Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Revenge is Here, What Did You Think?

I just got back from watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on the IMAX. The crowd I was with was great, cheering as the movie started, at the end of the movie and at the great moments in between for seven total crowd cheers. After there was a large crowd waiting for the 3:15am showtime. Don't remember a time been The movie is pretty much a wall to wall action extravaganza of Transformer action fun. Best part is Optimus Prime finally gets moments to shine. I may write a more formal review once had time to formulate something. I had fun and was thoroughly entertained for 2.5 hours.

Oh and FYI, there are two quick cutscenes at the end of the movie, there is nothing at the end of the credits.

So what did you think? Try to keep it spoiler free and PG-13.


  1. the movie was so badass i had to jump on the computer and tell the world. better than the first one! funny action and a little sizzle amazing GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!
    pep - from texas

  2. Just got back in half an hour ago.. I absolutely LOVED IT. FULL of action and the FX where awesome.. they look so real. Pee in your pants hilarious scenes.. it had it all. So worth the loss of sleep tonight.

  3. Personally I thought it was an "OK" movie. Special Effects were great, but too fast in some scenes. Story dragged and dragged. Overall I think Star Trek will be known as the Summer blockbuster of 2009.

  4. This has to be the best movie I have ever seen in my life. Michael Bay needs to direct every movie that ever comes out. I was left speechless when it was over and IMAX was, well... undescribable.

  5. Selective Realism6/24/2009 4:04 AM

    It was great.

    It was very funny and exciting.

    Screw the critics. This was made for the Transformers fans.

  6. I don't think I will ever be able to see another movie until Transformers 3 cuz Transformers 2+IMAX= multiple orgasms. Michael Bay should direct every movie that ever comes out. speechless...

  7. Sooo awesome... saw it two hours ago in Perth Western Australia!!! Screw the critics... if ur a transformers fan u'll love this!

  8. Thanks for the blogs man! Ive been following you since beginning of 2008 and now that its over I have no life. Its been an honer reading your blogs...Wait...theres always hope for a third ;]

  9. This movie should have been called Transformers Prime's coming out party. I have never remembered Prime so visceral in his utter destruction of decepticons. He owned this movie! As much as everyone moaned at the thought of the twins, i thought they were hilarious, their lines never seemed forced it was improvisational. I plan to see this movie at 2 more times this week and you should too!

  10. The movie was exactly what I hoped and thought it would be. The reason for the slow moving parts were that Orci, Kurtzman, and Kruger made the story very complex and thus had to be explained thoroughly for the idiots. Acting was better than the first, and the special effects were mind blowing. It wasn't the greatest movie of all time, but it wasn't supposed to be. It was supposed to be a clinic in CGI and an overall fun movie. It succeeded in both aspects.

    Oh and I want to thank you for running this site. It's been in my favorites for the past year and I check it multiple times a day. You do a great job.

  11. just seen the midnight show an i love it so much i cant wait for more!!!!!!!!!

  12. it was great no doubt...but i thought it was gonna be a little darker? i thought the twins were great but i wanted some more from other characters. almost like there was too much from bay. still and always a fan though. box office champ no doubt

  13. I agree that in some scenes especially the fighting part was too fast. didnt feel the movie was like 2 hours plus with all the action and jokes. overall I enjoyed myself, although Jolt and SoundWave not much action in it. Cheers!

  14. The movie was great. It's better than the first movie. Lots of action, lots of explosion, lots of Optimus and Bumblebee kicking ass! Too bad they have to put some annoying Transformers and something called human emotion... Other than that, it was a fun and thrilling ride. Go see it! I'm going to see it again.

  15. WORTH THE WAIT! The humor was excellent, the battle scenes were so much better than the first and the dialogue between Sam and Mikaela was great. Definitely have a few nit-picky things I would love to get some clarifications on, but that's for another time.

    A friend of the family owns the best theater in town, it has 12 screens and had 9 simultaneous showings at 12:01 that could accomidate about 3,000 guests in total, she was upset she didn't fill the other 3 because she had the business for it.

  16. Star Trek was a great movie. Probably THE surprise of the summer. Transformers is what it is, a popcorn movie that you have to suspend disbelief for 2.5 hours. I personally liked it better than the first. It does have its moments and its bad spots, but no movie is perfect. The only drawback I have is there wasn't much of a reason to think that the Fallen was such a bad guy. Optimus kicks ass though, and that alone is worth watching for.

  17. I'm from belgium and saw it last night, loved it!!reviews haven't been that positive i'm reading, even fans are bashing it. Why is beyond me! It's just mindless transformers fun on screen, I wasn't going into it expecting dark knight quality drama!! Just some incredible CGI, robots fighting and a hell of a lot of fun!! And it delivered!!! I'm going again on friday!!!! Hope it shatters the boxoffice and shuts those artyfarty critics up!!

  18. forget the critics! I thought it was awesome! I liked the second half better than the first - more story and action. Looking forward to seeing it in IMAX. My theatre just cheered at the end - but it seemed like everyone still liked it!!! I hope there will be another one in a couple years!

  19. Best movie to date. Not ashamed to say I got tears in my eyes in several scenes and my heart pumping the whole time. If you have the chance to see this in IMAX, take it, it's worth the extra money. Had a great crowd too, cheering and laughter throughout.

  20. Best movie to date. Once I get up tomorrow I'm going again. If you have the chance to see this in IMAX, take it, it's WELL worth it. Drove 2 hours to see it and I'd do it again. You know you're obsessed when you have tears in your eyes and chills up your spine. Awesome crowd too! Everyone true Trans-Fans in my theater.

    loved every minute of it.. some of the humor was blehh, but everything about it was great

  22. Saw a midnite show. It was definitely bigger than the first in every regard. I enjoyed it more than the first. It's a Transformers movie through and through. Is it perfect? No. But all these people saying "no plot" really need to listen more during movies.

  23. Just back from an Imax showing here in Tampa, FL and it was AMAZING! I gotta say, I loved the twins, Soundwave, Megatron and Starscream G1-type scenes, and Optimus kicks some serious butt!!!! The forest scene was a thrilling rollercoaster, and his battle with The Fallen was intense. What he does to the fallen was so cool.

    I also felt the story/plot was just as good as the first. This is a summer popcorn flick ... if you want to see deep character insight and development you really need to rethink the way you select movies to see. It had everything it needed to be a good action movie and then some.

    The audience was great, too. It was sold out, but we had assigned seating so no problems there. At 12:01AM on the dot everyone started chanting for the movie to start. There was a slight delay, about 5 minutes, and then when the lights dimmed everyone started applauding. It was great. People were laughing, cheering, hooting throughout the movie. At the end another round of applause and we all waited to the very final credit ... ok, nothing there but oh well. I am so glad I went opening night. Worth every penny for the memories.

    This movie will beat all this summer. I'll have to see it again, because I know there was so much I missed the first time. You know how it is, the first showing you want to see every thing but in your excitement you miss maybe half of it. All in all, I just want to say thank you to Michael Bay for bringing to life a childhood cartoon, and doing it such fantastic fashion.


    Bonecrusher's "twin" is in the movie, and you do actually see him in his robot mode. See if you can spot him.

  24. StarscremLooksKickAss6/24/2009 4:38 AM

    The action scenes were outstanding.But I didnt like the jokes,I just tried to ignore them.Anyway I cant w8 to see it again.

  25. Ba Blosions!!! Loved it. No Barricade, but I'll slow my roll. Very good stuff

  26. This movie was down right epic in all respects. The level of epic-ness in this movie cannot be measured in any human or even alien robot scale. The effects were great, the characters were great, everything was just great. I'm not gonna say anything else 'cause I don't ruin it for anybody.

    Now that I have posted my opinion, I suggest that everyone who lays eyes upon this post go and see it.

  27. Well i just got back from seeing it. And it was good. Not exactly as great as i was expecting. Some parts with too corny of humor. Ending was lame. Effects were fantastic, dragged on a bit, military cooperation was best ive seen. Gonna go see it again tomorrow or thursday on IMAX. Devastator = devastating waste of film!

  28. I just came back from the theatres and i loved transformers, man it was amazing the music, fight scenes everything was spot on. Had really funny and really sad moments also. i dont agree with the critics the movie was not too long. i dont know what the hell they were talking about, must of been seniors that said it was too long. damn old people.

  29. I just got back from seeing it about a half hour ago , we finally got to watch it after the cops said it was ok too, some jerk called in a bomb threat so we had to wait for the ok . But I would have waited 10 hrs to see it . It had everything . I grew up with the transformers , so I loved how they paid so close attention to details . I will go see it again . I first one doesn't even compare . This will darf dark knight and maybe tytanic . The story was perfect , dead on . It is almost 4:00 am and I can't stop thinkinging how perfect it was . You know in most pics you can find things you would change , well not with this it perfect as is

  30. I'm going to see it tonight in Hungary. Just 9 more hours. Can't wait! :)


  32. NightShade876/24/2009 5:07 AM

    How's this for good:

    At a midnight show at my local theater, the manager came in 15 minutes before the midnight show started and told everyone that they needed to go to the bathroom NOW before the movie started, because there was no good place to make a quick run. The funny thing about this story? I saw maybe two desperate people make a dash for the exit during the entire thing!

    Overall, I don't think anyone could have pulled it off better than Bay. The critics can go and eat their own reviews. GO SEE THIS MOVIE AND BASK IN THE AWESOME BAYNESS!!

  33. final 2 scenes were sam back to university, tats all rite? no scene of meg back to nemesis rite?

  34. I LOVED IT! of corse it came as no surprise, the scene with Megatron and Starscream bickering was classic and the twins turned out to be more funny then annoying. The testicle part? pft..big deal..everyone I knew in the theater was laughing at that scene, I got the IMAX experience which was all quite worth it and best part i'm seein' it again on friday with my bro's! Take it from me, if you're in love with movies with lot's of action, funny scenes and...lot's and lot's of action! SEE THIS MOVIE YOU WONT BE DISSAPOINTED! The painful part of this movie?...knowing that I have to wait another couple of years for the next one :(


  35. what would you do after transformers revenge opf the fallen is over?

  36. Man, this is just one more reason that we know reviewers are full of it. No story? I loved the first, but I have no shame in saying this one had alot more story. I appreciated that it focused more on the Transformers and their history, and I really appreciated that they didn't try to rush everything into just 1.5 hours..

