Thursday, February 20, 2014

Toy Images Showcase Transformers: Age of Extinction CGI Character Art

From the Idle Hands blog via the Transformers_Movie Instagram account below are a bunch of images of the packaging for Hex Bug Transformers: Age of Extinction line. The "bugs" are themed to the major characters of the movie. For fans, the key bit is it appears the art isn't based on the toys but on the actual movie CGI art resulting in our best look yet at the new characters of Galvatron, Lockdown, STinger, Drift and the bearded visage of Hound. All images of the Toy Fair TF Hex Bug display is here. Thanks to Feris O. for the link.


  1. Well...I don't really know what to think of these guys yet. Really don't think I like how humanized their appearances are though.

    1. I have to agree... Especially Crosshairs. I guess I'll just have to wait for the actual movie as well to see if it appears better then. I do love the more flow of info though... at least it's something to look at. Also... what's up with the cyberhair??? Jetfire had it, Que had it, Sentinel had it and now Hound... it's tacky.

    2. I agree. I don't really understand why robots need hair. I realize they are trying to give them a little more character but it just seems really out of place.

    3. You people are too much. The first movie comes out and youre like "They look too alien" Now here we are 3 movies later and its "They look too human" As for robots with beards and hair, i thought you people were G1 fans, many older bots had "cyberhair" in the original cartoons.

  2. Hey, where's Bumblebee?

    1. Forget it. He can be seen through the links.

  3. I like the faces and I really like how Hound looks. Looking good!!!

  4. Thats the one thing i dont like michael bay, he's taking too many liberties with this franchise, first it was soundwaves voice, the twins, then devastaor being beastlike, then robots with hair, he is humanizing every autobot. then a 2 headed dinobit jeez. he just dont get it we just wanna see robots in disguise not all this extra crap he putting. study why the comics and the transformers are fan favorites

    1. I disagree with you. I think a lot of you fans just like to complain about anything. This is the 4th movie! What did you expect? Everything can't be G1 this is another universe. Regular moviegoers (who are the real money bringers) won't care about the changes. Let's be honest there's only so much you can do with robotic faces and we've had many of movies with robotic faces especially in the 2nd movie. Sentinel Prime was well received and everyone liked his look, so they are naturally going that route. Giving them more personality.

    2. Not the same poster as above. Long time fan and a fan of all the movies thus far. It may look better in cgi but from these kind of cartoonish looks at them not a fan. Especially Crosshairs. I can understand looking a little bit like humans however (and this is just going off how colored in they are in the pics) the only difference between them and giants is flesh. I can appreciate artistic liberties and by no means feel they all need to be G1 but at the end of the day (or movie) I want to see giant robots transforming and duking it out and not so much giant humans that happen to have car parts attached to them. I don't think personality is so much the issue as trying to make them human.

    3. I think Sentinel was one of the best designs so far in a movie. I see no problem in more of them looking like that. They look like robots to me. It sets them apart from movies like Pacific Rim. It should become their signature look.

    4. Sentinel was a really good design no question about it. However he did remain looking like a robot as well. I hope they don't look just like this in the movies.

    5. So you're saying you'd rather have walking boxes with crappy animations running around on screen? Din't think so. This is 2014, son. Grow up and accept what the modern day is.

    6. Who are you talking too?

    7. I guess you never watched G1 huh.....son. The animations were nowhere near walking boxes. Going to talk trash. Know your facts.

    8. How much do you know about G1 7:48am? There has been little to nothing G1 related in the movies

  5. 1st. Study why the movies have grossed nearly 3 billon worldwide. 2nd drift's bug has a decepticon symbol on him.

    1. That's because he's a decepticon originally and switches sides to the autobots.

    2. 1st. The name Transformers, Optimus Prime & Peter Cullen grossed nearly 3 billion. 2nd. Know your bots to know why they have different faction symbols.

    3. ^ Oh, if only there was a Vote Up or Like button for comments.

  6. Whats with that pic of optimus where his is all armored silver look....wonder if thats gonna be in the movie??? Or just for the toy.

