Sunday, November 26, 2006

Don Murphy Responds to Leaked Picture

To say the least Don Murphy is angry about the leaked Skorponok image that Ain't It Cool News posted (and now has removed). In post on his forums titled "Harry Knowles Should Be Imprisoned", he makes clear he feels a law was broken:

Seriously, he should.

Now, under the provisions of the Digital Millenium Copyright act, his loser Ain't It Shit site, has to take down any copyright violations that he is notified about immediately. This is under the Safe Harbor provision. It is how You Tube currently defends itself (I say currently because the movie and tv industry will soon cripple YouTube). However, Harry acknowledges in the very posting that he knows he is violating the law, that the picture is protected, but he posts it anyway, also knowing that it will spread all over the internet (already within minutes one of the talkback rodents has "mirrored" the image). Thus, he has violated the law of the United States knowingly and willfully. Maybe no prison could contain his whole body, but at the least he should be held liable for enough in damages that Aint It Shit closes down and their constant illegal behavior, from reviewing stolen scripts to posting reviews from private test screenings held up as wrong and harmful and illegal. I've asked the studio to investigate. Stay Tuned.
I have a feeling that what Don Murphy wants to happen and what will happen are two different things. For one, the various copyright acts are not as straight forward or clear cut as Don Murphy pretends them to be. Most of the previous "victories" in the past have more to do with the defendants not having money to pay a legion of lawyers then having the law on their sides. Its why most sites will pull pictures when asked to as its really not worth the cost of a fight. The future fight over You Tube may just be what sets precedents in cases like these as it would be the first time the big boys (RIAA etc) have gone after a company that has the money to fight back (whether they have the will though is unknown).

Another factor that Don hasn't considered in his anger is that the movie studios use AICN as much as the site uses them. How else do you explain the access they get to movies? The free DVDs, previews, interviews, trips and so forth. For all the hatred Don has for the site, the marketing department clearly has love for them and makes use of the site frequently. The various sneak peaks that AICN news has had in regards to the Transformers is proof of that.

Also, alot of the "leaks" on movies is much like in the political arena. Its usually planned by the "offended" party as a trial balloon to see what the reaction is. In this case its possible the leak was to see if the response was negative or positive and to help create buzz for a forth coming trailer that in all likelihood will include images of Skorponok as that phase of the filming was completed first so the necessary CGI work would be the farthest along. Don may not have approved of the leak but that doesn't necessarily mean the many people in the chain of command of the studio system didn't.

Even if in this case its an unauthorized leak, AICN is used too often as a marketing tool by the studios to allow a single producer with a clear vendetta to take any action against a site. A "leak" on AICN is basically printing money in free advertisement and any marketing and business student can tell you the value in that.


  1. The people behind the Transformers movie need to stop being such pricks!! Everyone from Bay to the lowest PA and especially this ass, Don Murphy! They want us to stop bad mouthing this soon-to-be-a-piece of crap and posting "leaked" movie images then give us a better trailer than an erector set on Mars!! For real, we haven't seen shit about this movie except a shadow and a blurry tv screen on youtube. We need to see the product ASAP! Let us know if this movie is going to be Pearl Harbor or...Damn it, Bay hasn't made a good movie....


  2. Can somebody remind me why Michael Bay was choosen for this movie again? Was it because of his amazing work on The Island or did Steven Spielberg owe somebody a huge favor?

  3. I will say Don Murphey's horrendus attitude is causing many more misgivings about this movie than anything I've seen or read thus far. Very quickly am I losing respect for just about anything this guy says when refering to those who look at/for these pictures. Because he means the fans right? I'll admit there is a thin line between online piracy and simple file sharing (such as images and text files) but his defense over this is insanity. Usually I expect to see the foaming-at-the-mouth type comments from the Anti-Movie crowd, but just like any political situation I can see both extremes are getting just that, extreme.

  4. Whine, whine, whine. That's all Murphy does.

  5. Word to the Transformers 2007 haters. I would hold off on the bad comments regarding the movie management and directing staff on TF1. This movie will be the first in many live action Transformers films which will break several computer graphics standards and will probably make more money than any film currently has. What I have seen of this movie will surprise the most hateful and pessimistic fans and make them forget they ever started a "Michael Bay hate blog". I was just like the haters until I a very unusual chain of events ended up with me ( a below average joe ) sitting down with Michael and the computer effects and graphics supervisor of Dreamworks and reviewing small sections of the CGI. "Wow" and "Wow holy crap" were my reactions.I believe I was not the only one to be sat down for this review process.

    Seriously people.....before you know it July 4th 2007 will be here and you will be standing in line to go see this movie... I bet the most hard core Transformer fans will go to see this movie 3 or 4 times before it hits DVD for 2007 Christmas.

    I like all of you visit the blogs on web to see what images or film clips are available but I seriously don't have time to tear down what has not even been built yet.

  6. You are right about your comments regarding studios use of AICN.

    You are completely wrong about copyright. The DMCA only protects you if you don't realize the item is under copyright.

    I personally hate Harry Knowles as a former friend who fucked me over. I explained this on my message boards. While he won't go to jail, he should and I can certainly hope he does.

