TFW2005 is the possible concept art for Soundwave and Ravage. The artwork (link below) is pretty slick but I think it's fake mainly because Roberto Orci already
said that Soundwave's alt mode is not a truck (he didn't comment on the satellite mode). Besides I think the misspelling of "satelitte" is a big hint.

Thanks to Michael for the link.
ReplyDeleteBad ass!!!!!
"The artwork (link below) is pretty slick but I think it's fake mainly because Roberto Orci already said that Soundwave's alt mode is not a truck (he didn't comment on the satellite)."
ReplyDeleteCould be Misinformation spewed from his own fingers.
"Could be Misinformation spewed from his own fingers."
ReplyDeleteHm, but Orci said, that it's Bays job, he doesn't want to play with fans like that. I say, this concept is a fake... BTW is it me, or does he have a very Barricade style head? Fake for sure...
Oh my god! this must be fake...really ugly robots!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope official pics are comming :)
Too much like barricade n frenzy!! I think, like Prime, Soundwave had the most iconic face, mouthplate, mono-eye, etc... so he shouldn't look at all like that. And what's with all the blue bubbles?? If Barricade is gonna return in this film, considering he didn't die, then Soundwave needs t look much different. I also don't understand why a dog would be on Cybertron. In the movie scope, I don't see the need for Ravage (same goes for Skorpinok). I know it was an homage to Beast Wars but more emphasis should be on G1. Just my two-penneth.
ReplyDeleteIt's fake
ReplyDeletePerhaps this is someone's late attempt at both of them.
Soundwave MUST have the same homage-style face that Prime had. If he talks the same it would be a great addition. Also with the addition of some round objects on him. And some sort of special sound weapon.
But i doubt Bay will make Ravage the same as the G1 version. Cybertron may have creatures as well as transforming humanoids. Bay will more than likely make Ravage into a very outlandish quadrapedal creature (with or without a tail [honestly what's he going to use the tail for?]). He just better transform as well, I hated that he Scorponok toy didn't.
I believe that there may be Lazerbeak considering that he can only be on shot via CGI.
look at Ravage.. he looks like a hegdehog rocket.. terrible! this must be fake!
ReplyDeleteIt has to be a fake...As said before, Soundwave's face is too iconic. Also, the decepticon symbol is actually based on Soundwave's head.
ReplyDeleteI think that's a fake... But i have ta ask: what the heck are does blue cirle things on him?! xP
ReplyDelete"what the heck are does blue cirle things on him?!"
ReplyDeleteI think they're supposed to be speakers or something that emit "soundwaves" if you will, and I think you do.
They look awful,
ReplyDeletebut i know it's a fake.
it earth mode look Like ironhide
No visor on Soundwave = Fail.
ReplyDeleteRavage looks like the robotic equivalent of the alien in Aliens.
Soundwave is the most anticipated robot in TF2 There is no way they would make it look that ugly and far from the original concept. The truck is stupid, The ravage looks like a grizzly bear. This whole ad is fake.
ReplyDeleteBut nice effort in artistic ability.
Definitely FAKE!
ReplyDeleteBecause....I think THIS is Ravage (he does look kinda.....Ravage-y).
ReplyDeleteOh and the fact that Soundwave isn't a truck but that's been established already.
It would also be dumb to make Soundwave a black pickup truck... That mode is taken.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone noticed how "Satellite" is spelled wrong in the picture?
ReplyDeleteI doubt it is official.
It may be an early concept. Maybe decided against it as two black trucks in the movie, be hard to tell one from another.
ReplyDeleteI still don't get the satelite size issue. Spunik was about the size of a breadbox, and Hubble is like a city bus as far as size. Most are between those in size.
Ravage looks can I say this......G1-ish. Therefore I dub this a FAKE! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh and Soundwave looks more like one of the robots from that TF Chevy online game they had for the first movie.
ReplyDeletepossibly the poignent comment of all, satellite IS spelled incorrectly. Also the backdrop of the entire image is too... detailed. Think back to TF1 and the OFFICIAL designs... all on proper concept sheets and no landscaping. Do we even know Ravage is going to appear?! I know that until the entire film is a wrap things can change but has anyone yet seen a definitive list of characters?? I doubt it. Although I can't wait to hear who's gonna show I'd much rather wait to hear for definite. Not long now til trailer time anyhow... if it does come with Bond
ReplyDeleteThat does look pretty interesting... Ravage does look a lil like a jaguar, like he shud. Perhaps they went and made him look alien since the whole concept of being alien is in d movie. Soundwave is missing his trademark visor :(
ReplyDeleteAt best this is rejected concept art and at worst above average fan art.
