Wednesday, May 06, 2009

IGN Video Commentary

I guess more for your amusement then anything, here is a video commentary from IGN as they attempt to dissect the new trailer. The idea is excellent just that those doing the talking are clearly not up on the latest and greatest Transformer 2 info (guess they don't read this blog). Thanks to Brian and DeceptiFreak for the link.


  1. yeah, i saw this. I also like the idea, but they the names so wrong. How can Prime be fighting Ironhide?

  2. got the names so wrong. sorry for the typo

  3. who are these half the names wrong..

  4. it was funny to watch

  5. Interesting idea about Arcee being at the garage Mikeala is working at. I could actaully see that making sense.

    Those guys messed up quite a few transformers. That wasn't Alpha Trion that was Jetfire.Fun to watch in the end.

  6. I frequent IGN a lot... and I didn't even know this crap was up until earlier today. Someone commented on it in the Transformer Movie forum thread and then I checked it out (which I said I wouldn't).

    Honestly... I don't get how they concluded the half of what they did. They describe Ironhide as the fight is going in slow mo... and you can clearly see that it isn't Ironhide based on their own description...

    They brought a lot of people out of the woodwork... asking all sorts of questions, at least. Sadly... they didn't accomplish it in a very good way. It's the most active the TF movie forum has been in awhile though. I don't feel like I'm completely by myself now, at least.

    Sites/Blogs like this make IGN look absolutely horrible. Keep up the good work! IGN is basically imploding, thanks to incompetent reporters like Gilchrist and the like.

  7. wow..they don't know left from right.

  8. is the fallen the one who appeared when sam started seeign symbols and is the fallen they one who appeared in flash of fire, IGN SUCKS that aint Inronhide is Blackout or Grindor >:O

  9. WOW..."here he's fighting ironhide..i think" these guys just have NO clue what they're talking about haha

  10. this video was so awesome

    its like I made my grandma watch the trailer once and report to me everything she saw

    "well sonny there were these shiny robuts and I think Optimus Ptome and Ironhide were fighting"

  11. that was supposed to say "prime" i was off one key to the right

  12. That yellow bot isn't rampage. I know because if you look closely he has wheels while rampage has the treads.

  13. In the desert were Sam and Mekala were jumping, that wasn't Rampage that was Scrapper. And Optimus fighting what you think was Ironhide was Blackout, duh.

  14. Wow these guys aren't that bright.

  15. It gets better... the morons now wrote an article... more or less bashing people for the feedback that they sent in. Really bad form... and I was kind of offended as to how the writer went about it.

  16. haha, the only thing they could have done that was worse than that video was defend it with "we're too busy to know all these things you NERDS"

  17. OMFG.....I normaly dont brake for rats when they cross the street. These 2 guys are really giving me the creeps so i hope they dont cross the streets when i am driving around there neighbourhood.

    Damnnnn even my sister laughed of her ass because of their stupid stupid really stupid stupid trailer breakdown

  18. Perfect example of noobs who call themselves TransFans because they liked the special effects of the first movie. One time in class we were talking about the summer movies and someone said, "You know what I want to see? The new Transformers!" followed by a dozen or so "yeas" and it moved on from there. I sat in the back corner scowling at them because I knew at least half of them didn't know anything about it other than the first movie.

    I was kind of mad when they said Sideways was an Autobot before but after seeing this, I know they are just mislead. Since both Blackout and Ironhide were in the first movie, how did they mix them up in the trailer?! And that yellow bot behind Sam and Mikaela is Scrapper.

    Lastly btw, that was me posting as Anonymous last night because AIM login didn't work. Anyone IM me sometime ok?

  19. Dang.....if you're going to comment on the trailer, at least know what the heck you are talking about. They were so off on many things it really wasn't even funny.

    Prime fighting Ironhide?? Huh?

    The picture when Sam is having his visions is The Fallen. The robot also "appearing" is The Fallen.

    And the two that you see fighting the soldiers in the one clip are still in their Protoform mode. Also, the one gets smoked pretty good.

    Come one guys. Get it together.

  20. Yeah guys,damn. Those morons over at IGN know nothing about Transformers and nothing about the movie.They obviously don't read this blog.

    I used to check IGN first for movie news,but not for the last year anymore.First I always check


  21. ".. and in this shot we have Prime fighting Ironhide. This is based on his toy mode is kind of this.. truck.. And you can clearly see his propellers on his arm, that he has in his.. truck mode...."

    TF2 is going to be the big tie-in movie, game, comic, toy, book, multi-media dynamo for this year, easily beating Terminator. These guys should be WAY more on top of what's going on with this movie.

    I'm sorry but these guys are getting paid decent money to know this stuff and not make their organization look like half-assed idiots. This will forever put a tarnish on the image of IGN in my eyes.

