Friday, May 22, 2009

Magazine Confirms Seven Constructicons

TFW2005's Dinobot Nuva has posted a scan from an article in the current issue of Nick Magazine that has comments from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen lead animator Shawn Kelly were he talks about eyes and the complexity of Devastator and merging seven vehicles. This is, to my knowledge, the first time someone directly associated with the movie has confirmed that seven vehicles combine to form Devastator. Previous mentions were second hand information in articles, a toy, and novelizations.

Says Shawn, "Devastator is easily the most complicated character we've ever done because of his size, which is absolutely gigantic. Just trying to figure out how he might form into this giant thing and then walk around was a huge challenge." Animating Devastator required so much computing power that one artist's computer overheated and its insides melted!

"We tried to make a scary transformation for [Devastator] where things are slamming together and getting pulled around. All seven vehicles are shoving themselves together and clicking into place as he grows into this giant, scary dude."
Emotion via the Eyes:
An important part of making the robots look real is their eyes. According to Shawn, "We had to pay a lot of attention to the robots' eyes because a lot of them don't have much more to their face. As long as we can bring the eyes to life, it works pretty well." To do this, animators spent time studying real eyes to see how they move and blink. They also filmed each other and studied the eyes of different actors as they recorded their lines.


  1. First.....oh wait i dont care!! and cool!

  2. interesting, i am happy to hear this!

    Woot woot, revenge is still too far away for me.

  3. Ummm Jetfire doesn't transform into a fighter plane. He's an SR-71 "SPYPLANE". Don't know how much to believe about movie Devs being 7 constructicons based on that article comment now. Maybe he was referring to G1 Devs. I guess we'll see when the movie comes out.

  4. nah, he was talking about creating everything for the movie so it should confirm that there are 7 parts.

  5. Nevermind my comment I forgot that G1 Devs only had 6 Constructicons......D'oh !!!

  6. TFLive author is a beast. Non-stop updates from this guy (or gal).

  7. okay i know this has nothing to do with devastater but go to youtube and cheak out peagh,and his long haul and jetfire reviews. and op and jetfire merge.

  8. i just watched night at the museum 2 and i saw the new trailer, it was the best one so far!!!

  9. I think the constructicons are mixmaster scrapper rampage demolisher hightower longhaul and the yellow tractor. I forgot the tractors name andthisis just waht i think.

  10. what do you say? yellow tractor? may you refer to overload , but overload isn't a yellow tractor...

  11. Yeah it is overload i got messed up with something else thnx.

  12. And i got words wrong with my other comment but it is overload.

  13. There was a poster a while back with 7 Constructicons. I'd post the link but I can't copy/paste.

  14. tfw2005 now has images of the devastator toy. only six guys in this one though.

  15. Yeah and Hasbro confirms that Devastator is made out of 6 Constructicons not 7, on their toy packagings. Who should we believe? Or is this an error or part of the misinformation campaign ?

  16. Anti Scorpio5/23/2009 10:47 AM

    The 7th Constructicons is SCORPIO! But because he sucked so bad the Deceptacons rejected him! so now only 6 left!

  17. Anti Scorpio what is with you and scorpio seriously

  18. Kill Anti Scorpio5/23/2009 4:58 PM

    I agree he needs to lighten up and get a job and a life. All his posts are full of hate and its not just against Scorpio. It is against Kup, RY and others who he has stole there Username and used it against the and also insulted them such as posting porn links and claiming them to be real information.


    If you want Anonymous comments blocked so we can talk kindly add BLOCK COMMENTS to the top of your comment. Join the resistance against Spammers and Haters.
