Super GT Galleries - GTR Maximus | GTR Megatron
Takara has released a few more official images of their successors to the Binal-Tech line for Super GT racing. Four molds now are planned with Optimus Prime (GTR-01), Saber (GTR-02), Megatron (GTR-03) and now Maximus (GTR-04). I think its the same mold but with color differences and different heads molds for each character but not 100% on that. The average price of each is around $120 each with the first two coming out in the next month or so.
Encore Fortress Maximus Gallery
The latest re-release from Takara is the biggest Transformers of them all (at least until Generations Metroplex). Back when this toy was first released in 1987 (I think), Fortress Maximus cost $100. Now you can either get an originial for around $1000 or pay about $400 for this re-release complete with sword (the US release then did not have the sword). I still have my original Maximus in box along with the Korean re-issue and do find them to be awesome Transformers. Still that price tag is hard to get past. The figure has been released and starting to hit online TF stores now. Another gallery is here.

Mastermind Creations is working on their own combiner that is a homage to the G1 Predacons called Feral Rex (aka not Predaking. Unlike the G1 version, this will have six figures as part of the combined figure. So far two of the figures have been revealed with the latest being Bovis (aka not Tantrum). The average price of each figure is around $100.

If you have $2000 and just really love the Bay TF designs then you might be interested in this very detailed and not bad looking statue of ROTF Megatron. The statue stands 32" tall with light up eyes. (via TFW2005)
Masterpiece TFs - MP Prowl and Bluestreak | MP-10B Black Convoy
Sadly Takara has announced that their next wave of Masterpiece toys (Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen) has been pushed back about two months so instead of coming out each month of the summer they are now coming out in the Fall. The latest release, Masterpiece MP-10B is the Optimus Prime mold but in a black and gray color scheme. To me that mold is probably one of the best every created by Takara but highly recommend it. However not sure if the different color scheme is worth its $160 price tag.

Transformers Go is the Takara name for the Beast Hunters toys. In most cases they are using the Hasbro mold but with the usual improvements in details and paint choices that Hasbro can't be bothered with. The first link shows them side by side to give you an idea of some of the changes. Second links shows off the packages they will be in.
Beast Hunters Reviews - Abominus | Deluxe Dreadwing | Voyager Shockwave | Commander Trailcutter | Cyberverse Hardshell | Deluxe Ratchet | Deluxe Skystalker | Deluxe Grimwing
Bunch of reviews for Beast Hunter toys that are starting to trickle onto store shelves here and there in whatever random way these things are done. Most are fairly average but the Abominus review has me hoping Hasbro is planning a box set.
Masterpiece Frenzy and Buzzsaw Review
This is two more cassettes for MP Soundwave and they will be part of the Hasbro release of Soundwave sometime at the end of the summer as a Toys R Us exclusive. Not bad either but debatable if worth the $35 each price tag.
Impossible Toys Tetra Squadron Review
Tetra Squadron is at direct G1 homage to the "More Than Meets the Eye" Cybertronian jet mode of the Decepticon seekers with their rather unique shape. All the seekers are represented besides Starscream including the cone heads. The average price of each is $50. Based on the review below, I plan I getting at least one, just have a problem figure out which.
FansProject Car Crash Review
First of five 3rd party not Stunticons that are going to be released over the year. This one is the not Breakdown. Not bad over all but bit on the tiny size for its hefty price.
FansProject T-Bone Review
Second of five 3rd party not Stunticons, not Wildrider in this case. Again not bad, don't mind the purchase but on the fence is both are worth it until get the complete figure.
Generations Voyager Blitzwing Review
Another review, this one for the Hasbro re-creation of G1 Blitzwing with a little TF Animated homage thrown in. Over all its ok but based on the video the G1 original remains the best. This and his Springer counterpart have started to trickle out to retails but Hasbro's release schedule at this point seems so random that its going to be hit and miss for a while.
Generations Voyager Springer Review
This is the other triple changer homage and based on the video, its a must have. Looking forward to this one. A gallery of this figure and Blitz can be found here.
Bandai Mickey and Friends "Voltron"-life Figure Review
While not worth its nearly $200 price tag, this is still a nice attempt to design a Voltron figure with their Disney license. If it had been arond $100 I would have probably ordered it.
Unique Toys WarHawk (not Divebomb) Review
Mastermind Creations isn't the only 3rd party maker working on a Predacons homage as Unique Toys has released their first of five with WarHawk. As the review indicates, this figure has a lot of problems and doesn't bode well for its success. Right now all indications are a re-creation of the G1 toy (flaws and all) rather then an improvement on it. Still the combined mode does look intriguing.
Gobots Puzzler Review
A 30 year blast from the past is then competitor GoBots first attempt at a gestault to rival Devastator. While it falls way short, its still cool to see.
C-310 God Ginrai (Powermaster Optimus Prime) Review
A review of the encore release of this G1 toy from circa 1987 but with an additional Takara only add-on. Not bad as a G1 toy but by today's standards it is kind of weak.
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ReplyDeleteI found a cool app that you can make cool TRANSFORMER videos from your Iphone! It lets you take your current background and make a video with a creature of your choice. I thought it was pretty cool and wanted to share it since there are other forms of multimedia art here. The program is called Creatures FX.
ReplyDeleteSee the video on youtube
See the app at Itunes!
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