Saturday, July 12, 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction Concept Art from Josh Nizzi

More concept art from Transformers: Age of Extinction has been posted. The latest comes from Concept Artist Josh Nizzi (frankly one of their best in my opinion) that provides his take on the Dinobots, some of the unseen Knights mentioned in the film, Optimus Prime, weapons and shields and a bunch more. That includes another look at the "Creator" hand in a striking image that reminds me a lot of what DC Comics uses when talking about its own origin of the universe. The full gallery of images can be found at Josh Nizzi's website or mirrored here.


  1. Nice post. Get more info @

  2. So hes to thank in this dumbass new look.the autobots have?

  3. So hes to thank for this dumbass new look the autobots have?

  4. Piss poor.....robots not 40 ft samurais

  5. Nice post,, i'm very enjoyed to visit this site :D

  6. How about Female autobots and a female Decepticon like Moonracer,Firestar and Blackarachnia.Then in Transformers 5 their could be some awesome head to head showdown between some Female Transformers.They would be Main characters in the fifth film since Arcee,Chromia, and Elita-1 had a short screen time in ROTF, and we need some awesome female transformers to take a crucial role.But the Quintensson's would create Blackarachnia to destroy the Autobots just for lockdown's demise!But they would build Blackarachnia with Elita' s spark so that means thiers still good in her and Elita-1 could return.

  7. The Bay-man has made the worst and most worthless Transformers movie yet. I know, hard to believe, right? How could any summer blockbuster be as dull, dumb and soul-sucking as the first three Transformers movies? Step right up.


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