ReplyDeleteRavage actually looks pretty decent.
I really dont find things that say TRANSFORMERS 2 CONCEPT ART to be real.
ReplyDeleteThe hands on this "concept art" of Soundwave don't look typical of the hands of the Transformers in the movie so far.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm gonna call BS on this. I think the dead giveaway is the misspelling of satellite. It's probably fan art that was made after the initial rumor of Soundwave as a satellite/black pick-up truck hit the web. It looks like they just combined elements of Ironhide and Barricade. It's fairly good artwork, but I still don't think it's legit.
ReplyDeleteBesides, Orci already said Soundwave's alt mode would not be a black pick-up truck. I know some people above me think that might have been him giving misinformation. But if you look at his interviews and postings, it's usually pretty easy to tell when he's being honest and when he's trying not to give something away (for example, look at his answers whenever he's asked what "the fallen" refers to).
Hopefully we'll have a trailer with Bond in a few weeks. If not, I'm sure we'll hear more as filming wraps up and post-production begins. Until then, all we can do is hurry up and wait.
this is crap, wich one shows the telephone as an altmode, and bay said there will be a lot of misinfo, and wtf are those blue devices on a cybertronian huh? and what the fuck is the robot hedgehog doing here? supposed to look vicious? comeon... the only part i believe is the meteor alt mode, so he can wipe out the planet. but whos the "satelitte"? megatren?
ReplyDeleteSoundwave is not even close to the real movie concept, ravage looks more like the real one.
This is not a fake.But it will not be use in movie either,because its just a concept art of truck. This is of course unused version of Soundwave.This is not a final concept art.
ReplyDelete"This is not a fake.But it will not be use in movie either,because its just a concept art of truck. This is of course unused version of Soundwave.This is not a final concept art."
ReplyDeleteOk, even if it will be unused, how stupid they have to be, to name his alt mode "satelitte"? Come on, you want to tell me, that this is official art, and they can't even name it right...?
Agreeing that I don't for a minute think this is real, but for all of you claiming that it's fake because that's "not what soundwave looks like" and "hes so iconic" get ready to get your panties in a bunch come june 29th. remember the whole flames/lips on optimus thing? remember when megatron looked like a mangled heap of spare parts?
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that no one at ILM really gives a fuck what soundwave the tape recorder looked like 25 years ago.
"I get the feeling that no one at ILM really gives a fuck what soundwave the tape recorder looked like 25 years ago."
ReplyDeleteFinaly, someone writes something with sense here.
I was the first on THIS thread to comment on Soundwave being iconic. I heed your point about Prime's flames and lips, etc... but they stuck with Prim'e original head and colour theme... all they did was update and modernise it... which I felt worked well.
ReplyDeleteYes Megatron did look like a pile of spare parts but it reflected his personality well. Even though whenever I watch the movie again, I still can't help but think "that isn't a transformer". Someone please point out where his wings were supposed to be when in robot mode. At least all the other bots somewhat reflected their alt. modes while in robot mode.
Also if you consider each character (that was in G1) they reflected some aspect of their original character, whether physical or personality:
Prime - noble leader, red/blue
Bumblebee - loyal companion, yellow
Ironhide - no nonsense battler, gung-ho
Ratchet - medic, wise
Megatron - evil ruthless leader
Starscream - betrayel, scratchy vocals
Therefore if you apply this theme to Soundwave for TF2: they can't reflect his alt mode, can't have cassettes popping out of his chest, can't have him grow/shrink, so all in all it kinda narrows the options down to his physical appearance which can reflect his G1 character (if they're gonna put some kind of homage in place).
Fingers crossed for the mouthplate and mono-eye / visor.
Oh yeah and Jazz: cultural, stylish, sports car, 'antenna', visor, even similar transformation, i.e. jumps with arms under chest/bonnet
ReplyDelete"Therefore if you apply this theme to Soundwave for TF2: they can't reflect his alt mode, can't have cassettes popping out of his chest, can't have him grow/shrink, so all in all it kinda narrows the options down to his physical appearance which can reflect his G1 character (if they're gonna put some kind of homage in place)."
