Tuesday, June 09, 2009

ET's Megan Fox Interview

Last week's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen bit from Entertainment Tonight was heavy on Shia LaBeouf and light on Megan Fox and now we know why. Yhey were saving that interview for this week when the actress briefly talks Transformers 2 (bigger everything) and discusses her sudden fame. Thanks to joshuachacon7 for the link.


  1. As much as I used to kinda resent her, Megan seems like she's a rather level headed girl... for now.

    I would love to see her in a movie that's more uplifting to women in general...

    This is all coming from a girl, though, so I guess the guys out there are going to dissagree pretty adamently.

  2. Not at all. I think I would like to see her in that role too flamewar.

  3. good for her! i've always thought she was dec. but now i have greater respect, because she understands what can happen if she doesnt stay well grounded! and yes i would also like to see her in a stronger indipentdent role.

  4. I agree as well. I didn't really like her in the first movie, and thought she was just another Lindsay Lohan airhead type, but I think it's more that I didn't find much to like in her character. The character of Mikaela is just too cardboard and 2D, it didn't give her much chance to actually, y'know, *act*. Judging from the interviews, I suspect Megan Fox herself is significant more intelligent and less of a stereotype.

  5. made me laugh when she said she might go crazy soon. most foreigners not native from cali. cant handle fame well. hope megan matures in her acting.

  6. I hope she actually takes acting lessons - not part time, but goes to college/university in drama. That is the kind of thing that will help her get taken seriously. I would love to see her take on actual character roles. I hate it when people get typecast and buy into that as all they are capable of.
