Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kruger Returns for Transformers 4

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Paramount Film Group President Adam Goodman confirmed that Ehren Kruger is returning to write Transformers 4. The writer co-wrote Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and soloed on Transformers: Dark of the Moon. He also mentioned something about if could have a do-over would have released Transformers through the Nickelodeon label. Not exactly sure what difference that would have made on marketing or production of the film.
THR: Is making Transformers 4 without Shia LaBeouf risky? Is he out?
Goodman: The story is going in a different direction now. Ehren Kruger [who wrote the past two Transformers movies] is writing it for us, and we're starting to engage, but I can't say anything more.

THR: Michael Bay is re-envisioning Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for Nickelodeon movies. What are your plans for Nick?
Goodman: We want it to be family adventures and really hard-core family comedies. If I was starting again, I would have put Transformers through Nick. Upcoming movies that could be released through the label are Christopher Columbus' The Secret Lives of Road Crews or Etan Cohen's Boy Scouts vs. Zombies.


  1. Oh, no... Not him again. Somebody please shoot him. Michael Bay + Ehren Kruger = NOT GOOD!

  2. Nickelodeon label? PLease god NOOOO!!!!! I like PG-13 that means no screaming kids! I DONT WANNA SEE A CARTOON VERSION MOVIE (they con do tht for the kiddies)!!!

  3. So Transformers4 is going to be even worse than Transformers3.
    Will people worldwide this time make the movie flop as it deserves?
    Or will then happen Transformers5 even worse than this?

  4. wow already with extreme hatred. thats no suprise

  5. Now hold on, the movie hasn't been made yet, so we don't need to make judgements just yet.

    1. I am simply stating that a cartoon movie would probably sink- real low

  6. give it a chance da otha movies was good,so aint pain and gain almost done i heard it should b finished in june dat means tran4mers is bout to hit da roll on.

  7. I want to give it a chance but NICKELODEON!!!, fuck that shit Iwant this movie to be a serious player, not some childs play, sounds like there going backwards, fucking Bay he's too much.

  8. so he's going to the kids with dis

  9. They had a chance with Transformers3 and they did a mess. They managed to steal a lot of money out of it unfortunately because too many people paid for their bad work. They deserved to have their bad product flop, instead they got richer.
    Anyone really thinks that they would give a damn about producing anything better than the mess that Transformers3 was?
    Transformers4 is going to be even more sloppy, boring and pathetic looking overall.
    As long as too many people will be so naive to give them plenty of money for bad products they won't care about improving.
    Transformers3 is the worst of the franchise so far and Transformers4 is going to be only worse.

    1. Aredo Assemble4/27/2012 8:44 AM

      "Transformers3 is the worst of the franchise so far"
      I have a movie called Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that I think you should watch. It is the biggest pile of flaming shit ever made.

  10. i agree we really havent heard anything about the story or what characters are coming back, and notice he really didnt say shia wasn't going to be in it, he avoided giving a straight answer. i hope shia does come back because it wouldnt be the

  11. i agree we really havent heard anything about the story or what characters are coming back so we can't judge it just yet, and notice he really didnt say shia wasn't going to be in it, he avoided giving a straight answer. i hope shia does come back because it wouldnt be the same without him or lennox or epps

  12. heh i kinda find it funny how us tf fans are getting half assed films full of disapointment, while marvel fans (including me) have avengers thats getting unending praise an love an more praise.

    1. im happy to be a female nerd/geek/scrub person who like all this so tht way if one movie fails... thn i cant go c the movie tht didnt fail! YAAAY! :D

  13. I find it fascinating that I'm totally at the front of the line to see all three TF movies in the theaters multiple times... but when it comes to Avengers, I'll wait until it comes out on DVD/BD.

    I'm so sorry, but I honestly do like Michael Bay movies.

    If it were anyone else, I'm not quite sure I'd enjoy just as much.

    Sorry, that's just me.

    1. ehren kruger was a poor writer,please change somebody talented!!!

    2. Why can't we have Joss Whedon, John Favreau, somebody with some real chops instead of Michael Bay?

    3. I dunno, I'm not exactly excited and lining up to see a Joss Wheadon or John Favreau movie. I know Joss did Firefly (which I have not seen) and Serenity. And I dunno who John Favreau is. What did he do?

      See, it's all a matter of perspective. It's like arguing over who did a better job of Star Wars. George Lucas or that other guy.

  14. Or the guy directing the new G.I. Joe movie?

  15. Oh no, a cartoonish movie based upon a cartoon.

    1. id be quite dissdiponted.