ReplyDeleteYeah but as you yourself argued, for some of the characters (Ironhide, Ratchet, Starscream, etc) the only trace of G1 was in their personality. All he needs to be a is a cold-blooded megatron loyalist and that's pretty much Soundwave (basically blackout but with a speaking role). I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see him physically similar, I just can't make myself believe that it would be in any way logical.
Prime's adherance to his G1 aesthetics doesnt really count, as a vast majority of people familiar with the brand prior to the movie could probably identify prime and not much else. i think he's the only one that's truly "iconic".
As a last note I think Megatron's wings just sort of folded up in his back, you kind of see it happening when he's beating the shit out of jazz.
Bay will atleast not be unwise to leave Soundwave w/ out a visor for the final concept. Kind of like prime and his samurai look from G1. There will be similaries both on facial appearance and personality, but that's it. His body will obviously be way different. Bay is supposedly into the Transformers mythology so no need to cross fingers for visor.
ReplyDeleteOf course that concept art isn't real. Remember what Roberto Orci said: "Soundwave will be not a pickup truck." I have no idea has Soundwave Earth mode, but that satellite as his cybertronian mode is confirmed. We must wait more news about Soundwave and Ravage (because that can't be real concept art of Ravage too).
ReplyDeletethanks for pointing out whats been mentioned 25 times already
ReplyDeleteGood point well made SnortPocket... let's just hope they actually bother to instill some personalities into the Decepticons this time round.
ReplyDelete"Also if you consider each character (that was in G1) they reflected some aspect of their original character, whether physical or personality:"
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately you can make a list with their differences as well. Thus far, I believe the only definite thing about Soundwave is his name. He could be anything from a satellite to a car to that ratty old ice cream truck.
Right - although on the bright side, they did remove him from TF1 with the intention of "doing him right" in the sequel, so I doubt they'd totally piss in our faces - I just think anyone focusing on very specific aspects of the character are only setting themselves up for disappointment.
ReplyDeleteAnd although it's long been established that we think the concept art is fake, I have to say I DO like it - although not for Soundwave. The character depicted is far too evil looking (got a Scourge vibe to him) and thats not what SW was all about. Solemn, menacing warrior, yes. Horned, red-eyed monster, no.
ReplyDeleteHelp I've fallen and I can't get up!
ReplyDeleteThese look interesting, but I doubt it's the final renders. Ravage looks - how can I say it - like H.R. Giger (The "Alien" Movies) designed him, especially with the way his head and neck look - I mean, where are Ravage's eyes? Ravage looks like someone fused a zenomorph from the "Alien" movies with a robotic panther. By the way, Ravage WAS NOT a dog, but an animal of the feline variety, namely a Black Panther or Cougar. I'm expecting a toothed tongue to pop out of his mouth and split in half, with alien saliva dripping all out of it, just like the Alien movies, LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteThe top of Soundwave's head is similar in shape to his original form, but I, too hope that he has his synthesizeresque voice and his monoeye w/faceplate. Then again, as someone earlier said, ILM (and Bay) don't give a #@$! about how Soundwave looked in G-1.
Soundwave had the coolest vocal processor in the entire Transformer legacy (must have faceplate), if they forget to put that in this movie, or make it sound stupid, the character will be a let down to millions.
ReplyDeleteI actually trust the sound guys will not let us down, the sounds in the first movie were spectacular.
Wow, 45 comments and counting! So much discussion on a somewhat legitimately leaked concept art on soundwave (which doesnt resemble him in a way) and Ravage which looks pretty decent.
ReplyDeleteI hope that's not Soundwave. His face looks pretty much exactly like Barricade's face.
ReplyDeleteThis live action continuity. Some robot modes of robots whose have been on G1 are not completely like their live action forms. Optimus Prime and Jazz robot modes have been very similar, but none else. Soundwave must be too different than his previous modes.
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY aspect of this design which resembles G1 is the middle of his forehead, with the 'V'-like motif.
ReplyDeleteI earlier commented on Skorpinok being an homage to Beast Wars thus similar reasons apply for including Ravage in TF2... but I just feel there's far more material in the TF universe to involve in the movies at this stage than to already be using Beast Wars.
