Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Transformers 2 Makes $16 Million

Kind of slow on the news today, just basking in the new movie release but don't worry will be cranking out what I have shortly but for now enjoy this good news from day one of the movie.

The first day of release is not even over and already some early box office numbers are in. From the Hollywood Reporter, the midnight showings (and some 3AM ones), the movie raked in $16 million which is more than most movies make after an entire weekend. The Dark Knight still remains top dog with its $18.5 million midnight take but that stat came from a Friday release date before a holiday so Transformers can claim the record for Wednesday night opening. In addition, the IMAX release of the movie made over $1 million topping Knight's $675,000 opening. Suffice it to say the totals by the end of the weekend should be very interesting.


  1. Awesome news.

  2. I went for the early show on opening day today. The place was standing room only. The movie delivered in a big way!! I was amazed with the sound, effects, and the all around story. I never had a dull moment. Little weary if kids should see it, of course I dont have any children under 22. I will see it again..Thank you M. Bay and S. Speilberg!!!!! Wish you two would have done the "Harry Potters!!" Oh well, Thanks anyway..

  3. TFLive,

    I guess were not doing a spoiler post so we can rant with spoilers????

  4. im guessing 400 million box office later on.....this may top star trek since star trek was targeted mainly to adults who loved the tv show, while transformers targets EVERYBODY, kids who loved the toys, and adults who loved the tv show. oh yeah.....


  6. I went and saw it at a special showing at midnight on the 24th, it was worth it. I didn't want the movie to end that is how good it was for me. When the movie ended the whole theater started to clap. I told my husband I will go back to see it a few more times. I give 2 thumbs up

  7. We need to post our positive reviews of the through Yahoo, IMBD and other movie sites where you can post. A lot of people are seeing what the critics say about the movie, we as fans on it should do our duty to tell the rest of the world that the movie is not what the critics think it is. I myself have posted my positive reviews of the film in various movie sites, and I hope that I can convince more people to see what great of a summer flick this movie is.

  8. can't wait for next transformers..the movie is awesome

    p/s: i already watch this movie 3X yesterday..yes u better believe it,just love the whole story!

  9. When are we going to get into likes and dislikes because I have both(more like than dislikes) seeing how we are all the only critics that count.

  10. The best Action/CGI movie I have seen this year!

    The movie is a Transformer movie, so I don't understand what the critics expected to see. The critics did not like the robots in the movie? I think it showed that some robots are very smart and other not so smart. I expected to see Tansformers and lots of different Transformers were delivered.

    THE BEST! Excellent! Had a great time and so did my children (two girls 15/11 and one boy 7). Our showing was at 1:30 pm and the theater was full with all age groups (1 to 50) well represented. Audience laughed at the many funny scenes, cheered on Prime and the Autobots, sad during defeat, but optimistic when humans came together to take on the Decepticons, and we all applauded at the end.

  11. All I can say is that its sheer AWESOMENESS! Realistically-amazing. Well worth the 2 & 1/2 hrs. Screw the critics. It's all about one's perception on things. Who knows, they probably had a bad childhood to where they don't have a clue what the impact of making this a reality for most of us that has been a fan of Transformers since we were young. If a person base their input, perception, outlook and decision on what critics say, then that person is a sore loser that can't make his/her mind up for him/herself. I just want to thank Michael Bay and everyone else that made this into a reality in the first place. Never in a million years one would thought that we would see this in the big-screen as real as it is....hoping for a third one. =)

  12. i'll bet it will be up to billion..

  13. There is a 3rd movie. However some people believe that after the 3rd movie is shown,it is not the end of Transformers yet.:D

  14. To Anonymous @ 4:47am

    For our sake, I do hope you're right...=) And to everyone responsible for this TRANSFORMERSlive Fan-based Blog-site, Thank-you-MUCH! It's been quite a regular thing for me to be on, keeping myself up-to-date for the past year and a half. Thank you and hope it doesn't end here...You made my wait well-worth it and a pleasant, patient experience. =)
