Thursday, May 15, 2014

New Transformers: Age of Extinction Banner Featuring Grimlock

Here is a new banner ad featuring Grimlock for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The release date is for the UK.


  1. Uummm, why does it say July 10. I thought it was coming out June 27

    1. It is coming out on July 10th in the UK!! Sucks to be you people, having to avoid spoilers and stuff for an entire 2 WEEKS!! LOL!!

    2. If you wanted to avoid spoilers you wouldn't be on a site like this

    3. Because that's the UK release date...

  2. UK release date

  3. Ermm dont know why you are laughing i seem to remember that the last 2 came out in the UK before the US

    1. Awks moment when I am not from the US...

  4. Seems to be July 10th in Sweden as well. Wicked sweet.

  5. It has been pushed from 27 of june to 11 of july in norway. Damn!

  6. So the only unknown for this movie is who the Sonic is. BTW, why so many 'bots and so few 'cons? 12 to 3 ain't good odds.

  7. Grimlock has red Decepticon eyes?

    1. So did Jetfire...

      What's your point?

  8. Tfcollect: wow!....guys. I just picked up Bumblebee and Crosshairs. Let me say first, I've seen reviews of these two and others for that matter. But I seem to have thought they looked pretty good on YouTube and what not. So I decided to go and see if I can find a few...go to Wal-Mart and purchase the two I've mentioned...very,very,very disappointed. I think Balmatrix is getting paid by Hasbro. These figure are the worst. They do have some good detailing but the overall figure and the from 1-10 I'd give them a 4 and half. Only because the detail is really good. Crosshairs vehicle part on the robot mode are big pieces of the corvette most of the chassis is on his back,you lay him down on his face...he's a corvette. Wow! sucks. The vehicle mode itself is great this is where 3 out of the 4 goes to...the vehicle mode the 1 is the detail...I don't even want to bother with this Bumblebee. Its just too much negative description in order for me to explain how and why I dislike this figure...the Dinobots look so far to be the prize of this line aside from Hound I like him a lot. I just hope the Dinobots can put more of a bite on this series.

  9. Grimlock looks sick!

    No, really, Grimlock looks sick. Coughing and hacking up flames and shit. He should see a doctor.
