Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Movie Starscream Protoform Pics

An Ebay user has pics up of the Protoform or Entry Mode version of the Starscream toy for Transformers the movie. Its validity is unknown but it does match previous pictures of this toy. Sadly the face is still of the Waspinator's brother variety. As just a Transformer, even independent of the movie, it doesn't exactly excite me. Its probably one I will pass on unless the price is good. How much, if any screen time, this model has in the movie is unknown.



  1. Yeah, Prime and Megatron are huge disappointments too....Long live the transformers in the 80s!!!!! Probably this movie will be a let-down just like Xmen III to hardcore Marvel fans.

  2. honestly, i NEVER liked the Cybertron forms from G1...they were pretty whack... like bumblebee, he was like some weird flying saucer, boo... As long as these protoforms don't stay in the film too long (which i doubt the will) i'll be happy.

    As for the starscream toy, its cool by me. I mean who are we to say the alt mode is all wrong? the alt mode doesnt even exist! it looks like some sort of entry capsule to me, and thats fine. the toy color, yes, is a lil off, but i honestly think this is still a prototype toy, they may ease off of the "lord gold" approach in final production

    one more thing, you make mention to starscreams face as the "brother of waspinator." Has anybody else noticed that all the leaked images of decepticons from the movie (Starscream, Blackout, and Megatron) all have very insect-like faces? the autobots all have generally "robot-like" faces (optimus, bumblebee, and jazz leaked images)... if anything, this doesnt hinder, but helps to distinguish the good from the bad, the two fighting factions, etc... i mean, in my opinion, bug faces are hella lot scarier on a giant robot than Robot mullet megatron.


  3. Bumblebee was a flying saucer? I missed that bit of info...
