Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Satellite Soundwave Images

Thanks to General Tekno, here are two CGI images of Soundwave that are from Paramount UK's website I posted about earlier. He extracted them from the flash file so all the website stuff is removed so we could get a good look at the character in all his CGI glory (or lack of depending on your opinion).


  1. We already know what Soundwave will be up to in the movie. Hopefully this will be the only let down.

  2. Soundwave superior.

    Plus im first for the first time.

  3. He better be in the movie and not have a cameo. Did not wait these years to see him for five minutes.

  4. Looks like First..

    Well it looks interesting, not as massive as the toy but it has an big appereance; being a satellite I understand why it's supposed to be one of the bigger decpticons.

  5. I think he looks awesome. I just really hope he has a robot mode in the movie. I'm not going to believe anything else until I see it for myself. Even if he did'nt transform, I would still be happy with the movie. We are just going to have to wait for part three.

  6. According to the comic adaptation and novelization for the film, Soundwave does have a few lines. Only problem is that neither one doesn't show or say if Soundwave transforms to his robot mode even for a little bit. I just really hope that the novelizations and comics are purposely leaving out information and material to save for the movie.

  7. Looking at this, you can tell that Hasbro/Takara probably designed the SW toy using concept art showing him in the second pose there. He's somewhat close to the CGI model from that angle.

    Once you look at him from a different angle though, it's not nearly as nice. Here's hoping that he's in movie 3, so that we can get a more accurate toy.

  8. is that his head on the top of that big circle in the middle? cause if it is, it's tiny, probably so because we don't know the actual size of him.

  9. Soundwave doesn't even transform in the movie according to both the reviews from the early Tokyo premiere.

    That kind of sucks.

  10. I believe that the reviews were supposed to make us think differently from what will happen just so that if Soundwave does land on Earth i the film, it'll be more of a "surprise".

  11. either he doesn't come down to earth

  12. Someone posted what appears to be a fan art idea of how the three bikes will connect into ARCEE

  13. yea pretty much blows not seeing him transforme in the movie BUT maybe inthe next one he'll have a big roll to play because floting in orbit is not much a roll

  14. Yeah, that's his head up top.

    Consider that he ejects Ravage as well.

    Soundwave appears to be MASSIVE to me. Odds are he'd at least be as tall as Starscream or Megatron in robot mode.

  15. wait a sec... what do you mean he doesnt transform in the movie???? no robot mode??? wtf!!!

  16. Saw a new TV Spot tonight on adult swim during family guy..

    nothing new cept epps says "Time to open can of whoop ass" in what looks like shanghi

    and prime firing his big ass gun and a bullet flying out all slow.. other then that nothing new

    oh and it seemed shorter then all the others.

  17. Dude,
    have you been livign under a rock or something? No robotmode for soundwave in the movie....

  18. yes he does once in the movie when he hacks into the NEST sattleite I love the look it looks so frickin real!

  19. thats IT? no fighting? omg man.... this really sucks...

  20. I've lost track, but was this concept art ever proved to be a fake or not?

    The Ravage concept is pretty accurate. Maybe if the reports of no transformation are true, then Soundwave had an Earth-mode (the truck) and then his part was rewritten?

  21. Awesome! wish somebody could find high-res images for this.

    But the satellite mode was far more different from the toy's satellite mode. Looks like we need some custom works as well.

    Also, just noticed overall body was more blue than white - a great G1 homage!

  22. Yes he does have a robot mode damit! I refuse to believe anything else.

  23. If he doesnt appear in robot mode in the film TF fans are going to be pissed (Sorry for the language) Seriously why add him then just have him hack a sattilite without a robot mode. Why even bother trying to add all the G1 look to the robot mode if he doesnt Transform. I think the early review was partly wrong or fake. I just wont believe Soundwave is a throwaway charecter.

  24. I think that concept art isn't fake, it comes with the ravage concept that proved to be true, and the picture of a satellite with the protoforms passing near which coincides with some details known from diferent sources. Also the robot mode of the toy has some similarities to this (specially those blue orbs)

    What it could be is just what it is: a concept art; an idea that they were playing with while the final script was finished (in this kind of productions, concept art is one of the first things they do, even without a completed script, just with the basic idea)

    The same happened with Arcee, they had her design, was scripted in the movie and even had a toy, just to change her character at the last minute.

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