  22. "One time in class we were talking about the summer movies and someone said, "You know what I want to see? The new Transformers!" followed by a dozen or so "yeas" and it moved on from there. I sat in the back corner scowling at them because I knew at least half of them didn't know anything about it other than the first movie."

    Those bastards, how dare they have a casual interest in something you obsess over

  23. Honestly... MP... I think I'm pretty close to finding myself a new place to general movie news as well. I really don't like IGN much to begin with anyways. Why I bother with them still is beyond me. And the forum community that IGN has is pretty horrible too. With only a handfull of people I actually like there... again... I don't know why I bother.

    And I would have to agree with you as well, Chief. Funny thing is... I responded to the article they wrote, the one I linked to earlier. And I was priviledged to actually get the writer himself to respond in an attempt to justify what he said. All I can do at this point is roll my eyes. IGN has some of the worst writers.

  24. I feel so insulted about the fact that thoses jackasses got the names wrong. And Prime fighting Ironhide? Idiots!

  25. Well, I'm sure Blogmaster Supreme won't mind me plugging other sites in a non-TF capacity. As far as general movie sites go, can't really be beat. is good for movies and general geekiness, and a site called has decent updates, but with a very snarky angle to the writing. I'd plug my own site but we're kind of on a "getting ready for launch hiatus" at the moment and nothing is getting updated.

    In all honesty, out of every blog community that I've been a part of, TFLive really takes the cake for camaraderie, info, and good discussion. Kudos to the Blogmaster!

  26. wow. after i started to read some of the comments here i decided to NOT delete the video and have decided to save it so I can show their sons and grandsons what goobers they stem from...

  27. I am so glad to see you guys put this up. I really was going to mail you just so that you could get a laugh!

    That IGN video was a joke. And absolutely pathetic. Honestly, they didn't know what the hell they were talking about. My fiance who never have seen the old cartoon, never saw the old '86 movie knew who the Fallen was, and who Jetfire (who's her favorite by the way), and the Twins and also was smart enough to say, "Ironhide is a Autobot! Thats Blackout, you idiot". Those guys should be shot.

    At least IGN could have picked some Transformers fans to do the commentary. Most of us, if not half of us could have did that video 10x's better than they did.

    But enough of my rant. I still think it was worth a good laugh and a "WTF!!". Screw IGN, its all about !!!

  28. I agree with everyone that has said this is a terrible synopsis. Confusing Ironhide with Blackout/Grindor is one of the dumbest things ever, and it completely invalidates any other correct point.

    PLEASE do not post anything else by these guys, a casual fan might see this and think they are correct!

  29. ok, after this video the constructicons can be officialy renamed confusicon, not that they have mistaken all the constructicons, but even the
    rest of the transformers...

  30. something much better than that can come out of this blog...

  31. Snortpocket?? go back to your first post and please tell us what actually are ROBUTS

  32. What do you all expect?! It came from IGN.COM, not!! NOt everyone knows every detail about these bots doofs!!

  33. "Perfect example of noobs who call themselves TransFans because they liked the special effects of the first movie. One time in class we were talking about the summer movies and someone said, "You know what I want to see? The new Transformers!" followed by a dozen or so "yeas" and it moved on from there. I sat in the back corner scowling at them because I knew at least half of them didn't know anything about it other than the first movie."

    duude relax, thers nothing wrong with them just liking the movie, i personally like generation 1 and the films, does that make me an unworthy fan??? no. just chill dude

  34. SIDESWIPE??!!??? Oh my God that guy is an idiot!

    And when was Arcee ever a Motorcycle in the animated series? (unless they mean the one that came out after the first one in 2007)

  35. When I was a kid... I stopped watching Transformers when they killed Optimus in the old movie. I was one of those kids who got really upset about it

    I hope they don't make the same mistake of killing him off in this one. I would be done with Transformers again lol

  36. I know that we all comment on post here that are off the wall or just flat out wrong, the next time somebody leaves a retarted post just remember it could be worse we could have people from IGN writing posts........AND MAYBE WE HAVE!!!

  37. -I hope they don't make the same mistake of killing him off in this one. I would be done with Transformers again lol-

    Dont worry even if OP dies he will be resurected in the third film. I would rather have him die now and be resurected rather than have him die in the third without bay signing on for a sequel :O

  38. I am glad there are like minded people who thought they were wrong and I appreciate y'all voicing it here or anywhere! TF fans rock!!

  39. I just got back from reading the article on IGN about all the people that wrote in with the corrections to the video review, and the guy that wrote the article is a little b***h calling all the people that wrote in little geeks and also saying they didn't have time to get everything wright cause they are too busy over at isn't that their job! that's like me being a bartender(which I am)and not knowing how to make a long island iced tea, then making one and having that person complain that it's wrong and me telling him I was to busy to make it wright...HUH? sorry for the long post.