    1. ^ Optimus Silver Knight^

    2. It's that grey/rusty cab truck......Optimus has two forms in this movie.

  7. I'm really shocked we haven't gotten a trailer yet. GOTG comes out in August and we already have a trailer for that.

  8. @Anonymous 9:47:

    Optimus has more than one alt-mode: the one you're referring to actually is a flat - nose Semi, much like Optimus transformed into in G1. It's called Evasion Optimus Prime as, let's just say, he's trying to evade a certain Decepticon Bounty Hunter who's after him. . .

    1. and apparently the racist humans as well who are pissed about Chicago still >_>

  9. Bay would have to go a lot further in humanizing the characters to get anywhere near what they did in the original G1 comic. By the end of the original comic run, all the characters had *completely* human faces with no explanation, complete with nostrils, wrinkles, double chins, and cheekbones. Bay hasn't even come close to that. The point being that there is already precedent in G1 for a lot of the things fans complain about.

    1. And I complained about it in the comics too!

    2. Good luck complaining coz nothing is going to change

    3. It can change. Bay and crew do look at the different forums.

    4. Its not going to change!

  10. Anyone noticing prime as the rusted out truck? Or is that old news?

  11. Brawl, jolt and blackout is the best design of robots in tf trilogy

  12. In tf4 , I just like galvatron, optimus prime, bumble bee and stinger because only them got robot looked...just don't know why always need put some human look to ruin other characters design...

  13. galvatron and lockdown look like utter shit to me. i like all the others though, especially hound

    1. which one is lockdown?

    2. Martinus Prime2/20/2014 2:30 PM

      ^ The dark grey one, 1st picture in 2nd row, with the points on his shoulders.

    3. I am so mad that Galvatron is a truck and not something way more bad ass like a B-2 or some futuristic bomber/fighter....

  14. Sentinel looked like a combination of Optimus and Alpha Trion. And I guess I'm okay with his design. But Arcee was kind of disappointing because of legs. And Que and Hound are too human-like, but I'm not complaining too much.

    1. Wait, did I say complaining? I mean, feeling down.

  15. galvatron^^

  16. Martinus Prime2/20/2014 2:27 PM

    Like I said earlier this week, I didn't think I would say this, bc I hated the pole-face of Hound.
    Problem was, the pole-face wasn't nowhere near finished, it had very big round eyes and it looked goofy.
    But Hound looks badass man ! Yes I agree it's a bit to human looking, but I just think he looks badass and he chews on a frickin' bullit !!!

    The problem I had with Que, was he looked like an old man with glasses, he looke 100% like Einstein, that's just stupid !
    If they made him a badass scientist, it would've been way better.

    I also really like 'Stinger', he looks badass insectlike, like Dino's face.

    1. Martinus Prime2/20/2014 2:32 PM

      And not just his face, his whole body.

    2. I like Hounds face. Drifts is ok. Crosshairs..well...I just want a decepticon to drop kick him in his face..several times.

    3. I actually like the designs - at the same time I don't see a need for double chins and nostrils on metallic beings, as was shown in that particular comic book rendition. Regardless, if there's something I don't like, I create my own TF characters. I think it's odd how some are complaining about the more human look this time around. While I like some things about the Bay verse and have come to accept some things about it, I LOVE these designs.

    4. Crosshairs is less human-looking than Drift and Hound. But why he has the Cape?

    5. Tbh i like all designs, they all look like they are all different which is good, but i am not a person who complains about human like faces on robots

  17. Even the G1 cartoon started making the robots more human-looking. By the third season, the main robots had rounded limbs, Scourge had a mustache and beard, and I think Cyclonus had a little beard, too.

  18. you know I bet there going to look pretty dam cool on the big screen in 3D, I'm siked

  19. May I ask why you don't like Crosshairs?
    I just don't like his alt mode. Bay's re-using Sideswipe's Corvette alt mode is just lazy and uncreative, in my opinion. That's ontop of Bay giving many of them beards and mustaches, which looks cartoonish and just plain ridiculous.
    As for Hound, I hate the beard and his arms look like freaking slinkies.
    I'm hoping Drift is just wearing a Samurai mask and that's not his actual face, because it looks really out of place.

