Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bay Admin Confirms Treatment

Nelson, admin for Bay's official website, confirmed that a leaked treatment (which I liked alot) is real but with a caveat.

Fake and real are relative my friend.

Fake as in it's a treatment that won't be used? Yes.

Real as in it was not a fan who wrote it? Yes
From the LA Times article announcing the signing of the TF 2 screenwriters, it mentioned that Dreamworks execs had started back in May accepting proposals from writers for the sequel and its possible that the treatment came from one of them. If true, unless Dreamworks bought the treatment (doubt it), none of the ideas can be used as it would be risking a lawsuit for stealing the ideas from it.


  1. What nelson says doesn't matter. You shouldn't really consider it news.

  2. It's a shame, i liked the leaked/fake script :( would've made up for the first movie.


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