Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Revenge is Almost Here

Update: Added posters and various links that I removed from the left and right colums so people can still find them if want to.

Just a few more hours and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen starts premiering in the United States and other areas (depending on time zone). To pass the time, here in order of oldest to newest are the trailers and TV spots for the movie. Besides it is another excuse to play with YouTube playlists. For those that see the movie, feel free to answer the poll question to the left.

TF 2 Cheat Sheet |
The Real Effing Deal | Giant Effing Robots | GM's Autobots Rollout

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Playlist

International PosterIMAX posterBethlehem Steel PosterOptimus Prime PosterBumblebee PosterStarscream Poster
Theatre StandeeTransformers 2 teaser poster


  1. I work at a movie theater, so I've been able to see it twice already - once at 12, then once again at 3 because it was so awesome. Sure, it doesn't have the best writing, and the movie actually could've been drastically improved by cutting out perhaps 20-30 minutes of Michael Bay's juvenile humor, but it was the most intense movie experience of my life. Screw critics who can't enjoy the ride. I'm excited to see it for the third time on IMAX tonight!

  2. tflive when are you going to go see it? if it sucks will you angrily delete this blog?

  3. no coments here. may be bacause every body is in front of the cinema and wait to get inside :D

  4. I just read a review by Blunty that got me hyped up for the movie its got some minor spoilers not much we don't already know and you cna just mute them or skip them. Anyway he reviews Transformers from a middle man perspective while he grew up with the cartoon as a kid he isn ot oppsessed with it like the major fan boys. It's as close to a regular audience review that I can find and It can really reassure a lot of people. Go to youtube and type transformers 2 blunty it's the first link this thing won't let me post links.

  5. Already seen it in here Mexico Its awsome! You're ears will hurt But all fans like me will be pleased

  6. i wont see it til saturday----i saw a new wit is over tv spot with meg coming out from the h2o...and effing up a sub

  7. Already seen it here in Brazil at 15:00 local time. I think this movie is for the fans! 90% robot action and 10% story and dialogue. Amazing!
    It is a Optimus Prime's Ass Kicking class!

  8. just watched it yesterday. i'm glad that i don't have to sell my ROTF figures. Roll Out!

  9. this movie was a let down when they said more robots and more action and i think they said less humans. the movie style and mood was the same as the first but switch the fouces on the decepticons instead of the autobots more human talking and camera time and you might as well call this a big long movie ad for the arm forces. the pop music felt the same and the score was weak. the only good thing from the movie is more detail of the robots but thats all i got from this movie. when bay said the same feel as the first movie is what he was going for he meant it to bad i felt rob when i left the theater and can only hope he gos more robots less the same and fouces the character and voice and backstory of the transformers. if bay likes the new direction of directing animation he should do the whole movie on the transformers or get a new writer and director.

  10. 3am just got in and i'm still all worked up from it. The best word I heard to describe this movie was intense. The action was up, lots of robo screen time, and the story worked nicely. Few issues here and there but what movie doesn't. I knew alot from this site and was still in there with my jaw on the floor, apparently I looked like a little boy seeing the real santa (i'm 24). go see this asap

  11. i saw the film today. want some spoilers? ok heres some .... sidewayss didnt transform, megatron is triple charger we will saw a closeup shot of soundwaves face rampage is red prime is revived by the matrix, we get to see the skeleton of the fallen and the twins and the military killed devaststor

  12. Just came back from watching it on IMAX...even though it hurts to admit it but I am dissapointed at the outcome of the storyline. The graphics are incredible but the story and the dialog between the robots could have been a looooot better. Too much dumb humor too. Still a must watch for T fans.

  13. this movie was great, shut up anonymous. go watch the proposal.

  14. Agree with 11:29, the score not to the expectation, I feel the first Transformers have better music score. But overall ~ ass kicking! I have read a lot of negative critics/review by professional. For me it has good screen writing, not the best, great action and thumb up CGI, really amazing.. hey anyone can tell me is there any scene after all long movie credits?

  15. Just saw it. I absolutely loved it! Great action, great fx, Bad-ass Optimus! While my brother on the other handed was really let down. I think because i read alot of the negative reviews, my expectations were lower. And my god did the movie exceed them!!

  16. just got home from the movie...I was awesome!!! I stayed all the way till the end of the credits...nothing to tease us on #3

  17. hey 2:59, who said sideways didnt transform?? He did for a while at the shanghai scene chase by the sideswipe and archee and other 2 robo-bike, he transform to innocuous forms, crash the Chinese family house then transform back to vehicle form before been slash by sideswipe

  18. Just got home from the theater and I loved it! The critics don't know their ass from their elbow I thought everything in the movie flowed together pretty well Devastator was Huge,Soundwave sounded like Soundwave from the cartoons,Megan was a goddess,the fight sceen in the woods was pretty intense and Longhaul was the best looking Construction! Only complaints was the stupid humor was just a little over the top and the fight sceens between the bots was too fast and a little hard to make out just like the first movie.

  19. Hey,I too just came back...MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!! I agree there was some unanswered questions but the movie was excellent. I live in KC and the house was sold out and the movie got a standing ovation

  20. why WHY did michacel ruin the movie for kids!!!!!! I thought the twins were using appropriate jokes but nooooooo