    1. I don't like Crosshairs for several reasons 1) his face it looks way too human 2) a robot with goggles 3) a cape 4) did I mention his face? 5) his coloring (I guess I'm a robot racist) 6) and this is the most important of all...his face (I hate it so much it was warranted mentioning 3 times) :P

      I will agree that is laziness on the part of the studio.

      I hated Hound at first but he's starting to kind of grow on me. I can picture his beard being kind of like sentinels. Present but still having that mechanical feel to it.

    2. First, off, I never understood why everyone is blaming Bay. I mean, he's not the one coming up with the designs is he? No, it is the design/cg team who creates the renders and prototypes of the characters. Bay just agrees with what he sees. That's the only thing Bay is doing wrong.

    3. Yo. I'm the anonymous that responded here. You are saying exactly what I have said countless times. Which is why I said "the studio" Bay is given a script and it's up to him to give an interpretation of what is there. Not designs. No writing (other than maybe basic things) which is why his job is to direct :P

    4. Crosshairs alt mode is not the same as Sideswipe's. He is a completely different model Corvette.

  20. I'm really interested in that weird light Optimus Prime image.

  21. Dude, first of all, sideswipe's corvette alt mode is a concept that never got produced for sale (maybe it was made just for the movie), the green stingray corvette (crosshairs) is the sucessor of the corvette c6 and actually its for sale! so plz, dont argue things you dont know!

    PD: Bay isn't the guy that design and select which tf its gonna be!!

    1. I'm very well aware of that, thank you very much. I just don't think it's at all creative to use the same alt mode that's already associated with a different character. I don't care if it was produced in real life, or not. It's STILL a CORVETTE alt mode, irregardless of any minute differences. Now, had Crosshairs actually been Sunstreaker, I wouldn't have an issue with it because he and Sideswipe are Twins. Crosshairs may be a good character, I just think Bay was very lazy and very uncreative in giving him an alt mode already associated with another Bot. YOU may not agree or like my opinion, but it's just that, MY opinion.

    2. most of autobots alt mode are chevy cars (GM) and they could have an agreement with paramount, dreamworks etc. (maybe they give their cars for free just for advertising)

    3. True, but if Chevy wanted to promote the new Corvette, all Bay had to do was upgrade Sideswipe (like he did Bee), instead of giving the already in use alt mode to a completely new Bot. He could've introduced new Autobot Crosshairs with his own unique alt form, instead of reusing one already associated with Sideswipe. I think Crosshairs would've been better suited to another badass alt mode like a Viper or Charger. To me, it just seems lazy and uncreative for Bay to reuse the Corvette, when all he had to do was keep Sideswipe. That's just my own opinion though.

  22. Wait a second... Silver Knight? Isn't that Optimus? How many different versions Optimus are we going to get in the movie?

    1. Is the Silver Knight aka Ultra Magnus? Rumor keeps floating around...

    2. but he's so similar to optimus :/

  23. Um... Bay is the director. He definitely *is* the guy who selects which TF is going to be in the film *and* approves the approves the design. Personally, the ILM guys haven't let me down yet. I like everything they've done, but let's be clear, nothing at all makes it to the screen without Bay's overseeing and approving everything.

    1. Um, Bay is a director, but he in no way chooses who is in the film or designs anything, thats just something called common sense, which apparently not common anymore. Do you really think Hasbro would base a potential million dollar toy line on the designs created by a Hollywood director ? If you really think that, you need serious mental help.

  24. The A-3 on hounds helm. By primus what does it mean!?

  25. Maybe the A-3 stands for Autobot 3rd Division? lol
    I honestly don't know, but am now curious about that too.

  26. piss poor designs except the G1 STYLE PRIME..he shouldve lookd similiar to that from the get go...piss off MB and the average movie goer

  27. So according to the above pictures, Glavatron is the bot that cuts the car in half during the trailer, not Cyclonus as earlier posts have suggested...