    Like others, I just got home from watching it, after waiting in the theater for 7 hours before hand; it was worth every minute of the wait. We were in a 500+ theater, and the whole crowd was 18-28 aged people, and so everyone really got into it. We cheered at the beginning, we cheered at some of Prime's lines, and we all cheered at the end.

    I am really wondering what the thrid (if we see one) will bring, but that is another story.

    GO SEE THIS MOVIE. The critics are higher than Sam's mother on the brownies....

  37. im from Croatia and this movie is really great and funny, it is worth 2.5 hours of watching this :)
    i read the critiques on rotten tomatoes and i can only say one thing, qritique suck...
    everyone, go watch it if you didnt XD

  38. It's great, and really, really EPIC. I had so much fun watching it and I'll definitely see it again.

  39. begging and middle of the movie= AWESOME

    CLONE ROBOTS????????????????????????????

  40. Extraordinary! Don't believe the critics. The movie is awesome. CGI is perfect. Action is mind blowing. Optimus Prime kicks ass! It was just great seeing all of the characters again (both human and robot). Only complaints would be bad and annoying humor... and some battle scenes were too fast (same thing as in the first movie... but I'll get over that once I've seen the movie 10 times or so).

  41. I have to admit that it was not that great. The middle part when they get worm-holed to Egypt dragged on for way too long and ultimately made the movie longer than it needed to be. The various fight sequences were amazing (particularly the Shanghai sequence, forest fight and the kitchen scene), but I think that they tried to cram too many actual robots into the film and subsequently a lot of them were neglected (Sideswipe, Jolt and Soundwave could of been incredible characters but they just were not given enough time to shine). That said, Jetfire was a great character and Prime and Bumblebee got to do some great fighting.

    The final battle was quite messy and sometimes hard to follow when two robots were scrapping about - plus Devastator was under-used as well - why not bring him into the main fight between the Army/Autobots and Decepticons? The woman who sat next to me asked her boyfriend why there were two sets of the constuction vehicle robots, which is a valid point - Constructicons in two places at once was confusing and stupid.


  43. IT WAS F'N BADASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    BTW, I've been follwing this site since before the 1st movie was released!! It's my favorate Transformers site!!




    I loved the movie!! I waited for 2 years (keeping eye on the site on dayly basis) and my patience was rewarded with a super movie!!
    Yesterdag the 23rd, I saw the pré-premiere in the Netherlands....

    Only one downside from my side... I thought there were to less transformer characters.
    A lot decepticons had construction machines (Constructicon) ALT-Modes (I saw several Mix-Masters, Longhauls, minimal 2 Demolishers) and there were A LOT charaters with Cybertronian bodies. And seen the transformer-universe, Micheal Bay could do better with character design.

  45. I loved it! I think the guys at ILM need the get laid with all the sex jokes :) But as the latest input, i get confused in the end. I hope there is an explanation.

  46. I saw the film a couple of days ago as I'm in Britain, I've been dying to ask if anyone else saw what I saw,

    I loved the movie, it was awesome in every way imaginable (Although I do think the Fallen could have been handled a bit better, but nvm)

    oh look away now, if you don't want spoilers, but im desperate to ask this,

    Did anyone else that in the last battle, the Contructicons where in two places at once!? Part of Devestator and fighting the autobots?? What could this be? Lazy editing? or a homage to the terrible continuity of G1!?

    Sorry, but really had to ask

  47. Just got back from seeing it on a non-imax screen. I thought it was as good as the first one. Probably a bit better. They should have just left out the entire National Security Advisor part. I really loved the fact that they really showed much more of the Starscream and Megatron dynamic. Starscream's last line was the best of the whole movie.

  48. well worth the fandango ticket price!

  49. This movie rocked, and it rocked hard! Transformers revenge of the fallen is pimp! I loved it, there was alot of funny scenes with the action, every other minute there was something to laugh at. This is definitely primes movie, he owns it, and owns the decepticons. I Love your site, its awesome I check your site all the time. Thank you for making this site so good and informative!!

  50. the beginning of the movie started of well, but all in all i was very dissapointed with the movie .. all the OG fans knoe what i mean. devastator was a piece of crap and their was alot of miskahlooney decepticons that didnt have to scan from their proto form, but i guess for the new generation of fans it doesnt matter,they never seen the G1 movie or cartoon series. i dont know how there gonna recover from this one!

  51. the beginning of the movie started of well, but all in all i was very dissapointed with the movie .. all the OG fans knoe what i mean. devastator was a piece of crap and their was alot of miskahlooney decepticons that didnt have to scan from their proto form, but i guess for the new generation of fans it doesnt matter,they never seen the G1 movie or cartoon series. i dont know how there gonna recover from this one!

  52. The first midnight showing on IMAX was my third time seeing it - yet it was, by far, the best this time! The crowd was amazing, full of people laughing at all the jokes and clapping and cheering as Optimus and Bumblebee absolutely wrecked the Decepticons - true fans and others who simply knew how to have fun. And the IMAX shots were breathtaking. This movie completely eclipses the first. I'm not going to be an apologist and excuse its faults, but, come on, guys - you try developing DOZENS of characters in 2.5 hours. Other movies have only a couple people and can still fail. Ultimately, I'm not going to put Dark Knight in my PS3 when I have free time and try to make it through all the heavy psychological drama. I'm going to watch Optimus being bad***. I can't wait to see it again in IMAX. I don't mind spending even more money - I want to support it as much as I can so we can get a third!

  53. yes, the movie has many shortcomings, many things could have been different in my opinion, but the Forest Scene and the Devastator scenes was worth the time to stand in line and sit through all the other stuff,I for one cannot wait to see it again when the local IMAX gets it, I thought Soundwave showed up a lot more than what was talked about on various message boards, he will probably play a bigger part in the 3rd installment, there was many scenes i just rolled my eyes and shook my head, but again, the robot CGI more than made up from the other shortcomings combined, cannot wait for part 3 in 2012! Thank you ILM for some amazing jaw dropping action!

  54. Brilliant movie, loved it!

  55. Anyone that is a Transformer Fan Will Love this Movie!! Better than the first. I was actually worried that this movie would not live up to all of the hype. Boy was I wrong!!! All of the trailers are just small does of the action. You will be amazed, you will laugh, you will say "WOW" alot!!

    Critics are just that, critics. They would eat their young if possible. Half of them newer really watch the movies anyway and who ever pays them to have a job, needs to put that money into the econonmy a different way.

    Can't wait for TF3. Thanks for this site, I checked it at least twice a day. You did an awsome job.

  56. Thanks for everything TFLive been following your blog since last June but didn't have a blogger account for a couple of months. Thanks for keeping me up to date :-)


  57. Give me more ISABEL LUCAS, NOW!!!

  58. Personally i love transformers but i have to say i was dissappointed with the film they had all these awesome character (Sideswipe, Arcee, Jolt, Devastator Soundwave etc) but you didnt realy get to meet them like with the characters in the first film dont get me wrong it i loved film i just wanted to see these characters from my childhood a bit more and get to know them. i mean devestator only had about 3 mins screen time and didnt really do much. although the film was still above average it could have been alot better

  59. I didn't have to wait more than five minutes at any point in the movie for a transformer apear and do something awesome. From begining to end it was a real spectacle. Not to mention, NOBOdy messes with Optimus, he's a total badass in this one.

  60. Saw it this morning. This movie was awesome. Kept you at the end of the seat

  61. I loved this movie!! It was simply BADASS!!! The critics said the ending was anti climatic compared to the forrest fight with Prime. I guess they weren't paying attention to the 20 plus minutes of military forces being rolled out wave after wave. Michael Bay loves the military and the military loves Michael Bay. Stay for the credits and watch how many military units took part in making this movie. It's mind blowing.

    G.I. Joe will fail in comparison simply because of the amount of REAL military hardware and soliders used during this movie. I just couldn't get over the amount of all the military forces used in the final battle. Planes, helicopters, ships, tanks, hovercrafts and transfroming cars...AWESOME!!!


    P.S. It's too bad GM can't produce a car as well as ILM can CGI one.

  62. I loved Soundwave!!!! So great to hear Welker again!!!

  63. great movie, but way to eff up the entire history of the transformers. SEVEN ORIGINAL PRIMES?!?! WTF????

  64. Im really sick and tired of hearing all of these reviews and how bad the movie was. It's a movie about giant robots from outerspace. I wanna see some stuff blow up, cool transformations, and Prime kicking some ass. This isn't Schindler's list. We can't have a movie of just robots and no human interaction. There needs to be some mindless comedy because it's for some kids and us who have a sense of humor. Michael Bay did a great job of giving us the opportunity to have one of mine and yours, child like heroes come too life. Charachter Development? Its 2.5 hours long. Really how much time do you think it would take to learn about all of them. Lastly, they do have a budget! It must have cost so much cash to make this movie this cool. Lets see another director gives us something that is this big. People like to bitch about everything becasue they have nothing else better to do. Love it for what it is. Big Ass Robots Kicking Ass

  65. I thought it was absolutely amazing. They could have ended the movie a little different but it was nothing to complain about. It was very well made and well worth the wait and midnight showing!!!! Go see it more than once it is totally worth your money.

  66. As expected, an extravanganza of action, mayhem, mechanoid madness & dead-wood human action. Sam's mom was even better. They let Prime shine like new money. Full of tropes from past sci-fi/adventure classics but the humor was pretty good as a ligament between the crazy action and (I thought) cheesy romance. One major gripe -- why do the Deceptions have all the cool gadgets, and minibots?

  67. *!warning: spoilers!* after seeing a 12:01 screening of thefilm, transformers: revenge of the fallen was eveything i could have imagined and more. while knowing some spoilers about the fate of optimus certainly diminished the emotional aspect for mysef, the movie was a thriller, comedy, and pure action from beginning to end. as a long-time transformers fan, this film certaily exceeded my expectations. Optimus Prime kicking decepticon ass was definitely the highlight of the film. Prime truly shined and I cannot wait to see this film again. Michael Bay, you are a god... along with Roberto Oci, Alex Kurtzman, and Ehren Kruger.

    I personally want to thank TFLAMB for being my provdider of anything that is or surrounds transformers for the past year or so. I have checked your site multiple times a day and cannot wait for coverage of Transformers 3 to begin, assuming that there will be a third. Thank you again for everything.

