Saturday, October 21, 2006

Transformers Movie Prototypes Toys in Blister Packs has posted multiple pics from Pumaking of the movie version of Optimus Prime and Starscream prototypes both in and out of their blister packs. Whether these are actually real prototypes are a fan created mockup is unknown. Neither for instance look nothing liked leaked versions of his design unless the gimmick is pre-Earth modes or something. Thanks Garry M. for the link.

More pics are here.

Turns out based on AICN and also reading the back of the packages (see below pic) which I didn't do, the design of the toys show the "Protoform" for Optimus Prime and Starscream. Now Protoform has been around since G1 but wasn't really given a name until Beast Wars. In the context of the movie, its basically the Cybertron form of the Transformer until it adopts an Earth form to "camouflaged" itself.

From this you can infer that every Transformers in the movie will have to have 4 separate designs: Cybertron robot, Cybertron alt-mode, Earth robot, and Earth alt-mode. Twice the bang for you buck if selling toys but also twice the design work. Usually Transformers in this size back cost $10.00. Also the indicated detail is not bad too which gives me hope for the up coming toyline. This also means hat the leak pics up to now are only half the story with final designs and all 4 versions still out there to be revealed for public consumption and opinion.

The extent the Protoforms will be used in the movie, if at all, is unknown.

Update to the update:
Checking the comments, eagle-eyed readers have noticed that the blister pack makes mention of an "Entry Mode" suggesting that the movie might introduce not 2 versions of each Transformers, but 3 versions: Cybertron, Space Travel/Atmospheric Re-entry, Earth mode. Each with a robot mode and alt mode for a grand total of 6 designs for each.

This theory has some legs. Considering in the past the writers of the movie script have expressed that they though the concept of the Ark to be unnecessary. This is followed up with the "how do they get to earth then?" question. This might be their answer to that. This theory also fits in with the opening of the movie mentioning comets coming to earth (TFs entering the atmosphere). Finally, purely from a toy making perspective, when you only have 13 Transformers for the line, having them each with 3 modes equals 39 toys minimum to sell. That would probably represent about 3-4 waves that will last through the DVD and Christmas '07 season. Ultimately time will tell, either the release date of June 7th or more likely the New York Toyfair in February.


  1. The designs are garbage. We've seen it all before. It seems like ever since North America discovered anime, it abandoned its own cool ideas.

  2. The packages are labeled "protoform" which is supposedly the mode before they get a "spark" if I recall, but I didn't think they were named when they were "protoform."

  3. OK, everyone do me a favor. abandon ANY past ideas of transformers you may have in your head. G1, Beast Wars, etc. this is not any RE-ENACTMENT or somesuch, this is a whole new TF universe, similar to the many series that have been on tv for the past several years. They have borrowed ideas from several other universes, but don't think the definitions are AUTOMATICALLY the same.

    for example, protoform. we all think of the lifeless bodies from beast wars before they were given a spark... in this case it seems they use the word "protoform" to describe the cybertron body, before a TF has scanned an alt mode- earth or otherwise.

    this being said, i think these designs are sweet as hell. NO, its NOT G1, no its NOT armada or beast wars or whatever the fuck you WANT it to be, and that AINT gonna happen either.

    Personally im GLAD they dont look like anything from G1. Im glad the story is NOTHING like the original G1 history. i been watchin the G1 episodes lately, and if you did the same you would realize, the G1 designs we all know (that some of you want in this movie) belong in ONE place, the cartoons. I dont wanna see a half-assed optimus cartoon look-alike in a live action movie, i wanna see something crazy, something that sparks the imagination ANEW, like it did for us back in the 80s.

    so all you nay-sayers quit your bitching, you KNOW ur gonna see the movie anyways, ur gonna love it, and as soon as you see these toys on the shelves, you KNOW you're gonna want to buy one.

    this being said, moderator, could you PLEASE put this up as a page bulletin for all to see and read? it would be greatly appreciated.


  4. Very interesting. I agree with you, they're definitely not earth forms. And anonymous - I agree with you there. This isn't going to be a copy of G1 or any other continuity, nor should it be.

  5. I strongly don't believe that these are the Transformers cybertronian alt modes. Instead I think these alt modes are their "ark" mode or their way of transporting across the galaxy. Why do I think this? I would be giving too much away but if you read the back of Starscream's box of the much clearer image at it reads, "Streaking towards Earth, He reshapes his body morphing his metal skin into a protective shell that glows and sparks as he makes his fiery descent." They just look too much like speeding comets or fireballs. I believe we'll see three versions of the transformers from Michael Bay's non toy movie. Earth, Cybertron, and Protoform or intergalactic space mode.

  6. P.S. To stregthen my argument that these are not cybertronian alt modes is on the back of the package, above the picture of the alt mode it reads, "Entry Mode". It's what the transformers look like when traveling through space.

  7. You may be right.

  8. I think they look like Gundam/Rock Lord love childs.

  9. A friend of mine looked at these and said they were fake. He said Starscream had Rattraps head in the picture. I looked at both (where you can find more images of these "movie toys") and on for all their versions of Rattrap to compare the two. Starscream does have a similar head, but I can't say it's the exact same head. If they used Rattrap's head, they modified it a little too.
    Also, we know Hasbro has a history of reusing molds. So I couldn't really say just because a part of a body looks the same as previous transformers means it's fake.

  10. that part about "Checking the comments, eagle-eyed readers have noticed that the blister pack makes mention of an "Entry Mode" suggesting that the movie might introduce not 2 versions of each Transformers, but 3 versions: Cybertron, Space Travel/Atmospheric Re-entry, Earth mode." is BS...

    ENTRY MODE is the ALT mode for the protoform...

    the Protoform IS the space travel / Atmospheric Re-entry mode...

    the box says Robot mode with a line to the robot then a ENTRY form with a line to there alt modes...

  11. Aren't you just nit picking now? I think the main point that protoform is not their Cybertronian form. Right?

  12. Hi kingdom2000,

    This is gonna be my first post here..
    Great Transformers information you have there!

    Anyway, i still prefer vintage transformers set..
    They have nostagia feel.



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