    1. it was confirmed some days ago that he was galvatron, btw someone noticed that galvatron appears in two scenes in the superbowl ad:

      when he cut the car in half and when optimus was shot in the back by lockdown when he almost killed galvatron.

    2. It's been confirmed for some time now that the big Con that rips the car in half in the trailer is Galvatron. I've been following every piece of info I can find for a year now and other than confirming he's in the movie, I haven't heard a PEEP about Cyclonus. I personally am a lil disappointed with how Galvatron looks... I just feel he is such an important character that he should be much more "impressive" looking.

    3. totally agree with u, I also feel that galvatron isnt gonna be the main villian!

    4. Definitely. They could have done so much more with Galvatron. Instead he seems basically thrown together and given the name.

    5. Yh it looks like they are hiding the main villain at the moment, on the ragi nation profile some guy put a picture up of tf4 bobble head toys and one was a sillouette so maybe that guy is the main villain, i dont know also i dont think they would show the main villain in the first trailer, it would seem stupid to, michael bay is quite smart with his trailers anyway

  28. I'm kind of hoping the Ultra Magnus rumors are true. With a fleet of Con ( or quintesson?) ships heading towards Earth, Lockdown and Galvatron wreaking havoc,a giant Ocean Con, and evil humans creating their own Transformers to kill both factions (which really makes no sense, since the human made Transformers would themselves evolve), that's ALOT of enemies for just a small group of Bots to handle all at once. Granted, they have the Dinobots, but they all can't be in multiple places at one time. That would be stretching their already small group very thin. It would make far more sense to have a secondary set of Bots, possibly led by Magnus.
    The Bots don't have N.E.S.T. to support them this time, and have humans and Cons out to annihilate them. Just as I don't think we've met all the Cons yet (obviously), I have a feeling there may also be a few more Bots, too (at least, I would hope so).
    I'm still trying to figure out that scene with Crosshairs parachuting into a pristine looking Chicago. Since the Sears Tower is very visible and pretty well known, I can't see that being anything other than Chicago. So, they either made a hell of a lot of progress in rebuilding the city in 3-4 years, or it's some kind of flashback scene (which makes no sense since Crosshairs was not there).

    1. As much as I would loooove it if there was a second unit of BOTS in this film (which actually isn't too bad of an idea)... truth is, even though, as you said, there is a chance we haven't yet been informed of all the BOTS in this movie... bottom line is there can only be as many BOTS as there are vehicles (minus the Dinobots)... and we've pretty much scene all of the vehicles. So unless Bay is going to introduce some BOTS that have some sort of alt mode that isn't a car or truck... I don't see how that's possible... especially Magnus... his only shot was the Argosy and we know that's not him.

      We all have our favorites... me personally, I was hoping to see either Perceptor, Blaster or the Ariel Bots... Omega Supreme is my dream though. BUT... I'll take what I can get and be happy for it. I'm actually curious to see what becomes of Ratchet, Sideswipe and Dino... I was a huuuuuge fan of DINO...

    2. Question... has anyone ever come up with a semi decent idea as to who the WHITE CAMARO is in this movie (if it's even a Transformer?)? Also, what about all the fancy sport cars that where being filmed in China that where scene with the Argosy? Are we assuming those are all human made T's?

    3. IF the white Camaro is a Bot, I'm leaning towards it being one of 3: Windcharger, Smokescreen or (most likely) Cliffjumper. The Bot would be the same size as Bee (him also being a Camaro) and those three are about the same size and would make the most sense to me (as badly as I want him to be Prowl).
      There was also that Cadillac, another Lambo and about half a dozen other random cars. There was even a white Ferrari and that Ambulance. I have a feeling that Ratchet will show up. I'd like to think Sideswipe and the others left the planet (Sideswipe off to find Sunstreaker), with a big Kiss My Aft to the humans blaming them for Chicago.
      There's also that E-Jet car. I think that could turn out to be a human made Transformer.