  68. it was awesome.
    only a few parts that made me cringe (but nothing like the newest 3 star wars movies).

    They got Prime right.

  69. I was very dissapointed, the actions scenes were way to fast, for some reason i think TF 1 was better, and also why were there 2 conticons WTF? and they over did it with the comedy jeeze every 3 seconds its ws a joke , i thought this movie was more of a comedy than anything.

    other than that they did the megatron star scream relationship awesome, ravage ws fucken awesome, and soundwave too

  70. I liked TF ROTF although i must admit the plot wasnt as good as i hoped. The Action sequences were better than the first and i loved the look of the fallen and his strange tentacle things on the side of his face :)

    Soundwave had such darkness to his charecter and yet he had so little screentime. The only problem i had was the ending it seemed a bit cheesy and some of the bots are just cannon fodder. I rate this film 7.5/10. A great film up until the final battle

  71. I saw it twice already...2 & a half hr just not enough for me so i had to see it for another 2 & a half hr. I think sideways and demolisher should have more significant roles in the movie...sad to see such cool characters go prematurely.

  72. ive seen it twice now and the second time was much better , i had better seats and saw things that i didnt pick out in the first time around. I felt they could have done more with devastator , it seemed like Venom in spiderman 3 to me , just chucked in at the end rather than expanding on the character

  73. The multiple Constructicons was confusing. I thought Long Haul was merged with the others as Devasator, but then in the next scene he's fighting in his individual robot mode. Was there "duplicated" constructicons? Anyone out there that can give an explaination? The movie seemed to have a lot of holes such as this. On a positive note, Megan and Shia was excellent and a HUGE standing ovation to all that made Optimus and the gang so amazingly real.

  74. I was frankly a little disappointed. After the first movie, I had a massive adrenaline high going. I saw so many cool things I'd never seen before, and the sound was just so spectacular. His use of the Bay Buster, the bus scene, Barricade's chase much awesome goodness.

    This time I felt like there was too much reliance on CGI. I didn't see anything totally new, unexpected, or awe inspiring. I'm going to see it again, so I'll totally reserve judgement until I have a chance to revisit.

    I think less humans and more focus on Transformer characters would've been better for me.

  75. It was sweet! Forest scene was epic!


    can we get a spoiler thread where we can talk about it without ruining it for people??

  76. this movie was awesome!!!! could believe it, the crowd in the theater was great we all laughed and cheared ours hearts out! the twins were great too(which was not expected). the blending with the enviroment was incredibly retarded... loved it. there were just like a couple of thing i could have lived without, like the crotch thing in devastator, but everything else was great... I just wish we could have had more screen time for Ironhide, but no biggy. Michael Bay is a GENIOUS!!!!!

  77. I went to a midnight showing last night, and I completely loved the movie. I haven't read any reviews so far, but pooh to them!
    Loved the action, thought most of the jokes were funny; I'm not sure if I like this better than the first movie, but hey, I love that one too, so it doesn't even matter to me!

    I recommend the movie to EVERYONE.

  78. Tedimus Prime6/24/2009 10:57 AM

    I saw this movie in imax at midnight. I gotta say, this was probably one of the most EPICH BADASS MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN.

    The fight sceens were so amazing, especially with Jetprime, I loved all the characters, sadly slightly disapointed with soundwave though, but good to have starscream being starscream

    Some of the humor and scenes were unessisary and dragged out, and the whole thing at collage with isabel lucas just annoyed me, (not the scene in the car though). With the epich beginning scene and the amazing last hour-hour and a half of movie time. this was absolutely spectacular

    Plotline was nothing extrodinary, but the fight scenes and humor made up for it.

    Dont get me wrong I LOVED THIS MOVIE, but with my personal opinion, which i know will differ from yours, i thought (some) parts could have been better.

    *lastly* what was with soundwave? seriously... he was voiced by frank welker, but where was his true voice?

  79. I commented on the movie under a different toppic so just wanted to say to you great site and good job I was on this site atleast twice a day just trying to get any info I could find and this site ALWAYS came through...THANKS!

  80. Devastator have a gigantic testical..genius

  81. RaidenWarrior76/24/2009 11:13 AM

    The Film WAS AMAZING worth waiting two years for. GREAT ACTION, GREAT STORY,& GREAT CHARACTERS.It was Well worth the wait, there were a couple unnecssasary jokes,but all in all CGI was beautiful, OPTIMUS WAS KICK ASS,& the MEGATRON & FALLEN Moments gave me a STAR WARS chill,SO FUUUUUUUUUUUCK THE CRITICS,SEE THE FILM and Enjoy it. Its worth going to IMAX and thanks again TF Live Action blog for keeping posted on all updates and News.

  82. Good movie, could have done without sams parents turning up in the desert. Also once optimus prime died the autobots became passive and just seemed to depend on the humans for cues about how to counter the decepticons

  83. It was pretty much, terrible. I loved the first one, but this new one is awful. Where's the character development. And Jolt...wish I could have at least heard you talk...

  84. I really liked the movie, but felt that there was alot of slowness in the middle of the movie and alot of characters that really need to go away. They bring nothing to the movie, I just wanna see some robots kick the crap out of each other. Other than that I really enjoyed the CGI! That was amazing, The beginning, forest scene were fantastic. I was still scratching my head at the end. OPTIMUS AND BUMBLEBEE ROCKED, give me more Sideswipe. Later

  85. Hi, Guys im from Cabo San Lucas Mexico. Yesterday i saw the movie at 12am i was so exactied.....But WTF ! Im a true fan but i have no words.. WHAT HAPPEND!? The first 1hr of the movie was AWESOME but after they arrive to egipt sucks... Cm0n the last 40min all the army/navy was shooting to what? we saw some a few Proto and some long haul and brawl. it was more like JOIN THE ARMY/NAVY SERVICE. DEVASTATOR = JUST A CRAP, cmon guys form ILM this is not the biggest CGI complex character you talk about. what a shame..(one shoot from ultratopsecretclassified gun) you should used as main final batle.
    Dont think wrong, the FX are awesome look so real! the batles are awesome like when prime got the jet pack ammo, but i just think.... 2 years waiting for this movie and Bay screw up again.. leaving beside characters as sound wave, puting some others like the Arcee's without any meaning, wasting 15 min in Sam's mom....
    Just Im realy TF disappointed.BTW the Fallen sucks...thats it? just some punches and he was dead...
    Ill be waiting to TF3 Hoping the director of Dark Knight can direct this one, And Orcy and CO you are fired!

  86. After reading the initial reviews, I was very worried because they were consistent with what was in the novel.

    Seeing the movie was a completely different animal. Awesome visuals, very funny, great action. Definitely am going to catch it again this weekend in IMAX. It was definitely a better movie than the first one.

  87. The movie was awesome although some of the jokes were a little too much but everything else was FFFFRRRRRRIGGGGINNNN AAAAWWWWEEESSSSOOOMMEEE. I want thank TFLIVE for giving me all my TF2:ROTF info and pics.


  88. I have missed Barricade.

  89. I am a huge fan of Transformers but this movie had a lot of disappointments. Sideswipe, Jolt, Arcee, Soundwave, and Constructicons were WAY underused. A lot of confusion, especially in the action scenes. Having pairs of the same Constructicons, plain Protoforms, and reviving old Decepticons seemed lazy and stupid. The juvenile sex jokes got out of control and the Twins and leo were annoying, next to useless, and got way too much screen time. The middle dragged and the Fallen was lame. Having said that, the fight scenes were very cool, Optimus and Bumblebee were badass, and it was good to see more Megatron-Starscream interaction.

  90. Took the kids last nite to see the sneak preview at 12:30 am and it was absolutely the best movie I have seen in a long time. It was well worth being up for almost 24hours and only getting a 2 hour nap before going to work today.


  92. Let me say thank you so much to the author of this blog. You have done an absolutely outstanding job with this blog and I hve been following this since last January (2008).

    The movie was well worth the wait!

  93. First want to say thanks for the site. Ive been on here everyday since it I found it a few months back and I think its brilliant.
    I was a regular on the IMBD board but the place is crawling with trolls now.
    This movie may get slated by the critics, but I think Bay did a good job making it for the FANS. I dont understand how fans of the first disliked this one.
    I loved it!

  94. I think they needed to not have so many robots and just a few going against few like the first one but was a great movie. Im seeing it in imax on sunday!

  95. It's the best movie that i've ever seen.

    Awesome Tyrese is the best


  96. Watch THE OTHERSIDERS tonight on CARTOON NETWORK @ 8PM. They explore the haunted QUEEN MARY.

  97. I thought I had predicted what happened in the movie having seen all the trailers and clips. The movie was far different from what I imagined. I loved it. Its nice to see Prime kickin some booty for change. there are a few things that could have been left out...something about Simmons that caused everyone to know what I'm talkin about.

  98. It was great. I just thought they could have had diff Decepticons and not doubles of the same ones like Long haul, mix master, etc. Oh and the forest fight..... Cheered and yelled at the end of that.. hahahaha

  99. WOW!!

    ROTF made $16m for just the midnight showings!

  100. to annon 6/24/09 7:03am / 7:01am

    there is a reason that many of the decepticons didnt scan into earth modes. think back to the plot point of the decepticons not wanting to have to take on earth modes so they can be "themselves" (they want to come "out of the closet" so to speak).

  101. i love the movies, the forest part was my favorite, thanks for the site check it everyday now have to wait to part three,

  102. Scenes wichous caotical fights, sensless destruction and jokes about sex or balls=Awesome
    Everything order( i.e. 80% of film)= Crap

    Damn, frst one was a lot bettes. Maybe becouse it ha storyline.

  103. Orgasmic FX mashed with a misshapen, drooling, grunting, retarded hunchback of a script. The robots made me cream, but the rest made me scream.

    This is a noisy, stupid, beautiful cinematic Juggernaut that I will buy immediately on DVD.


    For $3.00

  104. ***************SPOLIERS**************

    The movie was INCREADIBLE. 5/5 Stars. The Forest Battle was the best scene in movie histroy. I almost believed Optimus was down for the count. One watch down, four to go.

  105. Santiva Potter6/24/2009 3:57 PM

    This movie was very good. The humor at parts was a bit over done, I still can't get over the twins big ear and gold tooth. Although Judy getting high was so funny! The FX were shut up amazing! I was so impressed. The story plot moved along just fine, although I thought it was a bit rushed in some scenes--maybe because I saw it at 3 am (worth it thought)--overall just a really awesome summer flick. Nothing will touch this.

