Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Voyager Grindor In Packaging

Despite being the repainted twin of Blackout (with slightly altered head design), based on the Voyager packaging below, it appears the name Grindor is here to stay as first indicated by the Fast Action Battler version. The question is what he will be referred to in the movie. One theory is he is the resurrected Blackout and the other is he is a new character of sorts. Either way, I get the feeling he will not last long under Prime's blades.

In addition, Hasbro has posted the first commercial for the Revenge of the Fallen toy line with a special focus on Leader class Optimus Prime, click here to view. Sadly no embed option for the video. Thanks to Phil for the links and the bio write-up.

Voyager Grindor Bio
GRINDOR is a born soldier. He is both a highly talented fighter, and an instinctive strategist. Every moment of a battle is laid out in his head before the first shot is even fired. He is so talented at anticipating his enemy's moves that he is almost never surprised. Whenever he can, he ensures himself a place at the direct center of a fight so that he can bring his powerful weapons to bear on the AUTOBOTS around him, destroying as many as he can as quickly as possible.


  1. i guess Grindor it is. no more blackout name?

  2. This is probably just a repaint that gets a new head and name. I think there is still going to be a Blackout toy and he will come back in the movie.

  3. what if it is grindor? could it be a possibility that he is one of the robots that comes down and destroys the ships? There are similar helicopters.

  4. My theory is that, in the movie, Grindor is the name of the constructicon who's spark they use to revive blackout...

  5. Hey guys, sorry if the bio is incorrect. I tried my best to interpret it, but like if anyone corrects it, post it! =)

  6. WTF grindor come on y r they keepin the name GOD!!!!!!!!! i hope the name is not in the movie cause it will be stupid

  7. my guess is that Grindor is another name for blackout like galvatron for megatron i don't know i jus hope they don't use the name

  8. Just hope it's gonna be Blackout..

  9. Replying to Phil:
    Damn it. I uploaded the same bio. Well never mind. Though still he doesnt seem any better than Blackout. I hope they keep the name Blackout.

  10. Well, I hope that if they keep Blackout, he'll finally speak. It was freakin' annoying that he didn't speak in movie 1...

  11. It think people have been putting too much faith into what the special effects guy and the DWE guy was saying earlier. It seems more and more now that this info was all just bullshit. Nothing of what these guys said has been confirmed later, but an increasing amount of their info are beeing contradicted from other more official sources of information.

  12. I see another Brawl/Devastator fiasco on the horizon.

  13. How stupid. Grindor? It's Blackout for gods sake, stop trying to confuse us!

  14. The picture in the bottom left makes me wonder if maybe this is blackout being revived or his spark being taken. See link.
