Thursday, June 11, 2009

Human Alliance Bumblebee Video Review

Below is the two part review of Human Alliance Bumblebee with Sam toy from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy line. The videos are longer due to a very detailed explanation of his transformation. Overall it appears the Human Alliance sub line is a huge improvement over its first movie incarnation which was essentially the deluxe toy paired with a crappy piece of plastic in a vague shape of a human character. Now the toy is clearly designed specially to accommodate a more detail human action figure resulting in a toy that is about 1.5x bigger than its deluxe counterpart. Overall it is a solid toy that might be worth buy instead of the deluxe version.


  1. the reviewer's a boy? hahahah i thought he was a girl

  2. The toy looks great, worth a purchase for me because I wasn't originally intending on getting a BB of any class.

    I can respect that it was the kid's first video review so I won't bad mouth him, but I miss the Canadian dude.

  3. I already have Movie Deluxe bumblebee, So i don't really want the get another Deluxe, So i'm Getting this one!

  4. I know its his first review and all, but sometimes, you'll have to use stuff like common sense (edit out personal/unwanted footage...). Still, he at least was able to do a good description and I thank for getting me more excited to buy this one.

  5. This kid was really awkward, I felt really sorry for him. I still pissed that he didn't show Sam in the car.

  6. where did you buy that?! if it was from the mail that would be lame because when you buy it at a store it would be fast!!!!!!!!!