  106. Totally and completly awesome: effects, action, fight scenes, intensity, etc. so worth the wait and an instant classic. i just got back seeing it in IMAX and thinking about going to see it again tmrw, and then probably one more time on a regular screen.

    Some observations:

    - Sam really doesn't want to get sucked back into the "war", but doesn't really get enough screen time to act that out. It's like the two years that passed didn't happen. No biggie, just my opinion on that.

    - The ancient back story is well done, but I agree with the guy who said that The Fallen doesn't really get a chance to show his true bad-a$$ery. He's ancient, he's full of hate, but he appears, gets all serious, and is then quickly taken care of by OP in no time flat. It's good to be a PRIME I guess.

    - Devastator: omg. I could have easily loved seeing him assemble for like a full five minutes, but he joins rather quickly and then they cut to a much less action packed part of the plot. They could have easily given him a longer view in final scene where he is fully assembled. They cut away too quick so I don't think they really delivered on the raw awesomeness of this dude. Still, it was most righteous.

    - Story arc - so what's next? ROTF introduced the ancient aspects of the storyline, but now all Primes are taken care of, the world has been saved (not just the USA), and top Decepticon leadership is in disarray. If we're all hoping for a part 3, what direction could it go into that makes sense? Assuming they have to amp up the story for a Pt 3, what could be more intense? Saving the whole universe? That seems a bit out of scope for what TF could touch upon. Who would be in a Pt 3 movie? Unicron? Dinobots? Metroplex? etc. None of the big bots or stories I'm familiar with could really take it to that next level. So my final thought is that if there will be a part 3, the story line will have to go into new territory. That could be good or bad depending on the believeabilty of a new story line, and of course how it'll be executed. Of course I'm hoping for a trilogy, but based on what we've been given, and what else could be done (as well as the talk of the writers not really being interested in a Pt 3 (which could be hype), i wouldn't be surprised if this in fact would be the last flick.

    Bay & Co. is gonna make mad money on this one.

    Also, Canowupa$$, you did an amazing job here with this blog. I've been reading it since day one and checked it at least 10 times a day. Thanks for all the hard work, insights, and bringing in so many aspects of TF from multiple perspectives and sources. Bravo mate, bravo!



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  108. Luis Cotovio6/24/2009 4:27 PM

    this is an awesome movie. Amazing fights, Optimus rules, Megatron+Starscream dynamic was great, the humor had everyone in the room ROFL (never was the word balls used so many times and to such good effect), Sam's parents were the best comic relief in the movie, special kudos for Julie White, The Twins were not as bad as most have said, i quite like them... Too much good stuff to put here. GO WATCH IT. Long wait 'till that DVD comes out, now.

    2 side points:
    1- This blog has been a regular stop and helped cope with the wait. For that, thank you. Hope you keep it going!

    2- There are several theories about the "clones" at the final battle. If you want my take on that go to

  109. Saw it yesterday and................


    I remember watching the cartoons back in the day, played with the toys as a kid, and had the lunchbox to match lol. T1 was excellent and didnt think T2 would have the same wow effect that T1 did. I was wrong. The transformations and action scenes were amazing, the best you'll ever see. And the action........oh man the action!!

    Now like others I agree that some of the humour was a but juvenile but this is for kids too, so we can excuse that I guess.

    All in all a true film for the true TRANSFORMER fan. Ignore the critics and go watch this film, you will NOT be dissapointed.

  110. Holy crap. So freakin' amazing. the best acting out of Shia and Megan I've seen yet. The Fallen sort of reminded me of Leige Maximo from G2. Jetfire kicked ass, Ravage kicked ass, Optimus kicked ass, and even Megatron (I always root for the Decepticons). I just wish that Soundwave sounded less like Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget and more like his cartoon counterpart. Other than that one small detail, great flick. I'm seeing it again on Sunday!

  111. Honestly thought the movie was pretty bad , Everything that was wrong with the first movie is just overamplified here , Whats the point in setting records if the character ( devastator) lasts about 10 mins in the movie . The ending truly tells you all about this movie , Its abrupt because so much time was spent on the so called comedy that there was no plot or any sense to speak of

    Bad points
    1. Devastator :Pointless
    2. Fallen : No characterization , just some ugly robot
    3. Megatron: weak
    4. Twins/ Wheelie, Leo , Jetfire: just silly comedy, thrown in as bad filler
    5. Alice : Pointless
    6. Soundwave: barely there
    7. Action scene in Egypt: Directed by a drunk , wont be able to understand a damn thing
    8: Secretary of defense: Why?
    9 : Sideswipe/ Jolt/ Sideways : Props
    10: Constructicons : err....are they?
    11: Doctor: why?
    12: Sams parents: Rampage or someone should have killed them early on
    13: Storyline: ridiculous
    14: Plotholes : too mnay to mention
    15: Movietime: too long , too boring
    16: Military: enough with the military love fest , again just covers up a very thin storyline
    17: Deaths: Other than Rampage , all deceptions look like they can be swatted like flies .
    18: Police chase scenes : why??

    Good points:
    1. Forest Action scene: brilliant
    2. Demolisher Action scene : very cool
    3. Optimus / Jetfire combo
    4. Bumblebee
    5. Ravage : wow

  112. Loved it! It was the most awesome movie I ever saw!!! Does anyone know where to watch it online or to download it? I'd like to watch it again at home.

  113. I played with Transformers as a child('84/'85) but hadn't given them much thought prior to the 2007 film. I enjoyed this movie, to me it's better than the first. I'm not sure if I saw the same film the critics saw. I'm an african-american and I thought the twins were funny as hell and in no way offensive. I really think so many people "planned" to pan this movie regardless of what they saw. No plot, nothing here as deep as two kids falling in love on a doomed ship. Anyone remember what the plot of Dark Knight was? It's as if the self-important goofs over at "no it aint cool" news have infected everyone with their don't like nothing attitude.

  114. The Movie was Awesome! I just got confused a bit when (SPOILER) the constucticons were in the final battle and Devastator was formed?? Leo was Hillarious and Alice was pretty cool. Optimus kicked everyone's ass in the Forest battle, Shame that Megs killed him :(

  115. Great FX, great acting, megan is hot, story was pretty good, megan was hot, however the joke were cheap and to obvious.

  116. just came back from the premiere in germany and i have to say: THIS MOVIE WAS AWESOME! more robots, more action, more fun, but also some sad moments. and the score was great. i really wanted to watch this in imax, but the nearest one in germany is 500kilometres away from me:(

    going again on friday;)
    and thanks to this blog, i don´t know what i´ve done (get it?;) ) without the work from you guys. see you again on the third one.
    greetings, joe

  117. Oh my God! That was awesome! I've spotted some strange things - for example the constructicons mentioned above - but I have to say, the movie was great! :)

    Unfortunately, I had to watch it with hungarian dub, this was a big letdown for me... I loved it but I prefer the original voices. Can't wait for the DVD/Blu-Ray release, so I can watch it in english. :)

  118. man. seriously. what am i gonna do now that the movie is out. what juicy tid bits of info will i have to look forward to now? talk about a VOID, heh.

  119. Loved T2 since it was partly filimed in Bethlehem,Pa. watched the filimg and was very interested in what they did with the stuff I saw in person on Bethlehem Steel site a.k.a. Shanghi (lol) I saw the ice cream truck in Bethlehem during day 1 shooting) turn into an early version of the twins. Saw the explosions on the set but they inserted a transformer smashing up the place . I would like to know it's name so I can purchase the toy along with the ice cream truck. Does anyone know which one it was ? It was the same one who was beating up on the copters. HELP !

  120. It was to amazing, give me the blu-ray so quick as possible :)

  121. I liked the movie a lot and definitely buy a copy or two. I would've liked to see more robot interaction and less human. After Bay finishes the 3rd one I'd like to see someone else take on the tf franchise

  122. First off:

    tslife: I totally agree with you brother.

    Wicked, wicked, wicked cool. Watched it two times in a row at my hometowns biggest cinema. The forest scene, "Jetfirimus Prime", G1 Starscream, insanely cool Soundwave (my smile went from ear to ear when he was on screen) and great humour, all these things just got me you know.
    Utterly awesome at times.

    Dev's balls, the cloned decepticons (Bonecrusher and Blackout) and the multiple constructicons who seemed to be everywhere all the time, those were the things that were not so good.

    But all in all, well worth the wait for a sequal.
    The opening scene is just jaw-dropping.
    I also love the voice-cast of the Twins, Soundwave, Rampage (yes, the red bot that fights Bumblebee in the end) and Demolishor. They had awesome voices.

    Gahh... need to see it a third time soon.

    Also, a huge thanks and a lot of love to YOU TFLive-author for keeping me (us) posted on all the latest news for a couple of years in a row now.

    I think I love you.

    But seriously, thanks a million times for your work, just wanted to tell you that it's been a pleasure coming here a few times every day.

  123. i just watched the rotf movie....when it ended the first thought came to my mind was "wtf..did i actually paid to watch that piece of crap????"...i mean this movie was all about explosion and nothing script,no dialogues just so many unnessesary was like bay sitting down and thinking "hm thats cool lets do that"...i liked prime kicking ass but many things annoyed me such as wheelie trying to...hump mikaela??devastator having balls????wtf???the twins???i wish they made the film darker...anyways not to bother u anymore i think its a movie made for kids and only for kids NOT for adults

  124. Been viewing this site since the first movie you do a great job. The movie was great, the story was moved along a little fast but the action more then made up for it cant wait for #3.

  125. Great movie...but what gives michael bay the right to change things as e does...mutiple constructicons etc etc...He should realze that transformers is bigger than he is and he cant change and deviate from the original...

  126. What was up with the markings on Starscream? I didn't have a chance to read any of the prequel comics. Sorry if this has come up before

  127. The First movie was much better in terms of screenplay and storyline, this transformers 2 was very cheezy :S, but it had a lot of cool robots so it wasn´t that bad. I give a 7/10 rank.


  128. {spoiler warning} it was f***in awsome! i must see it in imax!!!! when megan landed on leos tetsicles the sexual joke was funny. i loved the return of bonecrusher.
    twins were total a**hole funny. arcee was cool. prime was the big man.