    4. Huh? There are many cars that don't have names yet. Remember the garbage truck, the orange sports car, and those other cars? Still plenty of cars that haven't been named yet.

    5. Martinus Prime2/21/2014 8:30 AM

      Wasn't there a carshow in China? That's probably where the other sportscars were for.

      I think the white Camaro is just a characters car, just as some of the other cars.
      Maybe the brand new Aston Martin vanquish could be Bot or Con, that's a special car.
      I think the orange McClaren MP4-12C is defeinitly a Bot or Con, that's hypercar like the Lambo and Bugatti, it's just way to special to not be a Bot or Con.
      We still don't know if the Cadillac Cien was for the carshow that was being held, or for the movie.

      As for the Chinese E-Jet, I also think that could be a human made Transformer. Just like Galavtron will be.
      The humans are going to revive Megatron and make Galvatron, that's why he has a nuclear reactor in his chest. That's my theory.

      The ambulance is nothing, it was not filmed on set, people are seing to much into things, it was on set for protection, for first aid when an accident happens during stunts.

    6. No dude they had footage of those cars traveling in the streets in a single line from smallest to biggest like the autobots travel. They are definitely Transformers. Now they could be the autobots in different alt modes so they won't be spotted because all of them are the same size as each character in the autobots. I think Hound could be the garbage truck, Optimus the smaller truck, Bumble, Drift, and Crosshairs are the other sports cars.

    7. Martinus Prime2/21/2014 3:28 PM

      Okay, but there definitly was a carshow in the US, where the Cadillac Cien was spotted, we saw pics of that show and they even used a dirty Ratchet on display.
      Now there was some filming, but wasn't that for Need For Speed?

    8. No the footage I'm talking about was on the AOE set in China. I'm not even talking about US footage. This is what I'm talking about. On second viewing these are decepticons because Stinger is in the group.

  29. Random thought of the day: If Pinpointer shows up with Crosshairs, I'm gonna throw something at the damn screen (be it popcorn or M&Ms).

    1. Who the hell is Pinpointer????

    2. Crosshairs was part of the Targetmsters. They had little mini-bots that were their fighting partners. They transformed into guns. Pinpointer was Crosshairs fighting mini-bot partner.

  30. I personally hope that the ocean con is Tidal wave...and hope that overload can be the decepticon leader, cyclonus be the aerial fighter and have six shotsto have combiners to fight against dinobots alongside with Tidal wave

  31. Man you G1 fans make me sick. Nitpick and complain about everything. I'm starting to despise G1 fans.

    1. G1 fans are mostly the originals. G1 was a big part of a lot of our childhoods. So yes we are passionate about the movies. I grew up on them. I don't nitpick everything there is but there are a few key things they can keep.

      The thing is we think a lot of the same things about the people who will pretty much take whatever is offered not even caring that some of it is not even a nod to the originals.

  32. I'm starting to hate everyone who people not realize how lucky we are to even have live-action Transformers movies?!?. Granted Bay isn't known for good scripts, but I'm grateful for all 4 movies so far.

    Also, just need to get this off my chest, years ago people were complaining that they wanted Galvatron in the sequels. We never got him...and now he's in the 4th installment and those people are still complaining now about how he looks. Some people will never stop finding something to complain about...and thankfully I don't associate with people like that...and with that said, bring on TF4!

    1. You said it! :)

    2. And he is right :-)

    3. Thanks guys...personally I love seeing them in live-action and love most if not all of the designs. If they didn't have human-like faces they would look like the robot from Lost in Space! Anyways, just gonna wait patiently for the next trailer and see what it brings us. Thanks all!

    4. Well said im happy for the live action movies and cant wait for what to see in the next movie

    5. There is a difference between human like faces (first 3 movies) and pretty much straight humans. Which is what some of the bots are gearing towards.

      I personally never really cared if Galvatron was in it. Like Unicron,I actually hopes Galvatron would not be as well. Big figures in the Transformers Universe that neither would actually be done justice.

      Having complaints about the film doesn't make G1 fans any less excited than those of you who don't care what you get.

