Saturday, August 17, 2013

New Sports Car and Spaceship Riding from Transformers 4 Sets

A yellow Saleen S7 was spotted on one of the Transformers 4 sets in the Detroit area. So far we just have the one image so hard to tell if its part of the movie, a background prop or maybe could even just be a rental for a higher up attached to the film.

In addition, below is a video of maybe Mark Wahlberg piloting what looks look like a Cybertronian vehicle similar to those in Dark of the Moon and photographed earlier this month. Again, no clue what is being filmed but the green screen indicates it will be composited in later by ILM into a bigger scene. Thanks to Kenny.D for the links.

Update: Video pulled due to takedown notice by Paramount. Considering the video was taken from a public location, Paramount has no legal claim (otherwise the paparazzi and showbiz shows and sites would be out of business). Sadly the Google bots do not know this and I guess the video poster chose to not contest it.


  1. I swear If I even see the word "Sunstreaker", I'm going to hit you with a spoon.

    1. Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker Sunstreaker

      Instead of a 'word' have 10. Annoying glitch heads is my specialty ; )-

  2. And the douchebag is parked in a handicapped spot and in not straight in.

  3. omg its sunstreaker!!! calling it!

    1. Someone please hit this guy with a spoon.......PLEASE! I hope this isn't a transformers, I hate the design.....and the color, too bloody yellow to bright ugh.

    2. Take a seat please.. Opinion respected.. But we are not hitting people with spoons over silly gripes. Lol dont troll everyone for it.

  4. If they are going stunticons.. This is also a great candidate for Dragstrip.

  5. Just hoping that whoever is who, Hasbro doesn't mess over toy collectors by putting cars in the movie that will not be added to their toyline because of copyrights (I.e Dark of the Moon "Dino", that one still aggravates me.). That would stink to have all these awesome sports cars and not be able to see them in the toyline.

  6. Consider Anon spooned.

  7. That yellow car was at a car show in Michigan and NOT in TF4.

    1. EpicTransformer8/18/2013 12:01 PM

      Yes, this is correct everyone.

    2. Martinus Prime8/19/2013 9:29 AM

      I also think you're right and otherwise they would probably be for the Need For Speed movie. All those cars in the picture are cars that fit perfectly in a N4S movie, especially the yellow Saleen and the blue Mustang.

      WTH saw or spotted these cars on "one of the" TF4 set?? Who comes up with these "spotted on set" theories?? If it's not the car show, it most probably would for the N4S movie.

  8. It really bugs me when people look at a new car for Transformers and see the color and and type and automatically believe it's a character with that same color from G1. Come guys! It's been 3 movies now, color and looks won't make the character! If it did, we would have had a red Ironhide and a red/white Ratchet

    1. The reason they weren't red or red/white is mainly because the color red doesn't always show up well onscreen.

    2. Do you actually believe that excuse? How about Dino or Optimus Flame they are Red specially in robot form they can simply edit that on computer to be brighter coz they are just a CGI.

    3. Martinus Prime8/19/2013 9:23 AM

      Joseph, it's true about red doesn't always go well on film. Bay mentions this on the special features disc from the 1st movie.
      That's why Bay chose for a somewhat more blue look instead of having a complete red nose on the truck.

  9. I'm also well aware that this car is more then likely for the auto show, but it would make one kick aft Sunstreaker. I'm spoon resistant, however, I do throw a mean wrench : )

  10. a spoon over your head might just fix that right up

    1. Like I said, I'm spoon proof. However, I'm trained in the art of Wrench-itsu. You also want to watch out for random pranks. ; )

  11. Guys so mean... We need sideswipes brother in this movie would be awesome to have... Brothers fighting side by dude going pew pew pew.... And... OPTIMUS!!!!! Oh wait that's shitty laboofs job.

  12. I'm all for SUNSTREAKER joining up with Sideswipe and Team Prime. The REAL Twins, not the cheap knock off known as Skids and Mudflap.

  13. We want sideswipes brother on this film could be amazing to possess... Bros combating aspect simply by guy going pew pew pew.... As well as... OPTIMUS!!!!! Oh yeah hold out that is certainly shitty laboofs work.
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  14. I'm just leave this in here.
    -Remember Chicago-
    *Report alien activity
