Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Revealing TV Spot for New Transformers: Age of Extinction

The newest TV spot of Transformers: Age of Extinction revealed something new for the TF4 TV spots - a plot point. A very spoilerish (so warning) nugget of information. Straight from the mouth of Lockdown.


  1. >lets continuously rape established movie canon

  2. Lockdown is talking to Galvatron

    1. Some believed that Lockdown WAS talking to Optimus and is working for the Quintessons. I would like to believe that it's not true, but what about the part: "...and they want you back"?

  3. It makes sense that Lockdown could be talking to Galvatron

  4. why are almost all the TV spots awesome and the actual trailers are alright compared to them

  5. Well, the 15 min. footage that was released said that after prime beats up galvatron, lock down shows up and the humans pull galvatron out. I think he IS talking to Optimus. But if it is galvatron I could see that too.

  6. ooOOO Quintessons??!!! ( or however the f**k you spell that lol )

  7. "Before time began, there was the cube"

    The cube created Transformers in the movie universe, why is Michael Bay such a fucking jackass

    1. They think the cube created them. How would they know? Whoever built them could have programmed them to believe that.

  8. Tfcollect:remember "WE KNOW NOT WHERE IT COMES FROM, ALL WE KNOW IS THAT IT HAD THE POWER TO CREATE WORLDS AND FILL THEM WITH LIFE"...Perhaps the Quintessons created the cube as a power source for making the sparks that powered the Cybertronian race...what I remember is that they were made to work the mines on some planet.

    1. Tfcollect:if I'm correct I believe it was Alpha Trion that freed them. I remember something along those lines...but still they are so many different lores from the Transformers that you can at times mix them up by mistake not knowing it.

  9. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-just-movie-31/collider-interviews-with-the-cast-of-transformers-4-age-of-extinction-180378/ Contains several interviews. One of them reveals last names of the characters played by Tucci and Myles.

  10. As one of you said above, there are MANY DIFFERENT origin stories when it comes to the Transformers. There is the story from Marvel Comics, the story from the G1 cartoon and there are a few other sources from Japanese perspectice. Some say the Quintessons created them to mine Cybertron and they evolved, the workers becoming the Autobots and the soldiers becoming the Decepticons. Some say that it goes back to Primus and Unicron who are ancient enemies... Primus created them and Cybertron is his body. Lastly, I've read that there was an ancient computer named Vector Sigma that gave life to them and it's protector was Alpha Trion (who was a brilliant scientist)... Basically Bay can make up any story he wants, which I'm fine with, just make it so it goes with the last three movies. Like the first movie said about the Cube and the second said about the first five or six Primes... please just don't disregard all that.

  11. I only hope after this that ichael Bay finally introduces something amazing from the Original Cartoon Storyline: The Quintessons.

  12. It does look like he say’s the line directly to prime as Optimus states “who sent you” Lockdown then states “You think you were born? You were made...and they want you back."

    It could be the Quints but I think its to do with Liege Maximo and the hub as Optimus does quote a saying “it’s not war it’s extinction” which if you look at the hub it is stated they have a hive mentality and its described as A powerful planet-spanning network of cyberformed structures, which is what they could be trying to do to earth. We have seen a bit in the TV spots which show a cyberforming of the land in Jurassic times. Maybes they tried to do this originally and couldn’t perform it fully back then and now have decided to come back to take over earth so it can become part of it.

    It housed the Decepticon progenitor known as the Liege Maximo. Inhabiting it were a wide variety of mechanical organisms, beings that might have once been Decepticons, but had been advanced to the point of having multiple forms.

    This could explain what we see with lockdown in the trailers and Liege Maximo could have a counsel of sorts and Liege and the counsel are the ones who want Optimus back, because they may need the matrix or something he posses for them to fully take over the cyberforming of earth.

    I know we have had other threads and post about Liege but with the information in the TV spots it could well be him who has sent lockdown.

  13. Never was a big fan of the Quintesons. I always prefered the G1 comic origin. But I can imagine some badass-looking ILM Quints.

  14. For those of us who don't know much about the Quintesons, here's a link to the 80's show explaining a brief BIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsi_DdNQmNU

  15. I think Lockdown was talking to Galvatron after shooting OP then after talking to Galvatron, OP asks Lockdown who sent you...

  16. Lovin' Lockdown's voice.

  17. Lockdown looks like a Quintesson

  18. I know I really don't have to watch these TV spots but like I predicted its getting out of control. Its like I can't help myself and I'm or we are paying the price with to much info before the dang thing comes out. I'm at the crossroads because I personally would have liked to have seen this footage in the movie instead of a TV spot, because it's pretty revealing to say the least, major spoiler. I know it's up to us as fans to keep watching these TV spots which seem to be better than the trailers for sure or STOP!!!. It's a tough one, but you know and I know based on past experience major spoilers are coming. Hold on to your butts cuz here they come,

    1. Tfcollect:I kind of agree, there are a lot of tv spots. They're good though but I was more enthusiastic when not much was shown. I'm still dying to see the movie but when I do I'm going to see quite a few part that I've seen already. But I'm still going to see it...I'm loving Lockdown right now. He's the one that's keeping my fire burning because of the mystery surrounding him and his ship. But it's almost a week away and I can't wait.

  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_GvZCJ9O1I

    New tv spot with lots of fun things in

  20. Bumbleebee and Hound dancing? I guess that's okay since in the G1 cartoon they did alot of stuff with the humans...plus it looks like they gave more characterization to the TFs which is nice to see.

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