Monday, June 16, 2008

Videos from Richmond Power Plant

This morning Mia provided the pictures of Megan Fox and Ramon Rodriguez at the Richmond Power Plant and now this afternoon she has provided me with some video of Bumblebee as they do a shot. There are passengers in the car but unable to identify who but probably Ramon and Megan considering the way the camera car is along the passenger side window for the shot.

Video 1 is Bay on walkie as they align up the cars. Video 2 is BB resetting back to position. Video 3 and 4 is the two cars zooming off to get the shot.

Thanks once again to Mia for the videos and putting them up on YouTube.


  1. Those videos are totally worth less.

  2. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get pics & video at these shoots?

    Thank you Mia. Hoping to see you Wednesday.


  3. ^how could you say that? it is near impossible to take a picture of the set, let alone an entire video. thank you Mia, your work is appreciated.


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