One last point, I know it's only rumoured and by far from final/complete, but if you look on Wikiepdia at TF2: RotF the new Autobots do not hold out any promise.
In addition to the surviving TF1 four Autobots, we get Sideswipe, Arcee, Skids, Trax and Jetfire. With the exception of Jetfire, no-one adds any strength to the cause.
Whereas if you consider the Decepticons, not only have they already got strength in Megatron and Starscream, but they get Soundwave, Devastator (whether one combined TF or 7 individuals), an Audi R8 (dunno who yet).
Thus I hope we don't even know the half of the Autobot line-up for TF2 yet! Also, if you visit Bay's website, an update states "Revenge is coming!!" over a Decepticon emblem... I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that the 'fallen' is not Megatron (plus I hope it is). Watch out Sam... he's coming!
TRAILER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete"TRAILER PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
ReplyDeleteOptimus Prime: I can't even find my own trailer, and you want yours?!
Plans have changed: Soundwave's Earth alternate mode maybe will be that black Chevrolet Silverado car.
ReplyDelete"Plans have changed: Soundwave's Earth alternate mode maybe will be that black Chevrolet Silverado car."
ReplyDeleteNo it won't, there is already a black Chevy truck in the movie.
That would not be a very creative idea....Cmon...THINK!
"Plans have changed: Soundwave's Earth alternate mode maybe will be that black Chevrolet Silverado car."
ReplyDeleteAnd who says so...? You? And WTH are you? Like the guy before me said, ther's no point to make two transformers into a movie, with identical alt modes.
O.K. I got an Idea what if they did make soundwave the Ice cream truck and instead of playing jingle he uses the PA system for evil. Then he could fling his back doors open and have Ravage and laserbeak pop out in homage to G1.
ReplyDelete"That would really piss you people off if Soundwave was PINK AND WHITE"
No, I'm a person who's trying to know all about all characters in these Transformers live action movies.
ReplyDelete"That would really piss you people off if Soundwave was PINK AND WHITE"
ReplyDeleteSoundwave is not an Ice cream are.
He's right. Ice cream truck is combination of Skids and his twin brother before they'll scan Chevrolet Trax and Chevrolet Beat. How many times I have to say this? I know that it's confirmed. Soundwave's cybertronian mode as satellite and his Earth mode as Chevrolet Silverado (this time I believe that Soundwave really is Chevrolet Silverado). And my patience has suffered enough. I want revealing of Chevrolet Trax Autobot, Audi R8 Decepticon and Chevrolet Volt names now!!!!
ReplyDelete"No, I'm a person who's trying to know all about all characters in these Transformers live action movies."
ReplyDeleteOk, cool. Source next time, please? Realy would be more helpfull, than "this and that WILL happen".
"He's right. Ice cream truck is combination of Skids and his twin brother before they'll scan Chevrolet Trax and Chevrolet Beat. How many times I have to say this? I know that it's confirmed."
ReplyDeleteNo one ever confirmed, that they will be two parts of ice cream truck. Where did you heard that? Source please.
"Soundwave's cybertronian mode as satellite and his Earth mode as Chevrolet Silverado (this time I believe that Soundwave really is Chevrolet Silverado)."
And why do you belive that...? We didn't even see a vechicle with this alt mode on set (beside Ironhide if you wish...)
What could be a more bad ass Bot-mode than this?
You who doesn't believe that same thing, perhaps you don't believe that Chevrolet Silverado thing only becuase some transformers might spend their appreances mostly as robot modes like Arcee. So would you please keep quiet?!
ReplyDeleteI mean: "...perhaps you don't believe that Chevrolet Silverado thing, but I'll say this: some transformers might spend..."
ReplyDelete"You who doesn't believe that same thing, perhaps you don't believe that Chevrolet Silverado thing only becuase some transformers might spend their appreances mostly as robot modes like Arcee. So would you please keep quiet?!"
ReplyDeleteOk, lets try this way... It would cost to much, to keep one TF nearly all the movie in robot mode, thats one. There is no point in making tw TFs got nearly identical alt mode's, cause what's the fun in this? It's more fun, when they each of them is originalm thats two. Have you thought, that we didn't see his alt mode cause... I don't know... SOUNDWAVE COULD NOT EVEN HAVE AN EARTH ALT MODE? That's strike 3, your out man.
