Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Two New Li BingBing Stills from Transformers 4

From Paramount Pictures China is these two new stills of Li Bingbing as her role of a corporate exec that may or may not be creating human controlled Transformers. If the second images seems familiar, its because a similar moment was used for the character poster. (via TFW2005)


  1. This next trailer better blow me away. They're being so stingy with the content.

  2. Whooptydo to pics of humans, worst promoting I ever seen

  3. Yeah i am getting really annoyed with the lack of any news its like 1 story per week and they are basically stills or the same clips re used. It doesnt even feel like the movie is coming out next month

  4. Ok they don't still showing any new content for the movie. But remember just the last two movies. They showed like 20 TV Spot and we were knowing the whole story for both movies. I think hiding the robots from us is a good thing. We'll be suprised watching the next Transformers. (Xcuse my english i'm french)

    1. The point is if we are on here we don't want to be all that surprised. We are on this blog for a few spoilers and robot character stills.

  5. Hang on everyone - we bitched about how much had been leaked before the previous 3 films - now we're bitching they're holding loads back... they can't win. I'd rather wait then be amazed on the big screen rather than see previews of Grimlock on my laptop or iPhone ! However - I have heard on the reliable grapevine there may be a big-bad we don't even know about yet. So I applaud them for keeping everything so under-wraps and keeping us waiting with baited breath. Besides, SP2 is out tomorro so maybe a trailer then, or Godzilla next wk - I reckon one of them will have a trailer. Failing that, Xmen is at the end of the month so we've got 3 more than realistic chances of a trailer in the next few weeks. Good things come to those who wait guys !

    1. Definitely won't be Spiderman it would have been online by now. It's probably Godzilla.

    2. Heard that too...out of water...maybe tidal wave?! I agree though glad they've kept under wraps

  6. I agree, people always find something to complain or nitpick about (i.e. human faces, cgi, plot, etc.). I will say that the waiting sucks, but boy has the excitement been building up for this movie. I too would rather be surprised then to see and know everything before the movie comes out. Just two more months to go!

    1. Yeah now they complain about complainers....I think all we are getting edgy about is we just want that damn second trailer already, it'll all stop then, meantime blog about the movie and not your vaginas

  7. BUT... a 2nd trailer for TMNT has just been released...

  8. I really like that they are holding back a bit more than they have in the past. The only problem (in my opinion) is that the lack of news is failing to get me excited to see the movie. Right now I plan to see it but I haven't seen enough to make me want to buy tickets for opening night or weekend like the past 3 did.

  9. I agree that it is better that they have kept it abit more secretive than before. But the movie is out in 8 weeks!! They have to fit in about 15 tv spots 2 more theatrical trailers, possibly clips from the movie (like they have done before) interviews, billboards, magazine issues and much more in 8 weeks! Dunno bout you but 8 weeks is too short of a time frame to be releasing 15 tv spots, 2 theatrical trailers and a movie clip

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. why ?

      why do they HAVE to do all this ? They know thousands of folk will go see it then word of mouth will have a huge impact. Is doubt there is a written law on how many tv sports they put out.

      Take Cloverfield for example... how much did we know about that before it landed ?

    3. Unfortunately not enough to avoid that shit stain of a movie. Prime example to release a bit more to get more of a feel for it but not giving it away.

    4. Fair enough, but people are not going to spend money on something they havent seen enough of to convince them or got a feel for

  10. Yesterday i showed a couple hundred people in my college the transformers trailer now they are super excited, ive already done more promoting than paramount

  11. These show that Su Yueming has some kind of artifact with her and it must be one thing Lockdown is after.

    1. And the concept car E-jet from Trumpchi, it looks like being her car.

  12. The more they don't show, the more I get excited. Remember DOTM when the whole dam script was leaked so early, I was furious and then they went bananagas with TV spots and showed way to much. I like how they are doing GODZILLA, there striking all the right chords and doing it right. Lets hope they don't go nuts and they strike the right chords this time.

