Later, more images were posted of the truck's robot mode that proved it is Megatron complete with cape, confirming the rumor from September. The pictures on Facebook (account required) show that half the face remains scarred (like Two-Face) as a result of the battle with Optimus from the end of Revenge of the Fallen. Where is the robot image you ask? Hasbro demanded all the various websites pull the images, more or less officially verifying this conclusion. Thanks to rumah for the link.
Update: The cat is out of the bag for Hasbro as JoBlo.com has posted the images of the robot mode. While they claim "dandy anonymous scoopers" but the same root source as above. If the three images no longer appear, probably means JoBlo either blocked my linking to them or Hasbro successfully got them to pull the pics.
Megatron? Is that you?!
ReplyDeleteMEGS look awsome he looks way better now!! cant wait for the movie...july 1st hurry up!:D
ReplyDeleteHERE'S A HINT!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the plot thickens... hahaha
ReplyDeleteI suppose the tank treds became tires, or maybe they'll explain why he's like that.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't he be giant cannon.. I mean really.. another truck?... don't we have enough trucks?
ReplyDeletethis is so badass.
Decepticons, Transform and Rise up!
ReplyDeleteHe looks pretty skinny and fragile
ReplyDeleteWhat if unicron gave him a new body?
ReplyDeletewhat WHAT would be so awsome if he turned into a big ass cannon it would suck ass!---"look at me im a big ass gun cannon i cant move!" but what if i can levitate!! that will be the most stupidest thing. megs wairing a houd an lookin like a scavanger is ok by me
ReplyDelete"Gundam Exia Damaged mode"
ReplyDeleteWhat THE HELL!??!!?
ReplyDeleteThis really makes NO SENSE. Megatron despises the humans and everything about them. If he were to have taken a new form, it would have happened in the last movie. For him to take the form of that and wear a hood/cape to block off half his face is stupid. So your telling me the decepitcon's can't salvage other materials and repair megatron?
i see it as megatron is actually more afraid than he lets on and trys to approach things abit more covertly and dare i say it...deceptively...
ReplyDeletealternatively he could switch sides and make sweet optimus love or whatever bay decides next to screw over our perfectly good history
megatron looks badass with the hood on :DDDD bay is the best !!
ReplyDeleteHoly jeezus, I echo the BADASS! He does indeed look like a dude you best not be messin' with!
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or is the tone of this movie feeling more and more like a High Noon at the O.K. Corral Gunslinger Battle?
anyone got a pic of why megs face looks like it does from the last movie? i'm kinda lazy and don't want to look for my copy of Revenge.
ReplyDeleteHud: Optimus blew a hole through Megatron's face during the pyramid battle. He was left with half a jaw and one eye.
ReplyDeleteGotta be honest. I'm a huge Bay fan but I don't like Megs. He looks dumb with some form of cloth or cape or whatever that is. Oh well, I still love Transformers and this aint stopping me to go see it 4 times lol!
ReplyDeleteNot Feeling It!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I heard the "mad max" truck was Megatron I was really freaked out (like many I bet) but seeing the toy actually has me excited. To be honest I didnt really care for the cybertron alt modes in the movies. And if Megs is using both cab and trailer to transform you know what that means...(or should say probably/hopefully means)...Powermaster Optimus Prime baby!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm just happy that we are starting to get some info on some of these mystery bots.
I like the mood that this movie has so far. Hopefully they had time to write a good script this time (though i still enjoy both films robot dialog has been lacking) and end with a movie fans can be truely happy with (though a lot wont just because megs isnt a gun or tank). haha
After commenting that I can't tell if Megs is using both cab and trailer to transform or not so maybe no PM Optimus :(
ReplyDeletewas hoping...
the cape over his face makes him look disgraced.
ReplyDeleteyou people notice megs has his cannon back on his right arm. looks like the tank turns into his cannon arm. as long as megs looks more like the megatron we know that will be cool.
ReplyDeletethe cape and hood i like makes the transformers more real like aliens with some human characteristics.
who knows if humans can turn into alien robots like the transformers turning into humans in the G1 episode? if so then the words of bart simpson "cool man!" side note for those who know "COBR.a... cough! HAHAHAHA!"
ReplyDelete1 WORD..... GALVATRON!!!
ReplyDeleteMegatron really looks badass!
ReplyDeleteWhat about the image of the three Decepticon ships? Any ideas on who/what they might be?
he looks awesome kind of megatron mix with old solid snake :)
ReplyDeleteRay said...
ReplyDeleteMegatron really looks badass!
What about the image of the three Decepticon ships? Any ideas on who/what they might be?
What image??????
Thanks LionBoogy!