  33. The Ultra Magnus rumors were about the flat-nosed semi truck, but since that's confirmed to be Galvatron, there is no more basis for the Ultra Magnus rumors.

  34. Martinus Prime2/21/2014 3:39 PM

    Who's going with the white Camaro being Windcharger? It was on a Paramount list, wich also mentioned Cyclonus a Lockheed Martin X35 jet, wich looks exactly like F22 Raptor.
    And some other things, that don't hold up anymore.
    I saw it on Ragin Nation update #90.

    1. Martinus Prime2/21/2014 3:48 PM

      It has Ultra Magnus as a Marmon (Herrington) 97 militairy vehicle and Payload as the Freightliner Argosy ans Swerve as the Sonic RS.
      Now Payload isn't possible anymore, but maybe this from Paramount is an old list with placeholder names?

      Windcharger could still be possible, it is a Z28, but maybe it is only there for advertising reasons.

  35. Granted, he's a scientist, couldn't Perceptor also fill the role of being a Medic, should something happen to Ratchet (at least until First Aid shows up)? I know Wheeljack was able to repair bots, and he was also a scientist/wrecker.

  36. It just doesn't feel right, that the Bots wouldn't have a MedBot. Last I checked, none of the named AOE Bots have any medical experience. They HAVE to have a MedBot to fix them. So, either Ratchet is there or there's a MedBot we haven't been introduced to yet.

  37. does anyone remember that supposed leaked video from a warehouse scene, where a Transformer could be heard complaining, "it's always, save us help us" ? The voice that sounded alot like Leadfoots?

  38. We need a dam trailer now

  39. Is that Dyno? I thought he wasn't coming back?

  40. Dino is sadly not in this movie. Neither is Sideswipe or the Wreckers. Ratchet may or may not be in the movie..

    1. Martinus Prime2/21/2014 7:05 PM

      Leadfoot will be in the movie, we saw a picture of him together with High Octane Bumblebee.
      Unless that scene is cut from the movie.

    2. Your guess is as good as mine, lol. There was that 'supposed' leaked footage of a voice coming from a warehouse, and it sounded alot like Leadfoot.
      I'm still going with the theory that the rest of them left though. Maybe we'll see them again for T5 and T6 with the new director (since Bay said this was his last Transformers film, thank Primus).

    3. Wasn't that also said about DOTM?

    4. It was, but there was a movie Bay wanted to do. Paramount made him a deal to do Pain and Gain in exchange for him doing DOTM. He's moving on after AOE.

  41. Hound looks badass in his CGI

  42. Bay aint never leavin. ha ha ha ha BOOM!!!

  43. no one's noticed lockdown image is actually of his ship and not him. I'll bet that his ship transforms into an almost scorpion looking homage to Scorponok. if you look on the trailer you can see the pillars on either side of the ship and a tail behind it.I'm also thinking that's what shooting at the three main characters as they all runaway with explosions on either side of them .

    1. blablablablablabla what a b#llsh#t hahahahaha :volture

  44. the image not of lock down himself but of the toy

  45. not the toy, sorry using my phone voice recognition this is all I have with me

  46. The 3D models CGI design is realyl going downhill with the new Disney ILM CGI Chinese HQ... What the heck are they doing? The first two movies had the best CGI so far. The third movie they didn't care, they just re-used the 3D models.
    But now? Instead of improving it seems that they just don't care.
    If the final CGI rendering is really going to be so cartoonish looking then the movie will be the worst of the franchise.
    I really hope that at ILM someone does the magic and delivers top-notch Pacific Rim CGI quality for this Transformers4 .. so far Pacific Rim CGI is the best by ILM ever.
    However everything seen so far doesn't look very good..

  47. I'm sure they will not look like the toys in the movie. If I had to guess they probably colored them up some to make the figures look a bit more appealing.