  129. Starscream did that in the ALLIANCE prequal comic, similar to the Predator he scars himself after battle, Starscream did the same. After he was betrayed by some of the Decepticons while Starscream tried to take command while on Mars.

  130. I loved the movie, but it should not have had those inappropriate scenes. They were totally uncalled for. And especially because it's a movie that is advertising for children's toys. It is definately NOT a movie for children. But I loved the movie. This movie made me like all of the main characters a lot better. I loved Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. They were freaking awesome! It was a great movie, but, it would be so much better without those vulgar scenes.

  131. just a couple of things that really put me off:

    1° humping dogs
    2° devastator's "scrutum"(sp?)(i mean, pointing at them, Simmons? Thanks, I didn't notice them :/

    overall, this movie deserved a 8/10, but the little things above (no pun intended) really annoyed me, so it only gets a 6/10

  132. The movie certainly, as the tagline goes, more than meets the eye. Since they began production of the sequel and looking at some of the images of the robots, I thought it was going to be bad, never expected to be this wickedly cool. Don't care what the purists or otherwise says but I'm going for second. Isabel and Megan are totally gorgeous and Soundwave didn't suck at all! Hooray for that! Overall a 4 out of 5 stars. Cheers!

  133. I've already seen it TWICE. I personally liked the movie, but find it was missing a few elements to make me love it:

    - New autobots are cool, but we know nothing about them, zero character development.
    - Too many no-name decepticons to count!
    - Ressurected dead decepticons!
    - Constructicons are there, but have zero lines in the movie, or anything major, so i cannot call this an appearance by Constructicons
    - Finall Battle HUGE HOLE! WTF?! HOW DID NO ONE CATCH THIS: While Devastator was formed, the individual "Constructicons" were also in battle against NEST and Autobots?!

  134. It's kinda funny to read comments and critics contradicting themselves on the same points and at the same time telling things like "it's a kids movie not for adults/it's not suited for kids"

  135. For all you so called critics on this post you can keep it to yourself. I liked it, it wasn't what I expected it to be but it was action packed all the way through.. I do have to say there are some things I would change but then again I didn't direct the movie.. Overall a solid 9/10 and want to see it again.. Though I saw it at an IMAX and the forest scene just ROCKED :)

  136. I loved the movie but I had 2 problems with it. #1 the Military did more damage to the Decepticons than the Autobots! #2 I was very disapointed that the final battle sceen between Optimas & The Fallen ended so fast. I was hoping that the fallen, Magatron, & Starscream would have been a bit more impressive. What do you guys think??

  137. First, Thank you to the Blogger for keeping this site going over the last 2 years. Truely, you kept us fans on our seats!

    I'm going to say it now. Bay needs to be gone for 3! I thought that he did a great job for 1. The writers strike messes with plot line serverly in this movie. No autobot character development. Bee is worthless. Prime finally gets his true nature brought out until the death of the movie. Great Meg's-Starscream interaction. Horrible depection of Meg's being a tool. Fallen is nothing. Humans were well done with Sam and NEST. Leo needs to go (he gets annoying at the end). Twins were a pleasant surprise.

    Now, my biggest freaking gripe about Bay. STOP USING THE SAME FREAKING SCENES FROM YOUR OTHER MOVIES IN TRANSFORMERS!!! In 1, you steal the flare scene from the Rock. In 2, you have the same damn love scene of Shia/Fox as Ben/Liv from amargadon. He uses the same damn frames to fill time in the movie. There is no need to use the same shot twice in a movie!!!

    Overall, it is what it is. A CGI love fest with a harsh storyline. I think a 3.5 maybe a 4 out of 5. It lacks the kiddish joy appeal of the first. Instead, we get some serious action scenes.


  138. The movie is crazy, I think all the talk about ILM is overhyped, I don't think any of the pre-exsisting characters looked any better this time out and the compositing was terrible half the time making them look like they were pasted over the frame. The story was no thinner than I expected, but what's with all the bots pretty much coming and going at will?

    Also, I think that Skids and Mudflap are more more accuratley described as a stereotype of middle american teenagers than a racist black sterotype, although they're pretty much the same thing. They're more "Malibu's Most Wanted" than "Jazz Singer"

  139. Had a blast, got exactly what I wanted.

  140. Just got back from the theater, and I just have to say AMAZING!!! This movie blew the first Transformers away. A lot more Robot action, and the acting has taken several steps up. The story was great, there were moments that made you cheer, laugh, or sit aw struck. You really feel the characters human and Transformer. The odds and scale have been greatly increased, and a whole lot of stuff gets blown up.
    Although there were a few things that bothered me, like sometimes the robots looked obviously CG and could have used some more polish, but overall I loved this film. 9/10. I have to go back a see it in IMAX.

    Side note Has anyone seen the reviews that the critics gave ROTF? Where's the love man?

  141. needs better writer/director period. Bay had made all my dreams come true in the first one but with the second one it turned into a nightmare. prime was freakin awesome in this one but part one was SO much better.


    movie turned into a cussfest. who wasnt cussing in this movie?. dogs humping dogs...robots humping humans...humans trying to hump robots... who the hell wrote this garbadge? so disappointed. twin illiterate robots with gangsta talk? extremely advanced machine that dont know how to read? the great scenes they had were over to quick and too much focus on sam's college life sucked. "whaaa.. i wanna be a normal boy" what a freakin crybaby. i mean for real ... if you had discoved the transformers would you really be concerned about going to college? ok so now the decepticons have a robot that can put on human flesh. wth did the T-2000 come from?!?! the mom was so cool from the first flick but she turned into a sailor mouth, high as a kite, poor excuse for a mom ive ever seen.
    being a transfan for a looong time has me wondering if there is any hope for part 3.

  142. needs better writer/director period. Bay had made all my dreams come true in the first one but with the second one it turned into a nightmare. prime was freakin awesome in this one but part one was SO much better.


    movie turned into a cussfest. who wasnt cussing in this movie?. dogs humping dogs...robots humping humans...humans trying to hump robots... who the hell wrote this garbadge? so disappointed. twin illiterate robots with gangsta talk? extremely advanced machine that dont know how to read? the great scenes they had were over to quick and too much focus on sam's college life sucked. "whaaa.. i wanna be a normal boy" what a freakin crybaby. i mean for real ... if you had discoved the transformers would you really be concerned about going to college? ok so now the decepticons have a robot that can put on human flesh. wth did the T-2000 come from?!?! the mom was so cool from the first flick but she turned into a sailor mouth, high as a kite, poor excuse for a mom ive ever seen.
    being a transfan for a looong time has me wondering if there is any hope for part 3.

  143. all in all the movie is good....the 1st one soo much better! feels like they drag the story way to fast!....funny scenes w/ the twins and leo!!!!.....and some touching moments w/ sam's parents!......the "balls" dangling on devastator rock the movie house down!!!!.....i say every cinema here in the philippines that has rotf all i can say is go early!!!!....the lines are way too long!!!!.....i'm gonna watch it again this sat.....

  144. and Barricade is.........................

  145. from a fans point of view
    movie was awsome! i loved the meg vs starcream thing. the twins were hillarious (and slightly racist?). i do wish soundwave, dev, and sideswipe had more screen time. but god damn did optimus look bad ass with the jetfire suit on. the fight scenes were amazing and the effects blew my mind. i cant wait for imax and im taking my brother to see it tomorrow. definately my favorite movie to date.

    from a filmakers point of view
    the movie was god awful. the plot was shit, the dialouge was shit, and the film was edited to fast and lacked continuity for anyone who isnt a fan boy. im sorry, but it really was nothing more then a movie about explosions. which is okay i guess?

  146. When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he wears Optimus Prime pyjamas!

  147. I absolutely loved the entire movie.

    In reference to the FX, I have nothing but good to say about it. The wonderfully refined details had my nergasming all the way home, if you'll excuse my geekyness. The detail was amazing. I'm sure I will be able to find one or two things that bother me the more I watch it (I only noticed after the 20-something-th time of seeing the first one that the CGI at the part where Ratchet and Ironhide are covering Sam that they look rather crappy and copy/pasted), but my first impression via IMAX at the Mall of Georgia was fantastic.

    The story, I will admit, was a little on the weaker side, but I'm going to be strait forward about this. I didn't go to see Revenge for the Story. I'm sure there are those of you out there who depend on a good story/plot to like a movie, but I myself am quite content to sit through 2 and a half hours a robot smackdown.

    As for the language, I could have done without a little of the genital humor. The first movie didn't bother me so much in it's crude humor as the jokes were few and far between. In Revenge, however, I'd be hard pressed to find a stretch of ten minutes where SOME person or but wasn't cursing like a sailor in the sickbay.

    I hated the twins... before I saw the movie at least. I admit that I held a deep animosity right up until the first time I saw the ice cream truck. I wanted SO bad for Bay to bring in Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, but it seems as though he's going for a slightly more Armada feel. I'll say no more on that bit. Back to the twins, I fell in love with them the first time I saw that pink and white ice cream truck. All my pent up animosity absolutely melted away. The claims at them being hillbillys are true... but you know what? I'm a redneck myself and I live within close proxcimity to hillbillys. I know for a fact that the only people offended by their similarities are buttpirates who want an excuse to bitch. They are adorable, funny, and a great outlet for comic relief. I never stopped laughing whenever the two of them were on the screen. They quickly made their way into my top five favorite bayformers.

    Cheese. Dammit, every move has it's cheese! Especially Sci-Fi movies. Hmm, let's think back to Star Wars Episode III. "Anakin... You're breaking my heart!" I mean really? I won't say what I found cheesy about Revenge, as I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that I consider it 100% forgivable.

    I had an absolute blast. The group of guys (and girl) sitting in the row in front of my friends and I were a delight to sit near. I have been to a number of midnight premieres, and I have never sat near a more enjoyable group. I was wearing my G1 Starscream shirt with pride this morning.

    As a side note to the creator of the blog: I have no idea what theater or state you went to see the movie in, but you twittered a statement about a "Group of guys talking TF's with Starscream girl who seems to be having a blast" that totally creeped me out. It was scarily similar to my situation! Anyhow. I'm sure there are plenty more Starscream girls and guy groups out there. lol.

    Overall, the movie was great and I'm going to be seeing it again this week or next with a few of my friends and family. (family my own age of course... NOT a movie to see with your parents! talk about potential for awkward!)

