Empire Magazine has posted their cover to their January 2014 issue which provides the first official look at the redesigned Optimus Prime for Transformers: Age of Extinction. Just like in
previously leaked
images, the character is sporting a sword and shield as the core cast of Jack Reynor, Nicola Peltz and Mark Wahlberg pose. The only other bit of "info" is the below set pic with unknown characters in the rigged vehicle. The new issue hits UK stores on Thursday so hopefully more info will leak then. Thanks to Feris Othman for the heads-up. So what do you think of the modified look for the Autobot leader?

the head is nice..but the chest...too much blue and grey,Doesn't look like it even turns into a truck anymore. is this a protoform shape? the shield gun is great....waiting for leader class figure
ReplyDeleteJESUS!!!! I'm so pumped for this film... If they do battle scenes off planet I'll need CPR in the theater!!!!
ReplyDeleteIs it me... or is there some type of rocket booster fire coming from behind his back???
DeleteI'm really hoping they trashed the idea of giving him lips for this new trilogy! That was by far the dumbest thing they could've done with the original 3 films.
ReplyDeleteWell, where would you think robot voices come if they do not have mouths?
DeleteWell, I'm not fund of that either, it would be way better if he had his mouthguard all the time, but I can live with it.
DeleteBay did that so that the kids could relate to him and the other TF, if he made him a bit more human with the mouth.
So you can bet Optimus still has a mouth.
But again, I also could live much better without it.
It wasn't the first time he had lips. They showed his lips on Transformers: Cybertron.
DeleteSome character were left without mouth in cartoons, because that was not important to know for anyone. But these movie are not the same thing. Robots must have more locigal appearances.
DeleteWait, I mean that in cartoons the asbence of 'mouth' was left unexplained and no one cared about that. But these are live-action movies are suppose a little bit realistic unlike cartoons. Sound and speech never come from nothing.
DeleteWe have to put aside our g1 windshield geeking. He looks freaking BADASS!!!
ReplyDeleteI truly can't imagine any Transformers movie without Prime in it... especially since they've done this super makeover. BUT... if he would have to die (or go into hiding) in order for Rodimus to emerge... I could go for that.... I mean look how incredibly bad ass Prime has been in these movies, especially in the one on three fight scene in ROF and the last battle in DOTM... Could you imagine how HARD Bay would make Rodimus look and be, especially after he TURNED into a Prime... if that is what will happen? I'm just so ready for a tooon of new bad ass Bots and Cons!
ReplyDeleteIs there a face on the blade of Prime's sword? I see a face just above the hand holding the sword (about 1/4 of the way up)
ReplyDeleteI saw that too... I kind of think it's his own reflection, cause if you look close you can see blue and red in it. I do have to say though... PRIME looks like he is about to get in someones sh#t... I can't wait to see him and B with the whole new "shield thing" in action.
DeleteWell, sword and shield look more compatible than in toys.
DeleteOptimus looks like a beast! Its nice i like it
ReplyDeleteSo what? Did Optimus Primal had windows on his chest? Was he an ugly failure?
Deleteworst prime ever " optimus primal" and the maxi pads
DeleteNo, the title of worst prime ever still belongs to Rodimus Prime back in G1.
DeleteOptimus looks bad-ass!! Awesome, only the chest is to much blue, but maybe this time the legs are red, I guess we'll indeed have to put aside our G1 winshield geeking.
ReplyDeleteEitherway he looks great, especially his head, that looks freakin' awesome!! Also the sword is cool, but they could make it look more Cybertronian, but maybe this sword can also transform.
Folks are forgetting that this IS NOT the first time Prime was without his iconic window pecs - Armada Prime didn't have the window pecs, either.
ReplyDeleteI kinda like the look - his head is reminiscent of the TF Prime head & face aesthetic. The sword and shield are cool. I wouldn't call the "face" in the sword a reflection, as Optimus' face is not facing the sword. Curious to see the transformation sequence ILM & Digital Domain have cooked up.
Looking forward to seeing more robot designs, especially the Black - and - Silver Truck, Bugatti, Pagani, Hound, and the others. Thanks, TFW2005.
Armada Prime is awesome. Would be cool if they would have based the design on him.
DeleteWell, bWestern Star 4900 is a long-nose truck just like Armada version truck mode and Peterbilt 379 from 3 first films.
Deletei think is bad photoshoot, check the blue part under the chest area in the toy optimus.and after look the Western Star Truck .he have a silver plate with letter "w" ,under the windscreen, next to doors
ReplyDeleteDetroit & Hong Kong we know about, but why does it say Cybertron, did I miss some movie info?