  40. wat the #^%&!%
    please SACK this 2 guys...
    sideswipe on the bridge@^%^%&!
    OP fight ironhide^&%*^($&!)

  41. hey in that article they made they said in the old trailer theres 3 motorcylcles and now just two
    i wonder if they messed up and forgot that elita-one is supposed to be dead now based on reign of starscream

  42. "I just got back from reading the article on IGN about all the people that wrote in with the corrections to the video review, and the guy that wrote the article is a little b***h calling all the people that wrote in little geeks and also saying they didn't have time to get everything wright cause they are too busy over at isn't that their job! that's like me being a bartender(which I am)and not knowing how to make a long island iced tea, then making one and having that person complain that it's wrong and me telling him I was to busy to make it wright...HUH? sorry for the long post."

    duude read again, they refer to themselves as geeks as well, they call us the "true geeks" because we are, we are the transformer geeks, theyre... idk videogame nerds or some shit

  43. "pocketsnort said...
    Snortpocket?? go back to your first post and please tell us what actually are ROBUTS"

    How my grandma and a lot of other old people pronounce 'robots'? you probably should have been able to figure that out from context, but apparently you're a dumbass

  44. **It gets better... the morons now wrote an article... more or less bashing people for the feedback that they sent in. Really bad form... and I was kind of offended as to how the writer went about it.

    Was reading their apology post, it's pathetic how the "apologized". I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but Transformers fans are as loyal and demanding as any cartoon fans out there. IGN can bite my shiny metal *ss and never expect me to use their site for anything ever again.

  45. @ Anonymous on 5/07/2009 1:11 AM...

    If they're "video game nerds" they shouldn't really be doing articles on movies. That's called spreading yourself too thin.

    Anyways... the Anonymous on 5/07/2009 12:50 AM pretty much hit the nail right on the head with their bartender example. If you can't put in the research and effort... why bother calling yourself whatever it is they try and call themselves (reporter I guess would be the general term)?

    I probably would've overlooked the geek comments... had they of not made horrible excuses for their misinformation. Despite some of their misinformation being completely idiotic. I don't even think they believe themselves when they said Prime was hitting Ironhide.

  46. God damnit. They don't know shit!

  47. "Do, or do not", if you can't do something right, then don't even bother doing it...

  48. FUCKING IDIOTS in this trailer most transfans will see clearly who they are and with got this fuckers talking shit in this trailer you'll see Optimus Megatron The constructicons Bumblebee Devastator Jetfire even Soundwave... again FUCKING IDIOTS !!!

  49. The sad thing is -- and this is why I say you can't be too hard on them -- they probably still know more than the average moviegoer does about TF. Sometimes it can forget that the entire world doesn't have the uber-knowledge about TF that us mega geeks do.

    Still, a couple of things they said were just idiotic, like suggesting that Prime was fighting Ironhide.

    Overall a fun watch. But yeah, most of the people who will be sitting in the theater with you this June will likely be even more clueless than this.

  50. Prime doesn't die in TF2 no way! We've already seen the toys where he combines with jetfire to form some super bot! has that been disproven or what?

  51. OMG I just got done watching this video. THOSE TWO GUYS ARE IDIOTS! First of all, it is obvious the robot knocking over the American Flag is not Sideswipe. He was NOT fighting Megatron. The robot in Sams hallucination was obviously NOT Megatron, Prime was NOT fighting Ironhide. THAT was the most idiotic part when he paused it at a frame where it very much looks NOTHING like ironhide. That is when I stopped it because I could not watch anymore.

  52. What is funny about the whole part where they thought Prime was fighting Ironhide is that they paused it at a spot where you can see a rotor coming down off his back. And the scene DIRECTLY after that, which obviously is part of that same fight scene, shows the exact same robot, but this time you can clearly see the helicopter blades. And Ironhide is NOT an SUV. He is a truck.

  53. LOL, the funniest part was when they paused it on OP's face and called him Megatron. LOL!!!

    But really, it's not that serious...

  54. I could see the 3 motorcycle autobots in the first trailer along with the showest footage, what these guys missed that?? Hello?

  55. I'm 50% blind and even I can see the difference between Ironhide and Blackout.

  56. Selective Realism5/08/2009 10:05 AM

    Wait a minute! Nerds from a massive nerd site like are calling other people nerds because they did a shitty job and they are too busy playing on XBOX Live?

    The Pot: "You're looking black Mr. Kettle"

  57. well, maybe they dont want spoilers for the movie, because they like to be suprised! so they dont check this blog every damn day!


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