Friday, August 04, 2006

Access Hollywood Transformers Clip has a about a 1 and a half minute video clip online that shows a brief interview with Michael Bay. Its provided a brief explanation of what the Transformers are, shows a little filming of an attack sequence involving Shia LaBeouf, vehicle mode Bumblebee, and a construction arm. Its also has a mostly covered up, hard to tell animatic of a Transformer. I can't tell what it shows but then that's probably why it was okayed to a brief display of it.

The clip is here.

AICN also reports about the clip and extracted just the animatic sequence from the piece at a larger size which you can find here.



  1. thank you for keeping your site up to date with the latest and greatest TF movie news!

  2. Looks like the Police Pursuit Vehicle from the first part of the movie's sequence. If you notice, the red and blue lights are across the arms. Or atleast, I'm pretty sure that's it. They're so early in production, this can't be very far into the movie for the sake of the CGI. Typically they start with shot footage and blend it into that.


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