ReplyDeleteSome of the movie is on Cybertron. Bay said that long time ago well technically he said "in space" but we all knew what that meant.
DeleteNo matter what Optimus prime looks like I don't trust Bay he has already ruined 3 movies but the out of the three the first one was alright but the rest went to the failing direction that the first one started with. I know how this one is going to turn out we know two Autobots who are going to survive and we got to go through a lot of human crap and they keep on saying its going to be better we learn from our mistakes but look at the movie they still keep on doing it. Its three strikes and your out Bay I don't trust you.
ReplyDeleteWell then Beast Wars ruined Transformers since they transformed into animals, and they weren't pretty.
Deleteamen..beast wars was the most idiotic thing i ever seen
Deletefuck you michael bay
ReplyDeleteNah fuck you anonimous hater that cant even put his name!!! Get a life stupid punk cuz for all i know without Bay they would he no TF movies so shut the fuck up, go get laid and stop bitching about a movie ae know practicaly nothing about yet except OP,bee and Hound... you re a idiot, go jerk off in 1984
DeleteI think what the crybabies are really trying to say is "thank you Michael Bay. You have done an awesome job. We just like to cry and see if someone cares"
ReplyDeleteOptimus body looks like a decepticon without his two widows at the chest and there is not much colors on him also.
ReplyDeleteStop complaining you bunch of geeks
ReplyDeleteMy name is Alicia and I highly doubt yours is kortex delrio
ReplyDeletehey kortex delrio fuck you too what are you michael bay's bitch fyi without bay we would have better tf movies because any director out there is better than him you mother fucker
ReplyDeleteCorrection without Bay we would have nothing.
DeleteWow. Thanks for making Anonymous users look good....Michael Bay has done a phenomenal job with the TF movies. If anyone else can do better remains to be seen and quite frankly irrelevant. We have 3+ movies that have been above board. Not everyone is going to like them. My question is if you really hate the movies and Michael Bay...then..why are you here? I think you are lying and actually like them and Michael Bay.
ReplyDeleteclearly with all the plot holes each film has and gets worse per film yeah hes a hell of a movie maker,hes a fkn high paid idiot
DeleteEveryone is just upset that Michael Bay is taking his own direction with these films and killing off to many autobot characters and making them disappear and ruining and changing the story plots I get I love the G1 series.But what people don't realize is that,that was a friken long ass time ago and We are in the 21st century so everything is fresh and new and in a Michael Bay film theirs explosions action and this is not the G1 series this the TransFormers live action movie universe not the G1 universe.I'm a big G1 fan but Michael Bay is making the movies his way so that people that didn't grow up with these can also enjoy them along with the hard core transformers fans or geeks and everyone just needs to stop crying and complaining about it.If all of you hate Michael Bay as much as you say then stop watching the film's and collecting the movie action figures because their is no point in seeing a movie you didn't like and collecting the action figures and watching it like 5 times over again. I hate that Michael Bay killed off the arcee sisters for no reason l,that he got rid of jolt,and the twins,and now next he's going to get rid of dino and sideswip.But theirs noting we can really do, but to shut up and watch the movies because after all he is the director and he does his best at doing it to please fans and if most of you say he ruined transformers then how come it's considered on of the highest grossing movies if it sucked so much.If the a film does well in the Box office then I guess their is something wrong with that film.
Deletewhats with the filthy mouths, very childish
ReplyDeleteWhy are you on the movie blog if you don't like the movies?
ReplyDeleteGuys, got some further news to add!
- By Mid to Late December, there will be a few Concept Arts 'leaking' out!
- The Official Trailer is said to be Confirmed by the end of this Year!
- Keep your eyes peeled for something special early January 2014!
As a massive Transformer Fan myself, I can say some Fans will be disappointed by the 'New' Characters involved, but on the upside, the Character designs are 100% 'Kick-Ass!!'
Thank you for the updates. After the past 72 hours, I needed something fun to focus on. We unexpectedly lost our beloved dog after emergency surgery on Sunday morning. So, Me and my family have been an emotional disaster. It's nice to have something positive to distract myself with.
DeleteIronhide 44, can you just spill what you know, like the new characters? Are they going to be random names like Dino and Que or are they names of actual transformers? For me, hearing rumors and knowing stuff just gets me more excited about the movies. I don't think it ruins it at all.