  148. Just got back a little while ago. I thought the movie was really good. The action scenes - especially the forest fight - were incredible, and the CGI was improved over the first one (just look at the Frenzy in Air Force One scene from the first movie and you'll see the difference). I laughed at most of the jokes, though I'm still not a huge fan of Simmons, and I didn't really care much for Sam's astronomy professor. But I'll admit to laughing while Sam's mom was an emotional wreck at the beginning, and when she was stoned.

    I was really concerned about Soundwave's role in the movie after reading some of the early reviews, but I thought it was perfect. Even though he wasn't seen a whole lot, you knew he was active throughout the entire film. And, to be honest, I really dug Frank Welker's unmodulated "Dr. Claw" voice. I think that was perfect for this incarnation of Soundwave.

    I enjoyed the twins, Jetfire & Wheelie were cool too, but I agree with a lot of the other posts that Sideswipe, Arcee and Jolt weren't developed as much as they could've been. I think it shows that Jolt was a late addition to the cast, and I'm guessing Sideswipe and Arcee were sacrificed due to the rush to finish the script after the writer's strike. Here's hoping they get fleshed out a bit more in TF3.

    The Devastator merge was impressive, but I kinda wish he would've done more than just destroy the pyramid. As for the multiple Constructicons, I think that was explained in the Defiance comic. After the Primes were created, the All Spark created the Seekers to find suns, and a host of "Builders" to make the harvesters. Those "Builders" then joined Megatron after the civil war broke out. Or maybe it was just a nod to Hasbro's decision to make one set of Constructicons that form Devastator, and another set with individual robot modes.

    Overall, I'd recommend the movie to everyone, and I will definitely watch it at least one more time in theaters. And before I forget, many thanks to you, TFLive blogger, for all your hard work. I first visited your site when filming started last year, and I've been here at least once a day since then. I'll probably still check your site out of force of habit, and I'm hoping you'll help all us fans out if and when they start production of TF3.

  149. this movie was pretty good. Better than the first. I really enjoyed and probaly the best ive seen in a long time. I just think if they took a little longer with the script and character design, this movie would of been much more enjoyable.
    I dont like bitching about this but whats up with all the scratches on the autobots when they are transformed, but not in vehicle mode? I thought they would of taken care of that. The mulitple constructicons with the same ALT-mode was a annoying.
    Plus this movie would be much easier to wach without all the pervertedness and cussing.It just makes it awkward.I dont really want to sit down and watch this movie with my parents or young children when it. I would be fine with maybe a couple of "damn it" and "hell yeah!" and maybe even an "asshole" but dropping the f-bomb and saying "shit" in the movie multiple times is not acceptible. Plus dogs humping and devastators nutsack was kinda stupid.

  150. holy shit... transformers was... i dont know what to say.... it had some of the greatest action ever... it was funny as hell... but while watching i felt it dragged on just a bit.. the first one definetly had a better story. the story wasn't bad though. so many emotions... i might have cried when something happens mid way through the movie(no spoilers) everyone go see this movie it was amazing.... except for isabel lucas.. that was stupid and pointless...

  151. From Venezuela I can tell almost every body like this movie in particular I love it, more than the first one really funny great CGI the plot have some issues, but how cares we are seeing an action movie and very good and AMAIZING action movie. You have to go and see it, screw the critics this is mindblowing, Optimus RULE!!!

  152. I feel like the first one was better overall. And wtf, two sets of constructicons?

  153. To the haters:

    Just a bit amazed at those bashing this movie because the story was too thin. Really? Were you not paying attention to the tickets you bought? This is a summer popcorn flick, fools! I would have been pissed if there was a deep plot that took two hours to unravel, leaving just 15 minutes for a battle with the robots. I went to see Transformers, not The Curious Case of Benjamin-whatever his name is.

    And the plot was no worse then the first. Think about the first movie ... robots looking for a cube thing and a boy gets caught in the middle of their fight. This one, robots looking for a matrix thing and a boy gets caught in the middle. There was plenty of dialouge, some great jokes that had everyone laughing, and a bit of character development with Sam and Mikalea's relationship.

    I, personally, am very happy with the movie. As a fan I got to see Megs and Starscream G1 style interaction, devastator was included, Soundwave was included (and I did actually like him), and Optimus kicked some ass!

    To the haters, I think you're either the wrong crowd for this movie (read as crotchety), or you're a HP fanboy trying to bring this movie down. Go rent a nice drama movie and I'm sure you'll feel better soon.

  154. My only complaint... the lack of resolution between Sam and Bumblebee.

    The movie begins with Sam telling Bumblebee he no longer needs him to be his "gaurdian," yet through the rest of the film Sam's screaming for Bumblebee to save him (which he does). And then there's never another word spoken between the two.

    And, I'm sad that Bumblebee's voice is gone again.

  155. This movie ROCKS! We had a rather good crowd and there were a number of moments when the entire theater cheered or cracked up through the entire thing. I did adore that we got to Optimus Prime cut loose and be just a pure-T-bad-ass! The final battle was just stunning and at the end the entire theater cheered and applauded. My wonderful husband put it best, this movie is made of pure weapons-grade AWESOME!

  156. Wow all the critics need to go back and watch the G1 episodes again, this movie and aspect is for the younger group or fanboys. There is a reason it was a pg-13 movie.
    The movie was fantastic, some points were slow and others I was like WTF!. But Bay does it again with knowing how to make people sit down for a 2+hr movie and enjoy it no matter how bad the acting is or the plotline is.
    This movie will be one on my top movie list. If it weren't for the fact that I read all 14 Pre-quels comics I would not have understood the beginning for a little. More people should have read the Pre-quels and this includes those critics that are bashing the movie. These comics brings all the information that every critic is looking for on what the back story is on "X" person or transformers

    Thank you for creating this site, I came here everyday whether there was new news or not, Good Well done. I hope you continue to keep it live for that dvd and blu-ray info will be coming out soon enough and whether or not TF3 will be in the works

    Great job to Bay for make my childhood come back to me. 9/10 stars here

  157. I loved it. For me the 2.5 hours went by so quickly and I could have sat for another hour. Thought it was better than the first. I could see why some people don't like it though. I mean many of us fans will take crazy things like the "matrix of leadership", robot doubleing, size shifting,pretenders, and other suspention of realities. We are used to it but critics might not and conservitive fanboy extremists too (the ones who don't want anything changing from G1). This is a new Transformers universe and let it unfold how it unfolds. Two things i didn't care for: though hot as hell we didnt need the chick Terminator(I know pretender but useless) and second Welker doing the wrong voice for soundwave. I mean the voice worked but that was his classic Dr. Claw from Inspecter Gadget not the uncharismatic Soundwave we all know and love. Like I said new Transformers universe. If you or I want our fix of classic transformers then watch the old shows and old movie. I mean I want Welker G1 bada** Megs back too, and I want sideswipe called Tracks, I want Devestater walking on two feet, i want starscream to have normal legs and arms, i want Cullen to do Ironhides voice too, want Bee to not be so much of a pansy, but you know what oh well. They are doing well enough with mixing all the universes together and making something new.

  158. The introduction to the Movie could have been better for the people who don't know the twins, arcee sidswipe maybe a Nest pep talk before the mission with Optimus introducing his new team members. Overall amazing, the script did need a bit more work though especially the first parts (that were probably being shot while the end was being fine-tuned) I don't know how Bay does it thumbs up

  159. Man, I am getting SO IMPATIENT! I GOTTA SEE IT NOW!

    Oh yeah, and you guys are just awesome. All the comments are getting me back into watching the movie while f**king the critics' so-called "opinions".

  160. Hey guys just got back from seeing the movie for the second time. Let me tell you, it was AMAZING!!! Don't believe the reviewers! This movie is a one of on my top 5 movies all time!!! What you waiting for?!! Go see it!!!

  161. Yo i saw this movie at 4am on imax and it was worth it all. The action was incredible, and everything just came together. Yeah i would have luv to see more about the new autobots but there is just so much u can do in a 2.5 movie. You got to give credit, where credit is due and Bay U Are The Muthf**kin MAN!!!

  162. It was bad, really really bad.
    Bay, please don't make Transformers 3

    I hope that in 10 years there will be a Transformers Begins just like Batman Begins and that will be a good movie.

  163. It was terrible. I'll leave it at that

  164. Got to say I really enjoyed the movie but it is with it flaws and unnecessary things. To me the movie could be better without sexual innuendos it felt crude to some people. After the amazing forest battle I felt the movie a bit rushed, That is why some felt a bit dragged, like Mr.Bay only interested of getting the climatic fight.

    Skids and Mudflap had to much spotlight I rather have Ironhide and Arcee or Sideswipe thrown into the mix.The Action scene are very well done and this time the camera are steadier, the fights are furious but still I can see the character fighting.Ravege is cool and Soundwave is truly meant to be like that but he does sound Dr.Claw-ish.

    For most of you why there is Constructicon at different places at same time, G1 would know there is clone bot in that area. Look up 'teletraan 1'(wiki) Megs and Cream felt like their G1 counterparts. Prime own this movie, The Fallen is just a misleading title and character under utilized. Devastator was under utilized I think the fx department use up their fund to the magnitude of the transformation pretty epic worth the wait.

    Overall its a great spectacle better than the first the fights were memorable.The comedic moments were smoother at times. Yes Robot kills are effin visceral and meant to viewed on the big screen. Never mind those basher's or critics you have to see it for yourself.

    If you Love the 1st, you might as well enjoy this one.

  165. In a word, AMAZING! Very much so worth the wait and anticipation! Transformations, battle scenes, plot lines, everything was choreographed to perfection! Optimus truely showed why he is PRIME. Forrest and Desert fights were amazing and the sheer magnigtude of the explosions kept you on seats edge. Kudos to Bay, the cast, and everyone who put thier bolts, blood, sweat, and tears into the making of one of the best action movies ever!