"So would you please keep quiet?!"
Why? I thought, thats why the comment option is for...
"anonymous" who is convinced that soundwave is a silverado, you have two options:
ReplyDelete1) post your source
2) shut the fuck up
*secretly hopes you'll pick #2*
"anonymous" who is convinced that soundwave is a silverado, you have two options:
ReplyDelete1) post your source
2) shut the fuck up
*secretly hopes you'll pick #2*
How about you shut the fuck up?
What if HE IS the Chevy 3500 dually? So fuckin what!
If he appears like that in the movie are you all gonna shit bricks and get up and start a scene and have to have you diapers changed?
Give me a fucking break.. if someone wants to believe it's really gonna be him then let him
Hell for all we know it could be the fallen...
so you "snort pocket" you really gotta stop snortin coke off yer moms dick.. It's getting old
ReplyDelete....Oh wait.......
"so you "snort pocket" you really gotta stop snortin coke off yer moms dick.. It's getting old"
ReplyDeleteThis... This is the greatest insult ever spoken. You must truly be the envy of the playground, nay, the entire special education department. Now wipe off the considerable amount drool that you've amassed on your keyboard and go play with your toys so the adults can talk, m'kay?
"Give me a fucking break.. if someone wants to believe it's really gonna be him then let him
ReplyDeleteHell for all we know it could be the fallen...
so you "snort pocket" you really gotta stop snortin coke off yer moms dick.. It's getting old"
Dude, why do you even write this, when you obviously don't even care? Is your life so pathetic, that you wander on the net, looking for a fight? xP
heres soundwaves vehicle :
ReplyDeletewell, maybe....
I Still Think he is the PINK AND WHITE ICE CREAM TRUCK...
ReplyDeleteok no. the ice cream truck scene must belong to the "twins", chevy trax, and Chevy Beat, swindle i thinks is one.
ReplyDeleteok bored more concepts pleae..
ReplyDeleteBONECRUSHR... The fallen!! (sure)
"swindle i thinks is one."
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think, that one of them (one of the AUTOBOTS twins) will have a Decepticon name? xP
Wonder if Bay will do a Voltron live action movie..
ReplyDeleteOr Go bots!
"Wonder if Bay will do a Voltron live action movie..
ReplyDeleteOr Go bots!"
Fuck you and your Gaybots!
There's already work on a Voltron live action movie, but Bay isn't doing it.
ReplyDeleteSoundwave as a Hummer...I don't think that'd be a bad idea, but that color scheme for soundwave is not what I'm hoping for.
Fuck you and your Gaybots!
ReplyDeleteWhy?... Gobots were cool too, not as awesome or complex as Transformers. But they had some awesome characters.
Gobots are actually part of the TF toy line now.
ReplyDeleteQuoted from Wikipedia:
Gobots was a Transformers character and action figure, released in 1993, and also a name given to a number of subgroups and lines within the Transformers umbrella. The name is taken from another 1980s toyline, Gobots, produced by Tonka, but acquired by Hasbro in 1991.
Transformers: Generation 2 (Team)
In 1995 a line of Transformers called Go-Bots (small, Matchbox sized car Transformers which had racing axles) were released (subsequent uses of these molds were renamed Spy Changers).
Back to the subject....
ReplyDeleteThis picture is simply fan art, nothing more.
Not Soundwave, nor his alt mode
Not Ravage.
The End
"This picture is simply fan art, nothing more.
ReplyDeleteNot Soundwave, nor his alt mode
Not Ravage.
The End"
Thanks pointing that out Mr.Obvious!
A satelitte is fine with me.
ReplyDeleteWhat made Soundwave cool was
his voice; by far the spookiest next to Darth vader.
I had to plug in the Star Wars reference because many of us do refer Soundwave as the Bobba Fett of Transformers.
My favorite transformer character of all-time. Soundwave, get the voice together M. bay n you will have alot of happy campers.
"What made Soundwave cool was
ReplyDeletehis voice"
"I had to plug in the Star Wars reference because many of us do refer Soundwave as the Bobba Fett of Transformers."
Wha? It's the first time i heard this...
"I had to plug in the Star Wars reference because many of us do refer Soundwave as the Bobba Fett of Transformers."