ReplyDeleteC'mon man... now I know you claim you know inside facts and that you had to sign a disclosure... which I get. BUUUUT... you can't just come out and say that you think we will be disappointed with who the new characters are and not give us any inkling as to why??? Just tell me this... are they some type of clones engineered by humans??? Cause if so... I'm setting off stink bombs in the theater during the premier.
DeleteThis guy Ironhide44 doesn't know anything.
ReplyDeleteWhat do people expect with a cartoon brillantly brought to life. Its meant to be easy watching entertainment not Transformers version of SEVEN! You dont like the films or M Bay dont watch them.
ReplyDeleteCuriousity question. Who is Ironhide44 and how does he/she know so much?
ReplyDeleteI just want to know th real names of the characters not these cover names. Give us fans on here a hint if you really know
ReplyDeletehey ironhide44 you said that bay will be using more g1 charaters this time now your saying we will be dissapointed you liar
ReplyDeleteWho is ironhide44? No one actually know?????
ReplyDeleteHe apparently works with bay
DeleteObviously but what I am asking is what proof we have of that that everyone seems to take what he says as truth.
Deletethe ironhide44 dude did say something major was going to come out late November and i am guessing it is the op picture above or maybe the grimlock image or both... i guess we will have to see if this guy is for real.
DeleteThe thing that cracks me up with all of the these "Bay Bashers" is that they complain that there are holes in the plot, bad acting, blah, blah, blah....like one of the anons said earlier...this is easy entertainment. Remember...these are alien robots taking over the Earth. The one thing that I think everyone can agree on is that these transformers (like Michael Bay or not)...is very visually pleasing...the complexity of the animation is staggering and if it weren't for Michael Bay, we would not have this blog and/or conversation speculating what is going to happen with this movie...just enjoy it for what it is...an awesome sci-fi cartoon from our childhood!
ReplyDeleteHow would you guys feel if the chevrolet corvette c7 stingray was Perceptor? How would that be received
ReplyDeleteI would loooove it if PERCEPTOR was in this movie... he was one of my favorite BOTS... he is like a step up from Ratchet.
DeleteWould you be ok with him as the corvette though?
DeleteI would be fine with him being a Corvette... I mean he was a telescope in the cartoon... he definitely can't be that in the movie.
DeleteI'm going to leave it at this... even though I enjoyed all three films and even though all three films brought in a boooaaat load of cash... it's not a secret they were not well recieved with critics, especially the last two (although I loved DOTM). This is BAY's last chance to impress... Look, I think it would be safe to say that Bay has the whole visual/action thing down, but the story/character side of things is what could use a tad bit of improvement. Not too mention we all read the article stating that the creation of T5 and 6 is based on the success of 4. Bottom line, I don't ever remember as much hype around these films as there is surrounding this one... I'm trusting you BAY... please, please don't let me down bro!!! Damn "Ironhide44" has me worried now!!!
ReplyDeleteHere's my thought. Ok Bay is one hell of a director. He has proven that he can direct a kickass movie,however he doesn't write the movie. Plot holes are on the part of the writers not the director. The director mainly gets to interpret the story he is given. That's not to say they don't have any creative control by any means.
ReplyDeleteWow finally someone with a brain in here!!! Thank you sir and Alicia, hope you ve read this lol
Deletejosh are you saying you have a source saying that perceptor is in aoe
ReplyDeleteNo I dont, but I have heard that many fans will be dissapointed in who the vette will be. I've also heard that it isnt anyone weve thought of before. also he was a main bot in the leak draft a little while back.
ReplyDeleteI am just hoping it's not another made up bot or if they make a known bot something else
ReplyDeleteI actually wouldn't mind if it was a redisigned BOT from a previous movie... I wouldn't mind if Sideswipe or Dino was the Vette... I loved both those characters. I'm hoping that when it's all said and done with there will be enough new Bots and Cons in this movie that it won't matter if a few were carried over from the previous ones other than B and Prime.
Deletejosh but is it a g1 character
ReplyDeleteEverything I've heard says it is a G1 character.
DeleteLol dude nobody cares about critics. If they did did we wouldn't have gotten all these movies
ReplyDeleteI agree... All I want is to see is some of the movie to go back in time and take place on Cybertron... I mean could you imagine how f'in cool that would be to see Cybertron portrayed on the big screen. Take the first few moments of DOTM and multiply it... At least give me some type of "off Earth" action... not on the moon either!
