Monday, April 19, 2010

Malkovich, Bonaventura Talk Joining Transformers 3

Transformers 3 Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura and newly hired star John Malkovich speak briefly with a few websites about Malkovich's interest in joining the cast while providing a few hints on his role in Transformers 3.

From Coming Soon:
Q: On a film like "Transformers 3," do you find yourself having to explain a lot about what you're doing to the director and studio or are you given free reign?
Lorenzo di Bonaventura: Not with Bay, you know? With Bay, no not too much there either. Bay is such a general that it moves at his pace. The first movie we had to explain a lot of why we wanted to spend this, what was going on… dah dah dah, but most movies in my experience and in most studios they're all running in a difficult time right now and they're concerned about their careers and concerned about the results. I grew up in the Warner Brothers system and our philosophy was once we made our bet, which meant it's up to the filmmakers to deliver it. So it wasn't a particularly intrusive system after once it made its bet. You had to pass a lot of hurdles to get to the go, but once you got there it was like, alright we're here. We've placed our bet and our philosophy at Warner's was you can't direct the movie if you're an executive and you can't write the movie and you can't act the movie, so you know, unless they're going sideways what can you do? It's up to them to elevate it.

Q: And what is {John Malkovich's] role in that?
Di Bonaventura: You know we don't talk a lot about that script, but he's going to have a lot of interaction with Shia in that movie. And he's got a really fun character. And he's going to bring a really interesting spin to that franchise so it's going to be great.
From Latino Review:
How did you get involved with the new Transformers movie?
Malkovich: I spoke with him last week. Lorenzo and Mark and Summit are producing. They approached me about it. I’d see the first one, which I liked and thought it was funny. I like working with them very much. They’re very good producers, they’re very hands-on, always around, really get their hands dirty which is not so normal.
From IGN:
"I was never a fanatical movie person," [John Malkovich] told us. "There are many popular films I love like anyone else. Having said that, I'm not someone… I don't have time to go to the movies very much. I work [on] a lot of different things; I'm always busy. But I'm always happy to see a popular movie. … I'd seen the first [Transformers], which I liked and thought it was funny."
Information wise, not a whole lot of information. I get the sneaking suspicion that John's role is like Rainn Wilson's in the Revenge of the Fallen, essentially a cameo appearance to provide a few moments of levity.


  1. Martinus Prime4/19/2010 5:24 PM

    I don't think it's a cameo like Rainn Wilson, if "he's going to have a lot of interaction with Shia".
    Not very informative, but sounds nice.

  2. interesting.............. :)

  3. I kind of agree that Malkovich won't have much of a role. But at least he is prepared to give his all (classic professionalism) and at the same time does not snub M.Bay's films or most other films like some celebrities would do.

    Wishing him all the best.

  4. Oh yeah! Thats what tf3 needs! More "fun" characters.

  5. i´m pretty sure that a "classic" actor like john malcovich would not do every shit for money. from that point of view, i think that there is more to his role than a little cameo and stupid chatter with shia..... he thinks very carefully about his roles, that´s why he´s in rarely any movies;)
