Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Shanghai" Production Pics

Gettodeath has provided additional production pics of Transformers in the LA area as they prep a site for shooting. As the Chinese signage indicates, shooting continues for "Shanghai, China" as the site seems to be related to what was shot in Bethelhem, PA and San Pedro, CA. Whether or not it was first unit or second unit and the what, who, and so forth is unknown.

Thanks to Gettodeath for the pictures.


  1. Just an opinion, but the buildings look fairly similar to the ones here:


    New Pics of Burnt Shia (Sam)


  2. wow... I have strong feeling that these speedy racing scenes will take considerable part of the sequel.

  3. It is cool to set the part of TF2 story against the background of Shanghai as it's a globalization era...however I do hope Director Bay could at least consult someone who knows decent Chinese....look at all Chinese characters in the pic: "亚洲世界出口"means "Exit to Asian World",全球市场means "Global Market","管制区" means "Control Area",surely all these signs will look weird together in real Shanghai street!


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