Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Meet Sideways, MTV Movie Awards and ... (Updated)

Feeling a touch lazy so just combining all these stories into once story since all of them are brief anyway.

First up, has posted a CGI image of Sideways. It’s cool looking but the detail makes me think it’s from the video games rather than the movie. Also, the site has three additional set photos that show Bay and Shia working/posing including a neat pic on an aircraft carrier deck. In addition, go to for four more movie images.

by Jamie TruebloodNext, for the MTV Movie Awards airing live on May 31st at 9pm/8pm CST, it has been confirmed that the show an exclusive clip will be aired and introduced by Megan Fox and Michael Bay. Shia LaBeouf will also present an award. Hopefully that clip will pop up online shortly thereafter.

Last is a single image of the repaint of Deluxe Scorponok for the Transformers 2 toy line. It appears that all the gold of the original figure has been swapped out for black and gray.

Thanks to Moises, Phil, Darin, Mcat, and Dave for the links.

Update: The commecial mentioned above is now on YouTube for our embedding pleasures. Thanks to medabotsoundwave for the link. In addition, The Chief sent me the Sideways and Bumblebee renders the other day but I completely forgot to post them, so here they are now. Sorry about that.


  1. YEAH FIRST! Haha, Sideways looks great. Almost identical to Barricade though. Nice set pics as well as the repaint of Scorponox. Thanks for the update man!

  2. Why do I think that Scorponok might be a completely different character since it looks new and Grindor might be the new blackout

  3. saw some pics of a Voyager class Grindor.

    looks like whoever it was talking out their butts when they said the name was only for a FAB.

    maybe in the movie its Blackout, but after hearing Demolishor and Scavenger are two different robots, who the hell knows anymore.

  4. blackout? grindor? lol y change the name?

  5. Sideways looks very, VERY similar to Barricade. The points on the feet, the tires on the hands, the chest, the tiny windows above the shoulders, and even the face are very similar. I know all evidence points the other way, but maybe Barricade and Sideways are the same?...Either that, or they are related somehow, I don't know...

  6. Hey just letting everyone know, my friend just texted me and saw a new TV SPOT and said he saw something with a cement truck (MIXMASTER!).


  8. At the site, I only see 3 pics. Also, I'm liking the way Sideways looks.

  9. anon @ 9:55/9:56

    Yeah, it's Devastator, you can find the video on Michael Bay's website

  10. That repaint of scorponok is the exact same colors as the miniature one that comes with voyager Grindor.


  11. i really hope this is jus for the toy n blackout name is in the movie cause its stupid to repaint Scorponok which he is still alive so i am prayin that the name grindor is not in the movie cause he my second fav out of megatron

  12. Looks like the pic of Sideways is from somewhere other than the ILM model used for the movie. Look at the tires and wheel wells on the car features. They have distinguishable segments making up the curves. This would not be visible in the ILM model. Just my $.02.

  13. Anti Scorpio5/20/2009 11:35 PM

    ^ nobody gives a shit waht you think, Scorpio!

  14. No opffense but does anyone agree Megatron had dorky obviopus dialogue in the first film? Don't get me wrong the first one was my favorite film ever after the second one ofcourse. It's just that Megatron said his name out loud a thousand times like he wanted to marry himself. Like "You fight for the weak which is why you lose!" was a little cheesey. By the way, everyone should see Star Trek while they have this chance cuz it's a great movie, it was written by the writing who wrote both ransformers films, and because my name is Kirk just like Captain Kirk who was my favorite character.

  15. Israeli Sniper5/20/2009 11:36 PM

    so says the stupid kid from Las Vegas. Idiot.

  16. Sorry. I mispelled alot of words in the last comment.

  17. I guess I wasn't the first to give you the link about sideways. At least I tried.

  18. It would make sense to me that the autobots know what vehicle mode barricade is after the first movie thus barricade will take on an alternate vehicle mode. Thats just my opinion, the two characters definitely look identical in physical robot features and face.

  19. Anti Scorpio is a fucking idiot5/21/2009 12:42 AM

    -nobody gives a shit waht you think, Scorpio!-

    Who the hell are you replying to? Scorp hadnt posted anything. Are you a fucking idiot.

  20. Kirk, have you ever thought about the classic G1 series, they always said their names out loud and had the cheesiest dialogue. They had to keep a lot of things at heart that distinguished transformers from every other franchise

  21. After it voyager class Grindor toy was released with Scorponok mini figure, I was starting to think that Grindor is rebuilt version of Blackout. And if he isn't why Scorponok then would work as his minion? Explain that.

