Sunday, June 07, 2009

Deluxe Blaze Master Pictures

KOToys has posted a nice gallery of images of Voyager Deluxe Blaze Master, first heard of via a listing on Wal-Mart's website. The toy is an Autobot with alt mode of a Channel 7 News copter. It has not been indicated if this character is in the movie, but it seems unlikely since the known movie list of Autobot characters don't include flyers (remember Jetfire started as a Decepticon). Below is a few of the images with the full gallery here (mirror here). Thanks to G0M3Z for the link.


  1. Hey I dont think you guys posted this yet but I found Legends class Wave 3 In High Quality. Here's the Link :D

  2. Nice looking alt mode, but the robot mode leaves alot to be desired.

    Why is a news heliocopter named Blaze Master?
    That's like having a firetruck named Deep Space.

  3. ... is Hasbro even trying anymore?

  4. Deluxe, not Voyager.

  5. to the comment above asking "why a news helicopter is named blaze master"...

    maybe he called blaze master becuase he knows how to get good footage of a hot story ,or fire sorys in paticular. lol