  48. Just a few thoughts on Stinger, since he so closely resembles Bee.
    My first thought: If the evil humans are creating their own Transformers, maybe Stinger is one of their creations based specifically off Bee. Maybe at some point post-DOTM, Bee was captured and studied, with the result being Stinger.
    My second thought: Stinger is Bay's version of Wasp, since Bee and Wasp share the same body type.
    My third thought: Bee is posing as Stinger to gain Intel on the Cons, since the Pagani was filmed driving with both the Bots and Cons at different times.

    1. Only one red bot resembles Bumblebee and that is Cliffjumper.

  49. I checked out Transformers: Age Of Extinction wikipedia and found out that Unicron is in the list of the characters. Is unicron really be in this movie ??

    1. I could go onto Wikipedia and write Pee Wee Herman is in it. Just cos it is on Wikipedia, does not mean it is true. Reliance on Wikipedia is why so many people are becoming dumber and dumber.

    2. Some people just dislike movie characters so much or like being trolls and that is why they put false info on it. I'm user in Wikipedia and I deleted Unicron's name from there.

  50. The only 'Confirmed' Bots and Cons are the ones we have seen in the one clip we have and the characters that Bay has officially confirmed. We have the toy line-up, but even if a character has a toy it doesn't mean they will be in the movie itself.

  51. Does anyone find it particularly interesting that Stinger has an eerie resemblance to Dino/Mirage??

  52. Stinger just looks like a red Bee to me. His red coloring is the only resemblance to Dino, as far as I see.

  53. Stinger looks nothing like Bee. I don't know why you keep saying that. They maybe around the same size and shape, but their design is completely different.

    1. Stinger name is similar to Bumble Bee..that's why Bay makes them almost the same..cause they are Bee Species

    2. Stingers robot form does resemble Bee in both the chest and helm. If Stinger turns out to be human made,it would make sense his bot mode is similar to Bee. His alt mode is totally different obviously.

  54. Tfcollect: you know, Where are all of the Decepticons?! far all that has been confirmed is: Galvatron/Megatron, Stinger, and Lockdown. And niether Stinger or Lockdown's deluxe class was present at the toy fair. I'm curious about what these two are going to look like in vehicle mode and robot mode in the class. All we've seen was basically Auto-Dino, bots in the mainline.

    1. Lockdown (and possibly the Vehicons seen in Kre-O toys) are only ones we can presume as non-man-made Decepticons so Far. Bay can't let it stay like this.

    2. I'm figuring a good portion of the decepticons will be either droids that work under Galvatron or more bounty hunters

  55. It's not yet been confirmed that Galvatron is, in fact, the same character as Megatron.

    1. Indeed. But they have some kind of connection.

    2. I hope its cyclonus

  56. That's what worries me. Most likely Unicron is not in it to make Galvatron so the writers may have changed the origin.

  57. I was wondering the same thing about Galvatron. I'm worried that Bay just took the name and slapped it onto a completely different Con. It just seems very odd that Lockdown would look so imposing and evil, while 'Galvatron' looks short, stocky and not at all intimidating.
    Unless Bay/Hasbro has pulled a fast one on all of us and Lockdown is actually Galvatron (which is very highly unlikely), or Bay vastly improves 'Galvatron' in the actual movie. I fear that Lockdown is the actual villain and 'Galvatron' a completely different Con with the familiar name.

    1. Man you talk about Bay too much

    2. Well, he IS the director of the movie, why wouldn't I mention his name?lol
      I'm just not a fan of him, that's all.

    3. Martinus Prime2/26/2014 10:09 AM

      Yes, I agree tens and if you look at Galvatron, he doesn't look that big. He's not that much bigger than the red car he is slicing in half.
      For such a big truck the Argosy is, that is one small looking robot.
      Something says to me that Bay is holding back a whole lot Decepticon wise! Maybe Galvatron is part of a combiner.

    4. I am really hoping so. He's gotta be holding some back. We have seen a lot of Autobots but few cons. I am a fan of Bay and realize he more interprets what he's given but as a self proclaimed huge fan (after 1st movie) it would be nice if he stood up for the lore abit more. Most of the changes don't really bother me but there are certain bots , like Galvatron and Soundwave,hat I wish would be done right.