  22. Did anyone notice Sam's neck??

    It appears that is his burn from the final battle [remember him with burn make-up] and it shows that he will survive----FOR NOW


  23. So either ILM got lazy, Bay got cheap on the design staff for this one or the absolute pure badass beast that is Devestator killed all the ILM modelers.

    Let's see, we have Sideways who is clearly just a re tooled model of Barricade. The whole scavenger/demolisher debacle and Grindor, who, if he is indeed Grindor is just the reused Blackout model.

    Lol corner cutting. Doesn't diminish the awesomeness of the movie though. XD

  24. I agree with the above poster. This thing with Blackout being brought back to life alongside Megatron was just bullshit. Its a new robot and he is called Grindor. The similar design is just down to budget cutting.
    I'm also having doubts that Barricade will be in this one. I think that's Alice crashing into the library.

  25. Im at a loss here with how blatantly similar Sideways is to Barricade. If somehow they DO turn out to be the same character, I'm cool with that...but like mentioned above.. THE FEET, THE FACE...kinda insulting.

  26. The helicopter is Blackout, not Grindor. Kurtzman and Orci said that they didn't change Megatron's name to Galvatron in order to avoid confusing the general audience. If that's the case, why rename any other returning or identical looking robots?

  27. -Im at a loss here with how blatantly similar Sideways is to Barricade. If somehow they DO turn out to be the same character, I'm cool with that...but like mentioned above.. THE FEET, THE FACE...kinda insulting.-

    Also the close resemblance Grindor has to Blackout :P Seriously they need new ideas for robots

  28. Ohhh, dude. TFLive, man I sent you those Sideways pics like 3 days ago! Oh well. To confirm though, they are definitely renders from the game.

    I hope they don't have some ridiculous explanation about Grindor/Blackout, Sideways/Barricade, and Demolishor/(other constructicon). But there are starting to be too many situations like this.

    Since Soundwave is gathering earth forms and beaming them to incoming protoforms on their way in, that's probably what they're going to do. Here's the conversation:

    Megatron: Hey, uh, Soundwave. You know who was cool? Blackout. I'd sure like to see another one of him.
    Soundwave: Affirmative. Inbound protoform target selected, codename: Grindor. Sending data.
    Megatron: Sweet. Hey, that's kind of a coincidence, huh? Grindor, helicopter, get it?
    Soundwave: Affirmative. Irony processed. Humor does compute.
    Megatron: Hey, Soundwave. You need to get laid more.

  29. you're at a loss for how blatantly similar barricade and sideways are?

    they are practically the opposite compared to Scavenger and Demolishor.

    the movieverse is getting kind of pathetic. i wonder if for tf3 they will bother with anything new at all.

    Unicron will be a repaint of Devastator most likely.

  30. ^^^ lol

    And of course, Ultra Magnus will just be the Prime repaint.

  31. Israeli Sniper5/21/2009 2:05 PM

    LAME Thechief... so fuckin lame. get a life. or come to Israel.

  32. well there's always been similar bots, in G1 there was Starscream, Thundercracker & Skywarp, Thrust, Ramjet and Dirge, then there was ironhide and ratchet, bluestreak and prowl, bumblebee and cliffjumper.

  33. -"you're at a loss for how blatantly similar barricade and sideways are? they are practically the opposite compared to Scavenger and Demolishor."

    Ha ha! Good call and point well taken. I think we'll all still love em though.

  34. That is so true, Paul Des ... that's one thing I hated about the G1 series as a kid ... why do all the jets look the same???? I even remember seeing more than one Starscream on screen at the same time ... same paint and everything. So, I guess Bay is being true to the G1 series.

  35. okay if you paid atention to the first movie you would know that when brawl first appeard he couldent speak english so there where words at the bottem and he called his self devastater but the toy said brawl so thats what i think is going on with blackout.

  36. fuck.
    You guys have used G1 logic to back Michael Bay up. Never thought the old show would turn on me.

    grindor/blackout, scavenger/demolishor, so be it.

  37. -"okay if you paid atention to the first movie you would know that when brawl first appeard he couldent speak english so there where words at the bottem and he called his self devastater but the toy said brawl so thats what i think is going on with blackout."-

    Or you're over the age of four and realize that Bay just liked the name Devastator better

  38. Anti Scorpio5/21/2009 7:07 PM

    why do we all hate scorpio? ahahhahahahaha

  39. barricade and sideways may be the same cybertronian robot species as far as i can tell like the similarity between the new scrapper (see the cgi art) and bonecrusher!
