. The bottom line is if you think over half the movie was so funny and written with such passion and heart then why do most people think it was perverted and lost, even Bay tried to blame how fucked up the movie was on a writers strike, even he new it was a disaster. Transformers 1 was the best and Transformers 3 was better then 2.

    1. @Anonymous Feb 28, 2012 07:31 AM: you are the one insulting people here. You must be a little kid.

    2. watch wat you say about kids. I'm one- but I can hold a conversation... thats why I come here and have a username

  27. CASE CLOSED!!!

  28. The guy who keeps saying Transformers 2 is the best movie ever is a troll and a wacko Megan Fox fan.

    I liked TF2. But TF3 was easily the best of the three films in terms of robot carnage. No contest.

    1. You really are a little kid. Transformers 3 action and battle scenes are so short that nothing really happens on that movie. It's just plain boring. The scenes have as few people and CGI as possible to save on actual budget. They fooled people with marketing hype and nothing else. They put zero effort in doing Transformers3 and it shows. They just re-used CGI models and tweaked something here and there. It surely didn't take many resources at ILM as the first two movies absolutely did with their massive scale and complex scenes.

    2. what the hell is it with you people calling others kids?!?! i take offense to that! its basically a slap to the face and saying your stupid so thanks!

    3. You just acted like a little kid yourself.

    4. Aredo will stand, Aredo will fall2/29/2012 12:22 PM

      @ Anonymous Fe 28, 2012 05:10 PM
      "The scenes have as few people and CGI as possible to save on actual budget" - There were few people in the Chicago scenes because the city was abandoned...becasue it had just sufffered an alien attack. Most of the businesses were compensated for remaining closed while shooting took place.

      "They put zero effort in doing Transformers3 "
      "They just re-used CGI models and tweaked something here and there"
      "It surely didn't take many resources at ILM as the first two movies absolutely did with their massive scale and complex scenes" - Zero effort, really. That is a foolish statement don't you think? Were Sentinel Prime, Q, Dino, the Wreckers, The Dreads,Lazerbeak, Shockwave or the Driller in Transformers 2? Nealy all of the returning robots were upgraded(e.g. Prime's chest, BB's weapons, Ratchet's color and Megatron and Soundwave's new robot and alt modes) All of those decepticon motherships and attack ships, those were CGI. Chicago is not really a damaged burning city and the prologue wasn't actually filmed on the planet Cybertron. The driller was the largest asset ILM has ever built and the scene where it destroys the sky scrapper is the largest scene ILM has ever done.

      Is it possible that you didn't actually see Dark Of The Moon or that maybe you watched a chopped up, bootleg version?

    5. Is it possible that you were a Paramount employee that gets so emotional and upset and is paid to defend a bad product at any cost from whoever dares pointing out its huge flaws?
      You think everyone watches pirated copies like you do,perhaps?
      The production had Chicago without people to save on costs.
      The Mission City battle at the end of Transformers1 is way more expensive than anything seen on Transformers3. They went to Chicago to deliver a cheap tv-movie style battle. Just plain lame.
      Unfortunately too many enjoy being fooled by producers. The movie deserved to be a financial failure but instead thanks to 40%-50% inflated 3D ticket prices it became a financial success. Next movies are going to be even worse, they don't care about quality anymore.
      More people like you keep paying for bad works and more producers and directors will lower their quality standards. Why should they care about working any harder if they can manage getting the same money or more with less effort?
      But you and many others love to be fooled.

    6. Aredo wets his pants2/29/2012 5:23 PM

      Is it possible that you are Megan Fox?

      Implying that the final battle in Transformers was more expensive than the Chicago battle is just foolish.

      3-D helped DOTM without question, how much we'll never know. Its likely 3-D helped DOTM as much as that flaming pile called ROTF hurt it.

      You don't express an opinion, you try to verbally bludgeon people with what you think you know. Don't like DOTM, we get it. You've been cutting and pasting the same negative comments since before the movie was released.
      I hated the Green Lantern but I spend zero time whining about it like a dog who likes to get kicked

  29. does anyone even know what that movie "hugo" is about? I saw the trailer- it looked weird!

  30. It is about how we should all worship movies because they are magical...same thing as the Artist. Movies are entertainment, not something divine. The Oscars is all about stroking the ego of old rich guys who run Hollywood.

  31. WOW!! This is going to be a long two and a half years.

  32. Shocked...after 3 nominations for visual effects...thought Dark of the Moon would get it. That's why I stopped watching the oscars years ago...a lot of snubbing goes on.

  33. *2 vfx nominations

  34. I am absolutely and totaly not shocked at all and no one here should be shocked, we all know they hate Michael Bay with passion. And it doesn't matter if some of us liked DOTM or hate it, these people dispise Bay period and they all think alike, like Roger Ebert.

  35. I just watched the trailer for Avengers and I'll be damed it looks and sounds like DOTM and so does Battleship, these people are chumps, instead of comming up with there own battle seens and sounds, they copie Bay. Check it out and tell me if it doesn't sound and look like DOTM,just different heroes.

    1. Actually Avengers and Battleship look way better. If only Michael Bay delivered the kind of action scenes those movies are going to deliver then Transformers3 would have been an excellent movie instead of being the scam it just is.

  36. Totally agree with last post... interesting to see how Transformers has completely changed sci-fi movies, speaking entirely about VFX here, and still the academy won't recognize it. Iron Man wouldn't exist without Transformers. And the city battle scenes look exactly like DOTM!

    1. ILM is doing the Battleship CGI.
      ILM is doing the The Avengers CGI too.
      It's not Michael Bay style on the movies.
      It's ILM style.
      The city battle scenes on both The Avengers and Battleship look massive scale, look full of people, look complex and not boring. Just like what Michael Bay did on Transformers1 and Transformers2.
      But on Transformers3 Michael Bay didn't care at all. The battle scenes look just plain boring and cheap. Nothing new, nothing better than previous movies, a real disappointment.

    2. No ILM does the vfx to the designs of the production companies that they are doing the films for. If they seem similiar then blame the directors and producers of those films that want their designs in their films to resemble transformers.

  37. 12:56 PM,Do you even know what your saying no one has even seen those two movies, and I dont give a shit if ILM does the CGI or not the fact is those movies are copying the Transformer franchise on every scale except the heroes because they know Bayhem works, it looks dam near the same and sounds dam near the same, even with the Hulk sliding down the biulding with IronMan, You know they got that seen from Sentinal sliding down the biuling to confront Prime, there chumps.

  38. Pixel Rally your spot on its easier for these new movies to walk in Transformers footsteps.

  39. It seems all you have to do is make a movie as wierdly artistic as possible, maybe slap a black-and-white filter on, and BOOM! Now you have 3 Oscars. They never focus on work or technicality. ILM has some of the hardest working visual effects employees in the industry. They never get enough credit.

    1. All to often the vfx are not judged apart from the film itself. If a movie is reviewed well even if the effects are not as good, it easily gets overlooked. You can have fantastic vfx in a bad movie and 9 out of 10 the good movie with the bad effects will win. sad but true.

  40. 2:29 PM I think that is something we can all agree on, it is truely amazing what ILM does.

  41. @2:29 PM
    I completely agree.

  42. only movies that no one cares to see wins oscars.