Deletejosh atleast it is a g1 character i dont mind if its perceptor its better than made up bot but why are they saying people would be dissapointed
ReplyDeleteI don't know the answer to that yet. I don't really think anyone would be diss appointed if it was any G1 car character. So if the characters from the leaked script are in this that leaves Perceptor, springer, or warpath
DeleteYno who else is a G1 character and would make far more sense in being the Corvette? Sunstreaker. If my favorite Bot (Sideswipe) turns out to not be in the movie, I could see Sunny taking on his twin brother's alt mode.
ReplyDeleteBut now that I think, there has already been different Twins in ROTF. I think some ideas belong to one movie at a time. Except symbiosis between two transformers and having same bodt type with than more robot. But having twins (Skids and Mudflap), a robot with three bodies controlled by one mind (Arcee, inspired by Decepticon Reflector), a combiner (Devastator) and a robot with several alt. modes (Laserbeak, inspired by G1 Sixshot) are already used. We need something new.
DeleteLook at the negative feedback the minor twins (who aren't canonically twins to begin with) received. Alot of fans saw them as poor substitute for the true Canon twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. I can see Bay possibly making up for the farce of the false twins by introducing the Real Twins.
DeleteI admire your love for the real Twins, but Bay never mentioned Skids and Mudflap as the Twins. They were in the movie only for Chevy promotional reasons, they had no impact on the story, Sam could do without them.
DeleteI don't think Bay is gonna make up for that. But I do think the Corvette could be Sunstreaker bc of his colorscheme. That is one awesome looking colorscheme, with the green and black sunlike stripes.
I still think it's Sideswipe. No matter the dude in the summer said, who spoke setcrew who told him the Vette isn't Sideswipe. Aaaah it's killing me, I so do hope Sideswipe is still in the movie.
Sorry my bad, Bay did mentioned them as The Twins in ROTF, right before they had the upgrade. But I still don't think he's gonna make up for that, bc there's only one of the real Twins seen on set.
DeleteWhy have Sideswipe in the movie, if you don't use the awesome car?
I have a feeling the green Vette is probably a redesigned Sideswipe. It wouldn't make sense to use a car make already associated with a particular Bot, for a completely different Bot. That would be like taking the Camaro, which is associated with Bee, and using it for another Bot like Smokescreen or Drift.
DeleteJust make all of them G1 characters to make the fans happy. That's what I would do if I was Bay. Have Wheeljack in there. If I was to design him I would put a car reflector light on each side of his head and have his mouth as the face of a stereo you know when the lines go up and down when a song is playing. I would have the lines move every time he talks. That's how I always envisioned movieverse Wheeljack looking.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you make a Transformers Movie then?
Deletelol yeah right... and who.. give me names, Cameroun, Nolan, give me a break lol
ReplyDeleteHe looks friken Amazing we all do have to put are G1 geek side away for this optimus because he looks awesome.I always wondered how optimus prime would look on cybertron and I think this is his cybertronian form it's fantastic he should also come with a new upgraded Matrix of leadership that would be awesome.But if they kill him off so rodimus and become a prime I'm okay with that because he's still going to return all G1 fans know that.But the Hasbro toy version looks exclusively for kids so I guess just like the other optimus primes from Hasbro where going to have to custom paint him are selves to make him look movie accurate and make his metallic parts look real or we'll just wait for a chromed version.Over all he looks incredible I'm loving this new design I'm actually hoping Michael Bay is able to also help design Rodimus Prime if he appears in Age of Extinction.
DeleteI don't believe we'll see Rodimus and that we'll even see flames on any other robots as long as Optimus in, because Optimus already has flames even though they're different color scheme.
DeleteI agree with MLFUNK , I hope they go back in time to cybertron but I doubt it would be for long, its to expensive
ReplyDeletei agree Sunstreaker would be great for the vette but knowing bay hes not going to that but perceptor or spinger would be ok specially springer because hes green and we know who springer was with in g1 cartoons kup ultra magnus and rodimus
ReplyDeletePeople complain that there's too much human stuff in the Movie. But I Think there's too much human stuff in every Transformers serie.
ReplyDeleteIm figuring they go back in time but not to Cybertron. I am thinking prehistoric, like in ROTF, and saying the dinobots were here back then and as old as the Prime's or something to that effect.
ReplyDeleteYou know, Predacons in TF:Prime were prehistorical transformers, but it was never said if they were even older than Thirteen Original Primes. We don't even know yet how much we could compare Dinobots of AoE into Primes of RotF.
DeleteWhat do Predicons have to do with anything? Wasn't saying the dinobots are as old as the Primes..was giving an example of how they could possibly introduce the dinobots. We also don't know if Megatron...Galvatron or well pretty much anyone outside of Optimus and Bumblebee but people are still speculating.