  58. wow so many people post on this one.

  59. The pictures are pretty decent.

  60. I really hope that we get to see more Cons in the upcoming trailer. I have collected quite a few Bots in the past 5 months, but only a few Cons. I would LOVE to have some really nice looking Cons from this movie to add to my collection. I already know I'll be getting the Dinobots, Bee and Drift (and as much as I still haven't warmed up to him, I'll probably get Crosshairs too). I would like to get better version of Stinger and Lockdown but there's no way in the pit that I'm buying this crappy version of Galvatron.

  61. I've been looking more of this red-colored Kre-O toy of Sideswipe from Lockdown Air Raid set. I can see some racing stripes. Maybe he's the Ferrari 458 Speciale that was briefly spotted. But if it would be true why would they mix him with Dino's appearance?

    1. Not easy to see. Picture must be zoomed a little.

    2. IF it is Sideswipe, his actual colors are Red and black. Since Dino is appearently not in this movie, then maybe IF Sideswipe is, he's back to his normal colors?

    3. Who nows? But one thing is certain. If Sideswipe is back, he's appearance is different from ROTF and DOTM. But what about Ratchet? Kre-O toys shows him with colors he had in first two movies, but the vehicle that was breifly spotted was DOTM version of him.

    4. Wait, I watched even more carefully there appears number "41" and robot form parts resemble Leadfoot. I'm starting to think it's actually Leadfoot and there's an error in the package and error in the paint while naming the character. What in the world the toy makers think they're doing?

    5. Here you can watch it:

  62. Galvatron has been a separate character from Megatron in other TF continuities. That wouldn't be a new idea.

    1. He was originally created to be same as Galvatron. And he was that too in Unicron rtilogy (Armada, Energon and Cybertron). But of course not in all continuities.

    2. I'm the guy you replied to.... yeah, that's certainly true, and the first character I thought of when we first saw Galvatron cutting the car in half was Megatron. We'll have to wait and see. Even the G1 cartoon couldn't seen to decide on whether Galvatron was separate character. Astrotrain in one season three episode called them "the same guy," but in another episode Octain was in the Decepticon crypt and visited Megatron's grave marker. I think the writers themselves were confused, despite it seemingly being clear in TF: The Movie. And, of course, the G1 comic series was a mess when it came to Megatron/Galvatron. :)

  63. Thanks to these Kre-Os, things have become curiouser and curiouser. So then, are Sideswipe (wearing his ACTUAL colors) and Ratchet in the movie, or just in the playsets. The ONLY red car we've seen, thus far, has been "Stinger". Now unless they're using a prior codename for certain Bot, then, yea I'm all kinds of confused right now.
    Dear Bay, just don't kill off my Sideswipe and it's all good.

  64. Martinus Prime2/28/2014 11:24 AM

    I think somebody gave falls info on the Kre-O names. It has to be the redesigned Leadfoot, just like anon at 4:30 said, look at the number 41 and the mech windows in the doors on the chest, that's a Nascar. Probably just a name mixe up.

    I also hope Bay has a dman good reason not to include Sideswipe! We haven't seen the silver Sideswipe Corvette Concept, so I'm guessing he's not in it.
    Or maybe Bay has some sort of reason that Sideswipe got renamed into Crosshairs, together with his new C7 Corvette altmode. Just throwing ideas out there.

    1. Martinus Prime2/28/2014 3:17 PM

      I meant mesh windows.

    2. The Kre-O Lockdown set box has the red Bot listed as Sideswipe.
      I'm hoping 1 of 3 things for Sideswipe.
      1. He's gone off planet in search of Sunstreaker and isn't in the movie.
      2. He's in the movie and survives.We just haven't seen him yet.
      3. He's taken on the guise of 'Crosshairs' for some weird reason.
      I'm thinking number 1 is the most probable possibility.

    3. But I don't understand. Do you REALLY believe the naming in the paccage is just a mistake or not? It still think it is.

    Tuesday is the day for the next trailer :)

  66. the frist is galvatron