  166. Agree with Paul, the impact much more deeper for whom doesn't see the trailer,tv spot, special sneak preview etc :D

  167. movie was crap compared to the first one! i mean come do you guys like this so much? storyline sucks...story telling is waaaay to fast....action is edited very poorly...and most of the characters have screen time less than 5-10min...arcee? spoke about 3 words! jolt? spoke about 0 words and appeared in the final scene for the firstz time!!! sideswipe? spoke about 5 words! well....there's a ton of negative things to say but i'll leave it at what someone at imdb said:

    The first film had humor, catchy phrasing, and built in suspense...this movie has a tribute scene to Gremlins that is nice, a battle sequence with Optimus that makes buying your ticket worthwhile but then it goes all downhill. I actually got sleepy, felt like the humans were the sidekicks and weren't as well integrated into the story. Lots of big big explosions, special fx sequences, a few touching moments but you just keep feeling something is terribly missing and wrong about the film. The last portion of the film seems to drag on and on making the finale very anti-climatic...this is one of those sequels where you hope they make a third to repair the damage done by the second film.

    transformers 1 rocked!! compared to that, the sequel sucked a**!

    can't believe you guys liked it the much!

  168. Bigger, Better, Faster wow!! Movie of the year for me :)

    Nice to c that Starscream and Megs finally act up the way we all want em 2. Credits to Bay for this one, gr8 work :). One thing im missing in his films though is character-stories. Sure, new audience probably wouldnt care, but i could have wished for a little more story to back up the robots. But given, what was missing in the 1 movie, was indeed added in this one.

    As for the 3. movie im already thinking bout that lool.

    *cough* Unicron *cough* Galvatron *cough*

  169. just saw it for the 2nd time today. I saw it last night at 12am on IMAX. I got there at 10pm and sat right in the middle (best seat in the house). The crowd was great....Transfans are the best! The girl sitting next to me works with fire works in Long Beach, Ca and met the Fire Chief from the movie and was talking to me about different things that he said had happened during the filming. The guy in front of me had a huge Autobot tattoo in the middle of his chest. He was in the army and had just gotten back from Korea. Everyone was having a great time before the movie started and it was actually getting pretty rowdy. When the movie finally started everyone was already cheering and cracking up laughing. From a movie goer stand point I thought the movie was a funny and an enjoyable Summer blockbuster. It was great to finally see Prime kick some butt and seeing Ravage!! It was sad that such a huge character like Ravage was killed just like that. I thought Mr. Bay understands scale very well. For him to film all that stuff with no actual robots there and make everything fit into the shot was very impressive! I thought the twins were funny even though they were trashed by the critics during the early releases around the world. I didn't think their jokes were forced at all and I thought they flowed well with the movie. The only problem I had with them was, why were they getting so much face time? Where were all the other characters? You know....the ones from the ACTUAL cartoon! Like Hound, Smokescreen, Tailbreaker, Mirage, Prowl, Wheeljack!!,and Sunstreaker?? They were the original base autobot characters along with Sideswipe, Ratchet, and Ironhide. Now we have these 2 characters who got all the face time and they are completely made up. I understand the whole, well we have to save some for future movies thing, but here's the problem I have with that. If all Optimus needs is the U.S. Army, The Twins (or the hybrids as they were called in the screenplay) along with Bumble Bee doing his thing and Ratchet and Sideswipe in the background shooting over broken walls to beat big ass Devastator, the devil himself The Fallen, and a very pissed off Megatron, then where is the need to bring them in at all in future movies? Also in the screen play it said they killed one of the decepticons and used his parts to rebuild Megatron because Megatron was jacked up and only had 1 leg when he went into the ocean. But they didn't show none of that. So it just looked like Megatron came out of the ocean looking completely different then he looked in the 1st movie. Was I the only one who caught that or what?? That would have taken all but 1 minute to show. All they showed was them rip out the decepticons spark.

    The other problem I had was with Soundwave. I was fine with the fact he didn't transform and come to earth, I got all that. What threw me was... when I heard Frank Welker the original voice of Soundwave was going to be voicing him. I was expecting nothing less than the original voice from the cartoon. Not Doctor Claw from Inspector Gadget!(who he also voiced in the 80's) That was the exact voice from the Inspector Gadget cartoon! "YOU'LL PAY GADGET!!" Save that for the Inspector Gadget movie maaaaaaaaann!! I think all the fans were waiting for an "~AS YOU COMMAND MEGATRON~" just like they were expecting an "AUTOBOTS LET'S ROLL OUT" from Optimus from the first movie. To me that was a HUGE blow that just made me say why would he ever do that?!?

    Ran out of room. Go here for the rest.

  170. how was devastator ever created when bonecrusher was killed in the first movie pretty lame if you ask me

  171. Saw the movie last night!...really liked it, only the last scene was a bit messy... like it was said before. Devestator combined, but i stil saw long haul and other constructicons.

    But overall really nice..loved he twins!

  172. The one who jumped into the well of the All Sparks and returned as a tree6/25/2009 7:32 AM

    The movie was soo awesome. It was overloaded with fleshy-reproduction jokes and humors but I think I'll live with that. Those kinds of jokes are almost universal, I guess.

    Bumblebee totally rocks, and Optimus got a very Decepticon line. Both are downright bad-ass bots without losing their characteristics; charisma and patience from Optimus, and the 'cuteness' from the yellow bot.

    Too bad Sideswipe and Soundwave got so little screentime. But Starscream and Megatron's classic banter was well worth it! And Soundwave is a very good tactical officer. He's such an intelligent Con.

    Some young Transformers were introduced, and I think it's for the first time I saw Transformers' babies. They are not cute. :(

    The story was so rushed (_ _) I could barely keep up. Everyone talks as fast as Mach 5 and they are not stopping before an explosion took place. This movie is not a drama, though. It's all about explosions and beautiful, giant robots!

    2.5 hours full of action was well worth my money! ROTF is the movie which used all the cinema's features up to their limits, so I think my money is not unnecessarily wasted. :)

    To respond to the movie critics, not all audience is as highly intelligent as you, and not everyone wants DRAMA. Some just wants some dumb summer blockbusters. I want to kick your ass, but my shoe size is only 38. I will let the box office does the honor. ROYALLY.

  173. The plot could have been better if:
    1) The Fallen is the one that's trapped at the pyramids

    2) The Matrix of Leadership is with Prime - the key to the Fallen's freedom

    3) Megatron's the one that transferred map to the Fallen into Sam when the AllSpark was pushed into his chest back in TF1

    4) The robots that form Devastator are the same Constructicons (Megatron was rebuild from sacrificed Constructicons... what the heck?)

    Ohh how i wish!
    I guess each new design of a robot is very expensive.. that's why there are duplicates e.g. constructicons, protoforms, primes, blackout/grindor

  174. Loved It However it had flaws.
    Would have loved it More if...
    -They brought back jazz and not "invented" the Twins.
    -Arcee, Sideswipe, Ironhide Had more to do with the plot, more time with them.
    -Take out Devastator, Was Awesome! BUT Pointless.
    -Made The Fallen more Badass! Originally he was always on fire and wanted to destroy the universe!
    -Micheal Bay should STOP "Inventing" things for these movies. There is plenty of cannon to work from over 25 years worth in toons, comics and toys.

    If they had made some of these changes the movie may have been shorter and the Final battle could have been more Epic!
    BTW Thank you for this blog it has been my obsession for a year and a half!! Thank you for all your hard work!

  175. Michael Bay should be extremely proud of this film. It is an absolutely fantastic summer movie, and as a Transformers fan, I was completely satisfied with what was done.

    Michael has been in the movie biz long enough to know to ignore anything critics have to say. This is a franchise movie, and fans will let you whether you’ve succeeded or not. As they say, it is all in the numbers.

    Also, Michael set a few records in the making of this movie. Well, he can add another one; "eliciting the dumbest comments from critics".

    Again, great summer movie, and no one but Bay can make the 3rd installment.

    Oh... and love the Blog!

  176. Saw the movie last night as well.



    Started off good. Dragged a bit. Soundwave, Jolt Devastator? Where were they, not too much screen time. Couple of pairs of Constructicons, didn't like that. Skorponok? Why didn't he kick ass like that to the military in the first movie? I thought Megs was bigger than Prime, seemed they were more or less the same size? Ravage how did he get that form? He landed in the ocean?
    I wonder if theres a heaven for a robot? WTF?

    Sorry wanted to like it, i really didn't? I think too many robots with no explainations?


  177. I had my issues with it but overall I liked it. Star Trek was better. This was not bad, but not AWESOME like Trek. And I'm a lifelong TF fan, at 31 years old.

    The first one was certainly better, but this one had more fan service. In fact, it might have relied too much on fandom knowledge.

  178. Transformers is the best movie this summer. I saw Star Trek twice, and I even thought Transformers beat it out. Optimus was in his "Prime" in this movie. The Twins,yet may be a bit stereotipical at first, but were funny as hell. Go see this movie, I will see Harry Potter, and this again and then see no more movies this summer. Everything else this summer looks like crap, including GIJoe.

  179. I loved this movie. Soundwave was awesome. Hope to see him more involved in the next movie. XD

  180. the movie was great.

    for those complaining about the movie not being more like the cartoon, get over it. first, this isn't the cartoon, this is a movie with it's own story line and new fresh ideas brought into play. they are not going to be as true to the cartoon as you would like, and they don't have to, especially not after the amazing job they've done. second, if you want to sit through transformers: the movie all over again, be my guest. i loved that movie, but honestly, lets put these two on a scale, which one is going to weigh more? This one. It's just so much better, so much more exciting, and so much more modern. I really don't want to listen to cheesey 80s reject music.

    For those who are mad at the construction bots, assume for a minute that 1) the decepticons copied the same vehicles, 2) that these decepticons can do the same things. If you assume these it is VERY possible that there can be TWO of the same bot design, with the bots being to different bots. Jazz and Ironhide could very well have both copied a Rambler, and there you go...two ramblers.

    Enjoy the movie, relive your youth, and stop complaining about what you would do to change the movie. Michael Bay gets paid a ridiculous amount of money to do what he does, and he is obviously doing it right, just look at the numbers. That's why he made the movie and you didn't.

    This was a great movie, kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time, and i even fell in love with those two cars the twins changed into even if though those cars are lame to me compared to the beast that ironhide changes into. Great movie, great characters, great story...I'm not looking for oscars, just something to watch on full blast on a widescreen tv. this was it.

  181. LOVED IT!!! Hubby, I and the kids thought it was one of the best movies we have seen. Love the action beginning to end. It was a packed house not one seat empty and the buzz when we left was awesome, everyone talking and smiling. Hope they make more of these types of movies. I am usually disappointed in the second time around but this was better than the first! OH, and the twins,! GO SEE IT IF YOU HAVEN'T!

