Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Writers asks for Decepticon Top 10

"I can tell you this, it ended up being more than we originally thought or have stated publicly. You can just about double the list we gave out in previous interviews. So maybe a top ten list would be appreciated in the final hours. "
- Roberto Orci, writer on TF Movie

Apparently the script is nearly complete. Now why ask for a top 10 after the script is nearly done? Beats me unless they have spots for generic appearances. Either way you can pipe in with your top 10. Just be aware asking for a list and using a list are worlds apart.

Decepticon Top 10


  1. First

    I hope they do one of these with the second film. And is it just me or has it been 4 years and i am the first person to comment!

  2. Before i unviel the winner i would just like to say say a huge thanks to everybody involved in helping me out with this competition and for all the people who entered. May i also note that i will be making over design ideas from people who didnt win this time later. There will be more news, more competitions and more music.

    That reminds me here are the music names and stuff:

    Day 1 Sunday 1st march:
    Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
    Day 2 Monday 2nd march:
    Through the fire and the flames
    Day 3 Tuesday 3rd march: (Broken) (Alternate link!)
    Boulevard of broken dreams
    Day 4 Wednesday 4th march Midweek special:
    What I’ve done
    The doctors theme series 4
    Day 5 Thursday 5th march:
    Summon the worms
    Day 6 Friday 6th march:
    Memory of tree`s
    Day 7 Saturday 7th march Morning:
    The final countdown
    Day 7 Saturday 7th march Midday:
    Bay’s touch
    Bay is epic

    And finally the winner . . .

    After searching through the entries i narrowed the options to 3 robots it then went through a friend approval process where a friend unknowingly selected the winner. Although the design i picked is good i believe there will be a few moans and groans from those who thought of other designs. Granted it probably isnt the best transformer and hasnt had many toys but that is what i chose.

    The winner is . . .

    G-Man and his entry the fast agile decepticon Thrust!

    Thanks again for everyone who entered. Please dont hate me for not choosing your design as it is hard to pick from the best designs ever.

    Also i will soon be releasing my own robot onto the net so you can all judge it.


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