Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bay HD-DVD Post

Yesterday, Bay blew off some steam about the Paramount's HD-DVD exclusive deal, declaring "No Transformers 2 for me". Well a good nights sleep and a little research with the folks at Paramount and he has changed his mind.

From his forum:
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:16 pm

Last night at dinner I was
having dinner with three blu-ray owners, they were pissed about no Transformers Blu-ray and I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker. So at 1:30 in the morning I posted - nothing good ever comes out of early am posts mind you - I over reacted. I heard where Paramount is coming from and the future of HD and players that will be close to the $200 mark which is the magic number. I like what I heard.

As a director, I'm all about people seeing films in the best quality possible, and I saw and heard firsthand people upset about a corporate decision.

So today I saw 300 on HD, it rocks!

So I think I might be back on to do Transformers 2!

Michael Bay
Actually this is the first I have read anywhere that HD-DVD stand alone players may be able to hit the $200 price point (XBox 360 add on not included) so its true, that will change the game dramatically as a drop like that will most likely seriousily boost sales if the Blu-Ray camp is unable to come close to it. Think Wii vs PS3 all over again. Thanks to Chuck for the heads-up.


  1. For all who rent movies, and look forward to renting HD DVD of transformers, Blockbuster does not rent out HD DVDs, they back Blue ray so this means no transformers in HD. Maybe hollywood video will have it? Or you will have to buy it. Sucks if you just rent movies.

  2. Blockbuster sucks anyway... I get my DVD rentals for 99 cents on every new release at my local video store.

  3. I dunno what the movie industry is thinking.
    No one is going to buy a stand alone HDDVD or BlueRay player, least they get stuck with a Betamax.
    When one format wins, or dual format players become much cheaper, maybe people will start buying them, but as the resident geek here to folks who ask about HD, I tell people to buy neither.
    But by then, maybe the studios will have got their act together with online distribution, and annoying things like while sort of spinning silver plastic you need will be forgotten.

  4. I sure hope Bay is going to go all Lohan on us.

  5. I personally am boycotting any movie companies releases if they don't support Blu-ray. I do like the movie Transformers, seen it before the HD-DVD exclusive support was announced but I will not even buy the DVD version when it is released and will only wait for the Blu-ray version. I think companies that don't go with Blu-ray are cheating people of better future entertainment since Blu-ray, has a higher bit rate than HD-DVD the possibilities of future movie releases can be even better than we are seeing now in HD but going with HD-DVD, we are seeing almost all that the format can handle as far as storage and bit rate. Already a lot of Blu-ray movies are coming on 50 gigabyte discs. The future of home entertainment can be better if people don't take the cheap way out. Blu-ray players have and will get cheaper as time goes on. The same was done for DVD when it was first released.


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