ReplyDeleteWha? It's the first time i heard this...
Yeah me too, and I've been a fan since the franchise started.
Oh well to each his own.
"I had to plug in the Star Wars reference because many of us do refer Soundwave as the Bobba Fett of Transformers."
ReplyDeleteMEGATRON: "You pesky little human. How dare you. I ate Bobba Fett for lunch yesterday. Soundwave, destory that human!"
SOUNDWAVE: (Synthesizer monotone on) "As you command Lord Megatron. Buzzsaw, Laserbeak, Ravage, eject. Attack."
Thats the best way of describing it bro..(Synthesizer Monotone on)yes! thats downright spooky.
ReplyDeleteMicheal Bay please for the luv of baby jeesuz get the voice right for Soundwave.
Fudge yeah
ReplyDeleteSoundwave is a ROCKSTAR.
He's the only Decepticon or Transformer for tha matter to have his very own entourage; Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble...
His voice trul;y was unlike anyothers in the cartoon series.
"Micheal Bay please for the luv of baby jeesuz get the voice right for Soundwave."
ReplyDeleteYou know, looking how talktive were Decepticons in the first movie, the hell with his voice, i wish, that he at least got 2, or 3 lines...xP
I have faith in the TF crew to not let us down.
ReplyDeleteWe were all kinda worried if they would get the first movie right, and they exceeded our expectations.
Since we have yet to see a trailer yet, and with the massive amount of misinformation, we're all kinda like..."They better get that right, or else I will be pissed"
I believe they will not disapoint.
"Thats the best way of describing it bro..(Synthesizer Monotone on)yes! thats downright spooky.
ReplyDeleteMicheal Bay please for the luv of baby jeesuz get the voice right for Soundwave."
f-n right buddy, they better get it right. they already messed with megatrons voice. don't think they will stop there. we got to let them know what we think!!
"Fudge yeah
Soundwave is a ROCKSTAR.
He's the only Decepticon or Transformer for tha matter to have his very own entourage; Laserbeak, Ravage, Rumble...
His voice trul;y was unlike anyothers in the cartoon series."
Now your talkin dude. it would be awesome if shia's injuries in the movie were from being taken prisoner by one of soundwaves minions!
That truck from Knight Rider, Gloiath, that would be a bad ass soundwave with a little work.
ReplyDeleteSoundwave is part of the misinformation thing...
ReplyDeleteI know because I made the lie up
How do we let them know ?
ReplyDeleteDo they read these blogs for inside info ?
I hope so.
Ok, I have finally figured out that Soundwave has no Earth alternate mode.
ReplyDeletewHy not turn him into a ARMY Raptor...Its basically a low-level sattelite for US military intelligence. jus a thought.
ReplyDeleteAbout that photo, where is Soundwave's satellite mode comes two things. I first thought they could be Ravage and Laserbek, but now this is sure: Laserbeak will not make his appreance on this movie. And I'm asking one more time: HOW MUCH I HAVE TO WAIT TO KNOW NAMES OF CHEVROLET TRAX AUTOBOT AND AUDI R8 DECEPTICON NAMES OR IS THAT CHEVROLET VOLT TRANSFORMER OR NOT?
ReplyDeleteTo the guy above:
ReplyDeleteI have a news for you! You, are a retard!
A satellite to vehicle concept doesnt match for Soundwave...I view that as a downgrade to be perfectly honest.
ReplyDeleteA satellite is all about gathering information n intelligence;perfect idea for Soundwave...Then to go into vehicle (like a truck) is just plain dumb.
I like the Army RAPTOR concept but an up-dated larger n more sophisticated version, because the military uses it as a low-level sattelite anyway plus a version of it was already used to locate SCORPINOK in the desert.
Or SOUNDAWAVE will be a sub-marine.
ReplyDeleteAs a loyalist for Megatron it is he (not) Starscream who would intially lead a search n rescue crew into the Abyss to seek out Megatron..That idea n plot is plausible.
Satellite to Sub-marine makes sense than...
Satellite to Chevy truck..
And one more thing to to say hmmm, Ive seen the photos that have 2 incomming metiors (Transformers) in flite passing by a satellite, now will Soundave's earth mode be a SATELLITE instead of the proposed rumor of it being his Cybertron mode. Jus a thought tha makes me say hmmmmmm....