Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Transformers 2 South Korea Premiere Pics

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen may have had its world premiere in Tokyo, Japan but the parties and promotion are just beginning as the Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf, and Megan Fox (who shows remarkable taste in outfits, not as common for Hollywood ladies as you would think) landed in Seoul, South Korea on Monday to promote the film. A little rain fell on the gang as they did their camera posing, autograph signing and whatever else occurs at these things. A few pictures below but the gallery is here. Next stop - Rome.


  1. Thats awesome!
    Hey does anybody know if anyone is coming to Australia from the RoTF crew (like Isabel Lucas) to do a premiere in Australia and promote the movie?

  2. Megan Fox is disgusting

  3. megan is so hot!!!!!!!!!

    and very beautiful....!!!!!!!!!!

  4. man if you sad that she is disgusting you are stupid...if you are a girl YO ARE JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!

    come on...she is so beautiful there...

  5. megan Wow...! beautiful girl..

  6. nop she's hot..

  7. hei what's your problem you don't like girls,or you are a jealous cick????
    megan is very beautiful in that pictures!!!!!!!

  8. Rome? I live in Italy and I can't find any info at all, could you give me some details on how to attend this premiere?
    Lorenzo Pinto

  9. MrMississippi6/10/2009 11:34 AM

    This is a guy and Megan Fox is pretty but nothing more than that..she is not a be a dime u have to have a pretty face and nice assets...and all she has is a pretty face no body tho...but we guys have different opinions but she is just too skinny for me and i dont find skinny women sexy...i like a skinny waist but thighs hips and stuff need to be well rounded if u know what i mean...

  10. Wow. I'm loving Megan more and more.
    She show's such class in the outfits she's been wearing!
    That dress is a beautiful combination of classy and sexy. I love how she's focusing more on her own actual beauty than on just showing off some flesh to get attention.

    In case you haven't realized it, I'm a girl. lol.

    Megan fox is quickly becoming one of my favorite actresses.

  11. any1 else reckon shia lebouf luks like a young sir alan sugar lol

  12. FREAKIN love shia and megan...they have become my favourite celebrities in hollywood....:D

  13. Nice post - ..Keep Posting