  182. I thouht this movies was great all around. It had great action, awsome plot, and amazing acting. As for people complaining about Plot Holes and the movie being stupid get over it. I think the writes and Bay did a great job with bringing a sequel. As for the people complaining about the Twins being racist, you guys have to be the dumbets people I have seen on any forums.

    You guys complained about the robots not having much personallity in the first one. Now that they do a great job with giving each character better personallitirs u B***H about it. I didnt see anything wrong with the TWINS. I thought theyr were really hillarious. And as for people complaining about the plot. Try coming up with a great script for such a complex storyline. Just view the movie for what it is a great summer blockbuster for 2009.

  183. man i saw it yesterday....i am a very big transformers fan.....but that movie wasnt a tf movie it was like watch indy jones or biggest prob was the stereotypical racist characters mudflap/skids you gotta be kinding me,first movie that got a pass with jazz's breakdancing and jive talk....but bay just took it to the next level of "clan with a cam".how in the hell does paramount/hasbro let that shit sure it going to make a shit load of money....but does this really need to continue as a clan member bay's stereotyping disasters....i dont support bay as being director of the next tf films not with his idealism 1970 all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  184. Sad but true.I need to write about it because a cannont believe that I'm disapointed by RotF.I'm a huge fan of 1st movie never get tired of watching it. I think the problem is the writer. The story is so uneven. Imagine instead that the fallen are the construction robot they arrive on earth crash land on a construction site retrieve by starscream, he show the base on the planet near earth try to search for others decepticon and megatron, then climax with a showdown betwen autobot and decepticon at one time in the battle when the autobot are winning megatron scream to the robot to form the devastator and then round 2 begin whit a real climax.there's some good element in the movie like the beggning with optimus prime explain NEST and shangai, sam going to college find the allspark and tell bumblebee to go the others while is in college after it to much of dumb joke, not enough of screentime for the new autobot and even for ratchet and ironhide. Well that my beef and again I try to say to my self it not that bad but it hard. So let hope the best for the third one. P.S.I still don't understand the need for the T-X but then again I'm not pay for writing movie so what do I know ;b Thanks

  185. seriously what a bunch of pussies that are complaining about the twins being racist. they are supposed to be idiot posers. the role was carried out perfectly. who cares i mean really? they said the robots learned about human culture from the internet and from downloading all types of media. is it racist to have a gangster charecter that talks like a gangster? people just need something to bitch about these days and will reach for anything even remotely valid. seriously the movie is about giant robots fighting eachother...there is no racist agenda at all.


  186. what happened to barricade? how on earth were there two sets of the same constructicons? where did that bonecrusher look alike come from? yeah call him grindor or whatever but he looks JUST like blackout. blackout is DEAD. they never revived him and a protoform never scanned another helicopter. great effects. terrible continuity.

  187. kingofvinland6/25/2009 7:20 PM

    wtf? two sets of Constructicons? the voice of megatron sucked.(soundwave's voice is the real megatron) and thats just for starters. plot sucked, fighting scenes were unwatchable, fallen sucked, megan (Collagen Lips) and shia lebouff sucked, robots do not have a sex drive, and the ending was horrible. and why does he have to play music in the background through the entire movie? bay u suck. how can they continue to allow u to destroy the franchise? and speilberg u suck too. plus one more thing. how can he not utilize soundwave more? unbelievable. and would someone please tell Bay that we all have internet access. if we want to see hot as chicks we can go online and see 'em all day long (naked and involved). megan fox is NOT why we go to see the TRANSFORMERS. i am not through. i plan on bashing his stupid ass (Bay) until I die. all his movies suck!!!!!

  188. Possibly one of the worst movies of all time, and definitely the worst movie this year. Shame too, I was looking forward to seeing mulitple times. This movie is not for Transformers fans, this source material was treated with total disrespect. If you plan on defending this movie remember, Michael Bay hates you.

  189. They lied to us... They said there would be more character development, there was none, especially for the sweet new autobots.
    Soundwave was the most anticipated robot to be in TF2 and all I saw was a satellite mess floating in space surfin the web, talking like he has bronchitis. THAT was the biggest let down ever... thanks Bay... Stick to the original formula!!!! Fix it for TF3

  190. what would have been really awesome is if soundwave had his G1 voice and you couldn't understand it... then he comes to earth and gets killed as fast as sideways did, cause then it would have been more G1 accurate. he was never a fighter, he was a spy. another excuse to blow something up ^^

  191. Watched the movie yesterday. Awesome! Saw the testicles dangling. LMAO! I kind of don't understand something..Constructions merge to form devastator climbing up the pyramid. But why do I see MixMaster n etc fighting the autobots?

  192. Bay absolutely crushed Transformers beyond repair. This is such a joke of a film I am absolutely amazed so many people enjoyed this film?

    I guess it is true about today's youth, people really are mindless drones who have no sense of what is terrible and poorly done and written like a preschooler. Wake up kiddies--demand Bay is fired for destroying an entire movie. The writers should also be banned from Hollywood. 3 out of 10 -- without even going into details on why this movie is horrible.

    I'll watch the 1986 movie and love it anyday over this Hollywood garbage.

  193. This comment has been removed by the author.

  194. I didn't get a chance to read all of your comments before I posted mine, but I have to agree with all of you on certain parts. I would give it a 6/10 from a transgeek perspective and maybe a 7/10 from a regular general audience perspective. Here are some thoughts and opinions:

    Soundwave-Why the f*&^ does he sound like Dr. Claw? I know Frank did both characters, but that is not Soundwave's voice. We wanted Frank because we wanted the original voice, not one of his other voices. He had no real backstory and showed no real allegiance to Megatron, just really a Decepticon to further the plot.

    Ravage-Unbelievable badass. Looked really good except the whole one eye thing, but that wasn't that big of a deal. My only problem with him is his name was never introduced.

    Constructicons-I remember seeing Mike Patton being cast as Mixmaster, but never once did I hear any of them speak. Again no backstory, just thrown in there. Also, why with a $200 million budget am I given repaints of constructicons, plus Devastator? You coulda given me cannon fodder, which is really all what they were.

    Devastator-ILM blows up a computer to make him and all you do is have him in there for 5 minutes and then get easily taken out by a gun no one has ever heard of?

    Sideswipe-Incredibly cool looking and really a great addition to the cast. My problem was too little screen time for him. As for him being a Lamborghini, which he was in g1, I heard (rumormill) that Orci wanted him to be a Lambo, but Bay shot it down since he has control over the cars. Woulda been a nice touch since the guy who voiced him was an Italian guy.

    Twins-I actually thought they were funny and much better than my inital reactions to their inclusion. I thought they had too much screen time though and some shoulda been given to Ironhide, Ratchet, Jolt.

    Arcee bikes-Cannon fodder really.

    Ratchet-Disappeared almost entirely.

    Ironhide-Had a few important lines, but not in it as nearly as much as he shoulda been.

    Megatron-I felt he was a little weak for me, not nearly as intimidating as he was in tf1. I loved the interaction between him and Starscream though. Always love the classic bantering between them.

    Wheelie-Felt more like Rattrap to me than anything else. He was important to the story, but just got left out after he had served his purpose. I don't think we saw him after the tomb scene.

    Jetfire-Not as bad as I thought going into. Actually showed some nobility and wasn't complete comedy.

    Bumblebee-He really stepped his game up in this. They really expanded on his character and made him look like the 2nd most important Autobot that he is according to this lore.

    Optimus-This movie was his coming out party. The forrest battle with him, Screamer, Megatron and Blackout/Grindor showed why he is the ultimate Autobot leader. I actually had chills running all over my body when he first appeared on the screen again this time. Bay, you did a remarkable job with Prime.

    The Fallen-He was too weak for me, being that he was the first Decepticon.

  195. Wow, I guess there will always be haters.

    Was the movie perfect? No, but all movies - even classics like The Godfather and Star Wars - have flaws. The original series and the 1986 movie, which I grew up watching, were riddled with flaws. There were countless examples of no-name characters - especially among the Decepticon seekers - hearing one character's voice when another character's mouth was moving, and characters being in two places at once (one of the most infamous examples being Sunstreaker flying Optimus's Cybertron shuttle two seconds after he was run over by Hot Rod on Earth).

    The way I see it, Michael Bay has done what no other director had even tried: bring the Transformers to life on the big screen in a believable way. Sure, the live action plots might not stand up to intense scrutiny, but it's not like G1 was a Shakespearean drama. Bay didn't ruin any of my childhood memories, because I still have them. And I think that ROTF, and the first film, are more than worthy of being included in the TF canon.

    All in all, I give the film a resounding thumbs up. Can't wait to see it again in theaters, and when it comes out on DVD/BluRay later this year.

  196. how can I delete my post, I think I put too many spoilers... sorry, if you delete this, please delete the other too, thanks

  197. Bay does make the best action movies, not doubts bout that. However as it has been mentioned time b4, he really lacks the character build up which anoys me tbh. Am a big tf fan, and loved the movie. Loved X-men too, but honestly im starting to get a bit annoyed that he only has focus on explosions. Main story and character story are really missing key points in movie, sadly.. i.e. having focused on the primes, why not put in 5 min of explainin how Optimus became a Prime? The Fallen?? where did he come from? sits on a rock in outer space? Why not have an story why he's there? Also he got smacked way 2 fast.. Really needed to c him do some evil stuff, same goes for Megs. Devestator?? whered he com from? why does he combine etc etc.. all the above looks sweet and loved the action, but i cant help sitting with a feeling in my head that i wanted more - storywise that is.. im goin towards - if u wont bother telling the story of the TF's dont have them in the movie! Dont add Soundwave jst to say he was there, when the fans wants to c him on earth, being 2. in cmd helping Megs.. Having him as a floating blimb in space is jst disappointing tbh.

    Best setup for TF3 would be to have new story writers, and a new director. Let Bay attend the fx, but someone else really needs to take the story to a new level..

  198. Watched it just a few minutes ago... The theater was packed with kids.

    So what did I think about the movie? It was just like the first, except WITH MORE OF IT. Throughout the last hour I had to hold my piss for a long ass time. I think Bay could have shortened it at least by 10 minutes. It was a really good escapism movie. And that's what it did, it entertained me.

  199. juicy it was awsome! the best 2.5 hours i ever live in a theater. by the way the twins wasnt ofensive at all but some jokes actualy were a little bit rating R. jajajaja well i love it!
    and to the blogger keep doing the blog TF3 is comming!