  7. A few glimpses of behind the scenes CGI does not a good movie make. My expectations on this movie are really low. Granted, I will see it and maybe because my expectations are low I may be impressed with the CGI but I was impressed with Episodes I, II, and III's CGI as well and those movies made a lot of money as well. But they had horrible stories and did not live up to the expectations set by the originial films. I just don't see Bay or Spielberg or this Bozo Murphy making a movie with a good story. Good CGI, probably, but story...doubt it. (cause I read the script)

  8. When are we going to see the next Transformers trailer?!?! This is total BS!!

  9. Right, well I think Don is well in his rights to be angry. Lets look at it this way, the blog points out that the studios use AICN and Youtube to test the waters then quickly pull it so that it becomes viral marketing. This much is accurate. However when the producer is going online and angrily stating how he is pissed off with this leaking should ring at least one alarm bell, the bell being that this leak wasn't viral marketting and is an actual leak.

    With a big movie like this there will be many fanboys going "It's not Generation one, I wanna see these certain episodes made into the movie or I will kill this cat." For those left with the brain cells to realise this is a new franchise with a new direction will also be adult, mature and inteeligent enough to know that this images are held back so when the new trailer comes out we get a big surprise as to how polished it is. Also the fact that (as with the leaked designs) they may not be the finished product and don't want to be dissappointing people, and ultimatley if we know it all now who the hell will pay to go see the movie?

    Harry Knowles may well have been out of line. The man is the ultimate fanboy and really does create these problems for himself.

    While I am here I have to say I am unimpressed with the fact that the person who writes this blog has to maul everything that turns up for this movie. If you arent enjoying any of this then why the hell do you put the blog up? It's great you have an opinion but after seeing so many messages here where you say "I hate it" or "I continue to be unimpressed" I have to ask do you even like Transformers? Or this movie for that matter?

    I have seen many people online state that they will not waiver past the fact this film isn't like Generation One. I was a fan of Transformers from age 4 back when Generation One first reached the UK and I accept the design of Optimus Prime, I accept Megatron doesn't miniterize himself into a gun and I think Don Murphy, Michael Bay and the whole cast and crew appear to be doing a great job of making this film look great and I commend them for taking a different and probably very exciting approach.

    Thank you for your time and I hope I do not cause offence with my comments.

  10. Whats wrong Don, What are you afraid of.You should be happy these images are getting out to the fans, This movie is looking more and more like a big Flop, Michel Bay and Don Muphy are morons, after this Train wreck of a movie, they shouldnt be allow to do anymore movies, they shouldnt even touch a camcorder.

  11. Don Murphy comes across as a petulant 14 year old name calling someone who has more friends. Quite childish.

  12. Don Murphy,

    It is high time someone put you in your place you fat, bald, arrogant, inflated, egotistical SOB.

    Now that I have the insults out of the way which only state the obvious that you continue to present let's talk about your so called "career" shall we?

    You should be down on your hands and knees thanking the gods above you have the opportunities that you have, limited as they are.

    You think you're a badass because you're an executive producer on Transformers? Or ARE you really?

    let's see here...

    Kenny Bates, Michael Bay, Matthew J Birch, Ian Bryce, Allegra Clegg, Tom De Santo, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Brian Goldner, Steven Spielber, Mark Vahrandian...

    But where is "Don Murphy" listed?

    You don't seem to have a credit for the film on imdb...hmm gee I wonder if you have something to hide there Mr. Murphy.

    Maybe deep down you are so in love with beliving your own bullshit hype that you don't realize you're not getting credited.

    Now let's run down your so called "achievements."

    1. LXG - Producer. This movie bombed worse then Elektra and Catwoman combined. You would think a producer such as yourself would actually READ A FUCKING STORY BEFORE SIGNING ON TO IT.

    Was it Sean Connery that made your balls all sweaty to get involved? I bet you loved the zero fucking points the film made at the box office big shot. It's up there with the worst movies of all time, even DAREDEVIL was better then this piece of garbage.

    2. From Hell - Johnny Depp, great actor shitty film. My god you sure know how to pick the worst fucking stories on screen don't you? How can you produce that redundant piece of shit? I can tell the air was thick with desperation on that day.

    3. Bully? WTF is this movie? Oh yeah its that's one knows what the hell it is.

    4. Double Dragon - Do I really need to get into just how amazingly bad this film was? What the fuck did you do? Eat donuts on set? Was any of the CG in that movie believable? Did people even watch it all the way through to see your credit at the end? Lord...Street Figher The Movie whooped this genre's ass and yours.

    Your ONLY achievement Don is that you worked on Natural Born Killers and even that film was sub-par.

    You're not Michael Bay and you're sure as hell not as good as Spielberg. South Park nailed you as a fat, brainless, angst filled, ego bloated, stare into space like a fucking retard WOW loser god on their first episode.

    Look in the mirror Don Murphy and realize without the fans hyping the film you're nothing, you might as well go suck the shit out of Uwe Bowell's ass for work because very soon if you continue to show this leve of unprofessional conduct, even Dreamworks and Paramount will get sick of your bullshit and kick you to the curb.

    Consider that the next time you open your fucking mouth on blogs.

    No one thinks you're important Don, so who are you trying to convince whining like a little bitch on fansite boards?

    Harry gets into screenings, what do you get into? Oh yes...another bucket of kfc.

    You get off on being hated, that's obvious so here's some words of advice from one movie industry person to some humility before your so called shining star burns out.

    People like you are a dime a dozen and three times as intelligent.



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