  13. Did anyone go see Spiderman 2 and see what trailers showed?

    1. Transformers wasn't shown it would have been out by now.

  14. I believe they are going to push the release date back. Something has to be going on in the post production because the marketing so far has been horrible.

  15. Yeah i believe its going to be pushed back also to like around 10 july. I completely agree something at least something like an ET exclusive or an interview or like a human/robot offical poster, something! Anything should have happened! What is going on?!?!

  16. both of you guys are so stupid. just because they dont release a trailer or 5 tvspots in one week doesnt mean they are not marketing the film.they just releasea trailer for japan. they just release a new tvspot 4 days ago(no new footage) and they just released a Grimlock and Optimus Prime standee on movie theaters. yeah they are advertising the film. They are just being smart. They already know that the audience knows about the film but they are just no trying to give too much away. Just chill the fuck down.

    1. If you think these studios really care about not giving too much away you are crazy. Only 10% of the viewing audience are online looking at trailers and clips. The movie comes out next month and they haven't been marketing the film. If I'm a regular person I don't know anything about the movie coming out. The Spiderman marketing should let you know studios don't about spoiling something for one fan who is going to watch all the trailers and clips.

    2. they are marketing the film they are just not starting big. they release one trailer, 4 tvspots, posters, billboards how is that not marketing. Do you know about the movie do you know when it comes out you do ok good what they are doing is working shut the fuck up

    3. 4 tv spots that have aired 4 times in 4 months wooow thats really going to capture an audience.

  17. They are being pretty damn smart this go around, just enough new stuff to blow your mind then let us suffer, I'm impressed, we must have a badass robo smashing good time ahead of us

  18. New characters look Awesome! Feels like a new direction! Looks like we have a great new trilogy beginning CANT FUCKIN WAIT

  19. No we are not stupid actually. You are looking at this at a die hard Transformers fan, i am looking at this at a neutral spectator. As the previous guy said the movie is out in 8 maybe 7 weeks now. Imax tickets and pre booking tickets come out lets say 2 weeks before movie release, that leaves 6 weeks of promotion to the general public and you guys are saying the trailer is coming out May 15th and we all know promotion all kicks off after the proper theatrical trailer comes out, that leaves 4 weeks between the trailer coming out and tickets being released are they really gonna cram all those interviews, posters, trailers in that short amount of time? I mean come on half of the general public still think Shia is still in Transformers because the promotion for this hasn't hit the general public in the face yet, look at spiderman and the amazing spiderman they made it clear its new characters new concept, from early on and still managed to get audiences and a 2nd film.

    1. all interviews for the film here in the u.s get done one 1/2 weeek before the films release date chill. next week new trailer arrives.the following week new tvspot will air. be patient fuck

    2. Watch your mouth bitch, we are B O R E D

    3. Tough guy;)

  20. I don't think the marketing team for AOE are idiots. They have planned this all they way and I am sure they know what they are doing. I agree though that it's not usual for a big budget movie to start their promotion/marketing just a few weeks before release of the movie. And if you look at the previous TF movies it is highly unusual the way they have done the marketing with AOE.
    Let us wait these coming weeks and be surprised my friends! I am sure everything will work out just fine.
    But first, next week Godzilla :-) looking forward

  21. This is pretty much the way marketing has been regarding the last films.

    They didn't oversaturate us with early trailers like say, Spider-Man 2 has done.

    Besides, there's enough people that already know another Transformers film is coming out.

    As well, Disney hasn't been that far from the same marketing formula. Last year, they didn't even release a teaser for Frozen until June, about 5 months before the film was supposed to come out!

  22. This is Transformers nor Frozen and this is a sequel not something original.

  23. I want to be surprised too but they do need to put something out, anything. They haven't done anything but I'm still siked. How about a still of Grimlocks foot or something.