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting until I see the CGI model to make my final judgment, but I like what I see so far.
ReplyDeleteEpic big rig battle on the highway Megs vs Optimus please!
I like Megatron as that truck, it was pretty bad ass looking. But a cape? For real? What, is he a count now, or is he just pimp'n out Starscream? I kinda agree with the Wester Movie reference from LionBoogy.
ReplyDeleteso I guess a fair assumption is that Megatron is the "BLUE" truck that we saw running down cars on the highway on earlier shoots? A highway chase/battle between Optimus and Megatron would be awesome!
ReplyDeletehttp://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=40507&id=100000638308427#!/photo.php?fbid=174180825946526&set=a.173928399305102.40507.100000638308427...There are several images on this facebook posting, one of the images is of 3 blue, v-shaped Decepticon craft.
ReplyDelete@Ray, that's Generations Scourge, 'Generations' is a continuation of the 2006 Classics toyline, and that toy is a modern update of G1 Scourge.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the pictures on that guys facebook page you can see that the side of Megatron's face that got blasted off in ROTF is not symmetrical with the other side. His eye is bigger and that side of his face looks more open.
ReplyDeletei dont like it is this a voyager class toy it seems small or skinny. i hope it is. I ll also wait for the cgi model before i judge.
ReplyDeleteAt ILM for their CGI are clearly ripping off of Sunrise' Gundam designs. This Megatron looks like a Zeon mobile suit and the transformer on the Moon in the teaser looks like a Gundam.
ReplyDeleteoh shut up about gundams...nobody even liked that show
ReplyDeleteClearly? Dude, everyone knows this already.
ReplyDeleteGundam and Transformers had co-existed in Japan since the 1980s and well before Hasbro took it up with a cartoon made for Americans.
Why would Michael Bay make him a Truck. I mean Optimus is a Truck not megatron. He was a jet in the first one, a tank in the second one and now a truck. Common Michael you are taking way to much artistic liberties with Megs
ReplyDeleteshut up already with "michael this and michael that " let him do his damn job.. megs looks badass if you think he dont ..then yur blind .>[
ReplyDeletemichael bay doesnt have control of what they turn into, thats the story writers jobs.
ReplyDeleteHow a cape can "transform"?????
ReplyDelete@"Anonymous said... oh shut up about gundams...nobody even liked that show 12/22/2010 4:06 PM "---Are you on drugs or are you a 5 years old that knows nothing?
ReplyDeleteif u cant beat the truck, become the truck
ReplyDeleteOh yeeeeeeeehh,
ReplyDeletethis movie is going downhill with every new news bit coming out. The teaser with the storyline plot hole creater, the removing of Mikaela Banes (the CHARACTER not the ACTRESS, GET IT?), now this truck as Megatron.
I'll say this: the movie will have cool action scenes with Transformers in it. The storyline will be on the same poor level as Revenge of the Fallen.
I really advice everyone to lower their hopes on a good movie. This to avoid a big dissapointment in july 2011.
Don't look at me....I'm hideous says the Phantom of the Opera edition Megatron. LOL! Anyway I think his new form looks pretty sweet. What a perfect way to stay hidden on earth than a beat up old tanker trunk.
ReplyDeleteWhoa, MEgatron looks whacked out. I loved his jet form in the first film, thought his tank/jet form was boring (tank treads on his feet kind of spoilt his look), but this look seriously fits his description: demented! I like it! Get ready to feel the fury of Megatron!
ReplyDeleteMegatron looks AWESOME BAD-ASS!!! I hope that tanker is indeed his blastcanon in the movie, then he would have some huge firepower!!!
ReplyDeleteThe truckmode is indeed a great way to stay hidden on earth.
I hope they reveal soon who the Ferrari and Mercedes are.
Megs never took on an earth form in the first two movies because of his disdain for humans, so he's clearly in forced hiding while he regroups. But even his earth form truck doesn't necessarily blend in on the freeway so I'm sure there's a good reason for it. I think he looks badass and I can't wait to find out who that giant foot belongs to.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the truck while they were in DC and definitely has that demented look & vibe up close. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjG8_r3d1Gg
ReplyDeleteThough not in video, its horn also sounds demented. Startled me as it alerted TF fans to clear path for it to leave for a shoot lol
The reason megatron didnt take an earth form before was just because there was no time and he didnt need one as he wasnt out for an extended period of time, only a few hours in the first one before he was killed and only a couple of days in the next
ReplyDeletebefore he has his face blown off
ReplyDeleteLOL that's funny. Special edition Phantom of the Opera Megatron. That was my first thought when I saw that cloak over his face. Epic.
ReplyDeletei think megatron should go piss off & kill himeself... or let Optimus do it