Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jazz Returning?

From comes news that the Pontiac Solstice vehicle prop for Jazz has arrived in Bethlehem, PA. In addition the voice of Jazz, Darius McCrary is there to. This news contradicts Bay's own statements that "No Jazz is dead. We have way more cool robots to come." Of course that could have just been part of his disinformation campaign. Possible flashback perhaps?


  1. Jazz will definitely be back. Don't listen to Michael Bay. Michael Bay lies.

  2. Why didnt someone snap a picture?

  3. SWEET!!! =D

  4. Or, it can be another Pontiac Transformer, but repainted, like the toys and shows.

  5. Someone may have got the Solsitice mixed up with the rumors of a concept car, well they're true, here it is..

    But if someone did get them mixed up, they dont know much about cars.

  6. I'm confused, why would a voice actor need to be on location?

  7. yes i would surely like for jazz to return in the upcoming movie. i like his character very much and if they are to bring any one back from the dead it should be jazz

  8. "I'm confused, why would a voice actor need to be on location?"

    That's exactly what I was thinking. If we can take Bay at his word regarding Jazz, it's possible this is just a cameo by McCrary. On vacation in china, and BOOM his rental car gets torn to shreds.

  9. Jazz

    We want you back.

    Shame on Micheal Bay

  10. thanks for your information.

  11. everybody loves jazz. why wouldn't they put him back. in the first one the autobots wanted to bring life back on cybertron. so why not bring life to jazz. he has always been a major character in transformers. i'm not going to see the sequal unless jazz is in it.

  12. jazz is back even check on wikkepda

  13. its time to protest we want jazz

  14. forget megatron we want jazz

  15. i saw the movie.Jazz does not come back.Man we was one of my favorite transformers robots.

  16. i saw the movie.Jazz does not come back.Man he was one of my favorite transformers robots.

  17. Jazz was Optimus Prime's right hand man. He picked autobots for missions, had them to line up in formation and ready to roll out. Why take away such a leader?

  18. Jazz is known for being cool-headed, stylish, and has been Optimus Prime's right-hand man since G1.

  19. Jazz's original vehicle mode is a Martini Porsche 935 turbo racing car, and he serves as the Autobots' first lieutenant and head of Special Operations. He is a happy-go-lucky character who is good-natured and able to take things in stride, contrasting with the more serious demeanor of Ironhide and Optimus Prime. Jazz is also a talker, which Ironhide and Prime often tease him about.


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