Monday, April 07, 2014

Video Review of Transformers 4 Deluxe Slug

Another Dinobot toy video review is up. Before it was Scorn, now its Slug. In the G1 days the character was called Slag but it turns out in the UK that Slag = slut hence the name change. Again this one has not been confirmed if in the movie (but I assume he is) and if he is as colorful as the toy is. Very simple but surprisingly effective transformation.


  1. Well, after seeing these dinobots (which I think are pretty cool), all the nit pickers out there got their wish...some transformers without human-like faces! I really wish people would stop nit picking and just enjoy the films. If they don't like them, don't watch them or go to film school and make your own!

  2. Also, I guarantee those same nit pickers are now gonna nit pick about these dinobot faces saying that they are too plain and, you'll see.

  3. Stop nitpicking against the nitpicking nitpickers

  4. dammit. They don't look human enough

    1. i bet thats was hasbro said lmao...they need to look more human

  5. Hasbro best not screw up quantity of these.... You know, like 6 Bumblebees, 1 Scorn, and 1 Slug per case... Tired of BS quantity rationing of the last couple movies. I am glad they stuck with robo dinos too, and not a Beast Wars style skinned Dino. For awhile, i was afraid that was what was coming.

    1. Rumour are:
      2x Scorn
      2x Slug
      2x Crosshairs
      2x High Octane Bumblebee

      bit more info here

  6. guys when will be the new trailer comming

  7. who gives a shit what "slag" means in another country fkn idiots wow what a awesome reason not to call it slag

    1. Your Mom probably wouldn't like it.

    2. I'm sorry your vocabulary is not as refined as our English in England. Perhaps it is the fact we sent the thick fucks that couldn't make it in Europe to the "New World" that would explain how you have such poor literacy levels compared to the rest of the world? For a start there is the woefully inadequate spelling of words like "Colour". I understand you use the spelling "Color" in America cos you can't imagine a letter u in there...

      For the record, you have just been slagged off.

    3. Not to mention that the British can't do anything without alcohol and have horrible teeth.

      English people have weird accents compared to the English.

      By the way it's "cause" not "cos"

      Stereotypes are not a lot of fun are they?

    4. lmfao you tellem

    5. Actually, cos is an abbreviation of because. Cause is a completely different word.

    6. Actually, they both are defined by context. Cos is considered slang and acceptable in personal messages and forums but not in formal exchanges. Cause is an abbreviation of because when used correctly in forums. Cause is one of those strange words that has gained a double meaning since the rise of people worldwide being too lazy to type out the full word. Color and colour are both used in the states however color is the more acceptable spelling.

  8. The people who are seeing it in other countries I would imagine. I doubt they want their kids seeing a dino named slut.

  9. Tfcollect:has anybody aside from me has wondered why the Canadians are getting these action figures before the U.S.?...we still have to wait until May...that sucks!

  10. I heard that the toys were mistakenly sent early, of course that's just a rumor. If it's true, then that's one hilariously big oops on Hasbro's Not that those of us who collect these toys mind.
    I'm waiting on Scorn and Slug to arrive, but I do have Crosshairs. His Package art is leaps and bounds better then the actual figure. I really hope in the movie, he looks like his packaging. His face has a golden hue on the package, that actually blends pretty nicely with his green body. I also just noticed on the package that he seems to have a pin of some kind in his mouth (like a toothpick). His bio says that he's an Autobot paratrooper with 'lightning fast draw of his Sidearm Blasters."

    1. Tfcollect:thanx tens@...I was just wondering how these guys gotten their hands on the figures so soon...I went to target and walmart hoping the same mistake was made. Unfortunately it wasn' so sad.

  11. Tfcollect:I also must say, the dinobots transformation looks much better than the other characters. The others look like large legion classes. Moreso the arms. Simple? Yes. Effective? No. But the look decent enough for purchase. Not to kind on high oc bumblebee. Again the like of paint apps in his robot mode is a real turn off. They couldve done him a little more justice. And the huge feet is horrible. I'll wait for the takara version.

    1. I had the opportunity to get High Octane Bee and Grimlock, but decided to wait for the Leader Class Grimlock. High Octane Bumblebee's car mode is nice looking, but his robot mode is horrible. I bought Crosshairs on a whim. I really like the way his packaging picture looks. In it, he has a soft golden face that blends well with his green coloring. The actual figure is kind of plain looking. The back of his packaging says he's an Autobot Paratrooper. I think it would have been kind of cool to see Crosshairs in the earlier films, working with N.E.S.T. and Sideswipe. He's supposedly as good with his guns as Sideswipe is with his blades.

  12. Scorn and Slug should arrive sometime this week. I'm really looking forward to Scorn. He just looked awesome in his product pictures. I got Slug because I'm planning on getting Strafe and Slash when they come out, and I want a complete set of Dinobots.