    2. I think I would ask for my money back

  16. Let make Transformers 4 non-stop action and more transformers!

    1. hey hey.... lets not make another ROTF. it was good but to a point

    2. ROTF was top-notch CGI and non-stop action scenes at least and they went to Egypt to film the second half of the movie and the final battle at the pyramid.
      Transformers3 had no good action scenes, too quick action scenes, boring action scenes, boring silly battles, cheap settings with as few CGI models and humans as possible. They surely spent 1/3rd the budget of ROTF on Transformers3. Yes they rented Chicago streets for a few weeks and got tax cuts for that but they really didn't use Chicago at all. The Drillbot..seriously? What was with that? So weak, so dumb. The skyscraper collapsing scene? Not what should have been. Absolutely pointless to the plot, not that complex technically wise.. on the first Transformers movie Megatron and Optimus going thru a skyscraper with all people inside it.. the whole Mission City final battle was so good with all the people, the dynamic was perfect. Michael Bay put a lot of effort there as well as on the second movie ROTF to achieve something never seen before at top-notch quality.
      But on Transformers3 Michael Bay just didn't care at all. He did the bare minimum to get people money, the movie offers absolutely nothing new and it just doesn't work. Too bad too many people paid so much for such a bad work. Michael Bay has no reason to improve his efforts anymore. Why should he? He got the message in his bank accounts along with Paramount and Hasbro managers that it's not necessary to work hard and to improve quality, tons of people will keep giving them money for worse and worse products. So Transformers4 and then Transformers5 will be even worse and cheaper.

    3. But focus on the Transformers mythos!

  17. It doesn't matter if you or me or anyone likes the movies or not, all three were totaly successfull and the Transformer movie franchise is one of the most successfull on planet earth which means weather or not we like it the people did like it. It had a cinama score of an A which means the vast majority of people liked it so all these blogs with all of are opinions dont mean much other than having a discussion about what we liked and didn't like and I love hearing everyones take on the movies and I personaly hope and prey that they do something completely different but I dont know if Bay can ever change his approach.

  18. We can all complain about these movies for decades. But at the end of the day, the night before a movie is supposed to come out, whether in the theaters, on DVD/BD, or Netfliz or whatever... the question is, are you excited to see this movie or not? Are you excited enough to get up off your lazy ass and see it, even once in the immediacy of fandom? Are you excited enough to buy some toys?

    Transformers: YES
    Harry Potter: NO
    Lord of the Rings: NO
    Star Trek: NO
    Avengers: NO
    Dark Knight: YES
    Spiderman: NO
    Star Wars: YES

  19. There needs to be another one with Shia LaBeouf in it. He MADE the movies good. Michael Bay needs to do some convincing. I don't want to see a movie that doesn't have the original characters. Even that Meghan Fox switch annoyed me, if they get rid of Shia the movie won't be nearly as good for me. All in all, I WANT SHIA LEBEOUF!

    1. i completely agree with you it just wouldn't be the same, they can take it in any direction they want just as long as shia and a couple other characters are there. i think michael can convince him (i really hope he can) i would still see it without shia but they NEED shia to come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I totaly respect your opinion but I'm going in the opposit direction, I'm completely done with Sam Witwicky.I hope he focuses more on the Transformers than Some kid and his car because it became too much about Sam and his world than what it should be which is the Transformer Universe. In G1 it was always about Transformers first and humans were an afterthought. I'm not saying dont have humans but the main focus should be Transformers at least thats the way I see it.

  21. If you remove the focus from Sam and Bumblebee in one angle, you can always re-introduce another "boy and his car" from a different angle.

    Case in point and proven: the original Transformers Movie 1986 - Daniel and Hot Rod.

    It would be interesting to see an alternate future story arc from that point of view.

  22. Are you serious? another boy and his car. Please nooooo!! please please please do something totaly different we need a serious change. At least the game has no boy and his car, I would like to see it move further into the Transformers Universe and away from humans and much more character development among Transformers this time but knowing Bay we will get deepwang deepwang and dogs a humpin and Simmons hairy ass. God I hope not.

  23. Or maybe a film that is told through the Decepticon viewpoint? But portraying them not as an ultimate evil but something closer to their previous Cybertronian nature.

  24. Kind of a joke to bring back the writer who messed up ROTF. I mean does even "get" Transformers to begin with? Well neither did the writers of the Unicron Trilogy but you know what I mean.
