Tuesday, July 01, 2014

The Sound of Transformers: Age of Extinction

From Soundworks Collection, below is a vid that gets into how the sounds were created for Transformers: Age of Extinction that often came from unexpected places. For example the sound of rusted Optimus Prime truck actually came from a monster truck while Lockdown had a deliberate homage to Darth Vader. Apparently there was moments of sound used from the classic Generation One cartoon (I think they were referring to the phone ring tone).


  1. What a brilliant job those guys did to! It was amazing

  2. Awesome!!!

  3. i saw this movie in DOLBY ATMOS-3D

  4. It was awesome but man do these critics literally hate Michael Bay. I have never heard anything like this, these people are absolutely horrible, the nastiest crap I ever heard. Its hard to believe these people are grown adults. Where in gods name do these rotten people come from. Its OK to not like the movie but that's not whats going on here.These people are simply put the worst of the worst. Like I said I've never heard anything like this. What has happened to simple opinions, they go way to far and take themselves way to seriously. Shame on these people they act like kids in the schoolyard.

    1. no dude. M.Bay is ******* scum. scum scum scum

    2. shame the director didn't get it right like the sound guys did
